Grapes of Wrath 2 Flashcards
What did Steinbeck undertake in 1937 which enhanced his understanding of the immigrant experience?
a journey from Oklahoma to California
What happened in October 1929 which contributed to The Great Depression?
The Wall Street Crash
What years were the wars of The Great Plains?
1860-67 - demonstrated American expansionism and colonialism
Quote from interchapter 5 which demonstrates the question of land ownership?
“you have to get off the land” “Grampa killed indians” “Pa was born here and killed snakes and weeds”
What caused the dust bowl?
intensive farming and poor land management
Who is the first character explored in Grapes? + quote
THE LAND! “To the red country and part of the gray country, the last rains came gently and they did not cut the scarred earth”
Quote from IC 11 describing a tractor which demonstrates Steinbeck’s objection to industrial agriculture?
“the heat goes out of it like the living heat that leaves a corpse” compares to a horses “life” and “vitality”
Who was the third president of the United States?
Thomas Jefferson
What did Jefferson champion in his 1783 book ‘Notes on the state of Virginia’?
Agrarian economy
What did Southern agrarians publish in the 1930s which opposed industrialised agriculture?
I’ll take my stand’
Character and quote that embodies an inability adapt to the changing south
Muley Graves “graveyard ghost”
Character that demonstrates the impurity of Gospel of Wealth ideas
Connie - abandons pregnant wife for lure of economic success
Quote from IC 5 that shows changing nature of agriculture since the initial colonisation of the frontier”
“can’t make a living off the land unless you’ve got two, five, ten thousand acres and a tractor”
Quote form IC 19 that demonstrates the clinical nature of agriculture
How did the Marxist critic David Harvey describe capitalism in 2017?
“an offence against humanity that human history, if it survives that long, will regard severely”
Personification of cars description in IC 12?
“cars limping along the road like wounded things”
How can we link Ayn Rands novella ‘Anthem’ be linked to grapes?
depicted journey from we to I favoured individualism (opposite in GOW)
Quote from Casy demonstrates transcendentalist ideas
“human sperit” “maybe all men got one big soul thay everybody a part of”
Quote from Tom to show innocence to awareness (chapter 20)
“but now I know a fella aint no good alone”
What did Ralph Waldo Emerson publish in 1841 which embodied transcendentalist ideas? + quote
‘The Oversoul’ “within man is the soul of the whole”
The quality of owning freezes you forever into “I”….
……and cuts you off forever from the “we”
What did Chomsky publish in 1999 that examined world economics and criticised neoliberalism (free market capitalism)?
“Profit over People”
Casy quote demonstrating the futility of wealth
“If he’s poor in hisself, aint no million acres gonna make him feel rich”
Tom accuses the truck driver of “working against
his own people” - demonstrates how in the face of adversity, individualism rises over transcendentalist thought
Franz Eugene Cruz on the American Dream
the “sad irony” of the destruction of dreams in Grapes
Published in 1936 by USA Communist Society
‘What is Communism?
Jenn Williamson commends
Steinbeck’s “literary realism” and rejection of the trope American Dream
Susan Shillinglaw on the portrayal of Ma
“fervent believer, not a pushover”
Idea of metal symbolism in Grapes
“Ma’s “steel grey hair” could draw comparison with Daisy as the “golden girl”
Describe the store owners behaviour towards Ma
teases her with things she can’t afford - establishes power play - “laughing delightedly”
muscles aching to work
minds aching to create….this is man
The Grapes of Wrath are growing heavy
heavy for the vintage
The Women and Children knew deep in themselves that no misfortune was too great to bear if…
their men were whole
Why Tom, we’re the peoplr that live…
…They ain’t gonna wipe us out
worse off we get….
…..the more we got to do
Whereever there’s a fight so
hungry people can eat, I’ll be there
the house was dead, and the fields were dead, but the truck was
the active thing….the new hearth, the living center of the family
only means to destroy revolt were considered
while the causes of the revolt went on
men who have created new fruits
of the world cannot create a system whereby the fruits may be eaten…. the failure hangs over the state like a great sorrow
children must die
because a profit cannot be taken from an orange
Dias on Feminism and Ma
she represents the ideal universal mother, because she not only nurtures her children, but those who are in need