My Antonia Flashcards
- make links as we go through to Gatsby/ Grapes
what are 4 key themes in My Antonia? - try to link with Gatsby / Grapes
Man vs Nature, Class, Individual against Society, Immigrant struggle,
Gap fill “B__ W_______ D_____ “ (links to Gatsby’s “extraordinary gift for hope”)
“big western dreams”
How is Antonia described in the introduction?
“restless headstrong girl”
What context point could the quotation “try our fortunes in a new world” link to?
Ideas of ‘Manifest Destiny’ - over the mid/late 1800s large scale migration west of pioneers or homesteaders
what description of grandma in chapter 1 could link with Ma Joad as the “citadel of the family”?
“a strong woman of unusual endurance”
what quotation about krajek demonstrates the shimerdas vulnerability “c____ t____ t____ a_________ h_ c_____”
“could tell them anything he chose”
what year was the homestead act passed, which gave away free land to pioneers who would cultivate it?
how is Pavel and Peter’s harmonica described, and how could we link this to Gatsby?
“gaudily painted” - Gatsby’s parties are over the top - guests described as “gaudy”
how is Antonia’s desire to give Jim her ring and her father’s desire to give away his gun reminiscient of ideas about poor people explored in Grapes?
Ma Joad exclaims that poor people are “the only ones that will help” - theme of community
Quotation about stars/fate?
“dusty superstition that these shining groups have their influence upon what is and what is not to be”
quote about community - demonstrates turning away from the old puritan work ethic
“how easily good christian people could forget they were their brother’s keepers”
Jim describes the landscape as “the stuff out of which…..
…….countries are made”
How are the family described after Mr Shimerda’s death? links to idea of reliance on a man in Grapes
“in great distress”
Quote to show the immigrant struggle, could link to class in Gatsby or in Grapes
“If I live here, like you, that is different. Things will be easy for you. But they will be hard for us”
How are foreigners described
“ignorant people who couldn’t speak english”
What are the country girls to the social order?
“a menace”
“My Grandmother always spoke…..
……in a very loud tone to foreigners, as if they were deaf”
What are the names of the 2 theories that can be used to describe American culture after immigration?
cultural pluralism/ salad bowl
melting pot
What is the meaning of epigraph optima prima fugit?
the best days are the first to flee
Why does Churchwell suggest the Aeneid was selected for the epigraph of My Antonia?
It represents the building of the Roman Empire - Jim sees the strength in building homes
Virgil’s Georgics focus on agricultural ideal - (et arcadia ego)