Gatsby 2 Flashcards
What poem published in 1922 does the valley of ashes setting reflect?
T S Eliot’s The Wasteland
Which mid western American president embodies TAD?
Chapter 4 - hurried the phrase he….
…..was educated at Oxford
C 4 - He looked at me sideways, and…..
……I knew why Jordan Baker had thought he was lying”
what sort of narrative does Gatsby have?
pluralistic narrative - many different characters beliefs/ stories shape the narrative
C 9 rid off my…..
…….provincial squeamishness forever - innocence to awareness
C 9 huge incoherent……
…….failure of a house
C 9 quote that demonstrates the innocence to awareness of Nick
“inessential house”
C 9 “fresh, green breast of…..
……the new world” - America is female the dreamers are male - Fetterley
Yanhong Fan on community
(on Jim Casy) “His messages considerably broaden man’s sense of spiritual community.”
Blades on the Pioneer spirit
The novel picks apart the willful optimism of the pioneer and questions the limits of individualism
Motley on feminism in Grapes
The Joads family shifts from a predominantly patriachal structure to a matriachal one
What was brought in following the 18th Amendment to the USA constitution
simultaneously fascinating
and repulsive
T J Eckleberg
chipped paint and decay represent loss of focus on relationship with God (Age of Enlightment)
Deus Abscondi
How/ why was the prohibition reversed?
1932 - 21st Amendment
lure of jobs that the liquore industry would create in the midst of Economic Depression
Gatsby’s car is described as a
‘circus wagon’
his count of enchanted objects
had diminished by one
‘this fella’s a
regular Belasco’ - Gatsby is putting on an act/ imitating old money tradition
‘what thoroughness, what realism’
foul dust
floated in the wake of his dreams
Tom Buchanan
‘dominant race’ - white supremacist
‘broke her nose’
Myrtle key quotes
dog is an ‘indeterminate breed’ - like Myrtle who is poor but attempts to convey wealth
‘cream’ ‘costume’
Jordan Baker
‘incurably dishonest’
‘balancing girl’
‘young cadet’
writer harnesses readers intuition
creates imagery
Americans, although willing to be serfs
have always been obsinate about peasentry
- despite social mobility in America, they still judge the poor
Gatsby’s house had a ‘feudel
sillhoette - despite being wealthy, Gatsby remains in the shadow of old money
Doctor T J Eckleberg’s eyes are ‘dimmed a little
by many paintless days’
Nick on his family - ‘I was a guide
a path finder and original settler
life if much more successfully
looked at from a single window after all - implicit criticism of Gatsby’s infatuation with Daisy
George Wilson
‘faded’ voice
‘blond, spiritless man, anaemic and faintly handsome’