DOM quotes Flashcards
Bosolo on the Brother’s Act 1, Scene 1 Themes (Morality, Ethics, Society, Corruption) Analysis: the brothers hoard their wealth and stop the natural process of regeneration but it is un-clear if ‘just’ rule is the way of the world or if the world favours corruption
“He and his brother are like plum trees that grow stagnant over standing pools: they are rich and o’erladen with fruit, but none but crows, pies and caterpillars feed on them.”
Antonio’s metaphor for the perfect court Act 1, Scene 1 AO3: Webster purposefully distances the play from James’ court through history and setting, therefore managing to capture the political realities of the day through his presentation of a court riven with favouritism, fractionalise, betrayal and intrigue Themes: (Power, Society, Corruption)
“A prince’s court is like a common fountain, whence should flow pure silver drops in general, but if’t chance some curses example poison’t near the head. Death and disease through the whole land spread”
Bosola Act 1, Scene 1 AO3: The Renaissance was a time where the old feudal system of allegiance and David was passing over to a system of employment and service ; Bosola sees ‘virtue’ in commodity, a form of exchangeable labour for which he should be rewarded
“Miserable age where only the reward of doing well is the doing of it”
Bosola Act 3, Scene 2 Themes (Morality, Ambition, Ethics)
“Can this ambitious age have so much goodness in’t as to prefer a man merely for worth, without these shadows wealth and painted honours?”
Metaphor in 1.1 about the court
“common fountain” - sin stems from the top of the hierarchy
1.1 quote supports Machiavellian principles (Bosola)
“The only reward for doing well is the doing of it”
Quote from 1.1 showing the virtuosity/ purity of the wedding ( prelapsarian)
“peaceful marriage”
Quote from 2.1 which parallels with Eve eating the fruit in Paradise Lost
“How greedily she eats”
Quote from 2.1 which could demonstrates the Duchess’ fall from grace
“I fear I am undone”
Quote from 2.5 demonstrating Ferdinand’s underlying jealously/ desire
“till of her bleeding heart I make a sponge”
2.5 showing post lapsarian sex is impure and sinful
“Shameful act of sin”
quote in 3.1 which is the Duchess’s Perepetia
“Tis rumoured she hath had three bastards”
3.2 quote to show female stoicism - link to Elizabeth I
“For know if I am doomed to live or die, I can do both like a prince”
3.2 - parallels Ferdinand with Satan (serpent)
“Yes if I could change eyes with a basilisk”
3.2 quote to show uncertainty/ dread
“as if a mine beneath my feet were ready to be blown up”
3.5 symbol of coronet of state jewels that represent death - foreshadowing
“all the diamonds were changed to pearls”
4.1 - shows the Duchess’ stoicism
4.2 shows that the Duchess has broken
“I’ll go pray, no I’ll go curse”
4.2 birdcage imagery
“The robin redbreast and the nightingale never live long in cages”
What scene does the Duchess proclaim “I am Duchess of Malfi still” and what does this show?
4.2 - stoicism