The First Duma (‘duma Of National Hopes’)- May-july 1906 Flashcards
Who was the first duma boycotted by?
The bolsheviks, SRs and the extreme right wing union of the Russian people
The first duma was overwhelmingly radical-liberal in composition with how many of the new deputies coming from peasantry?
A third of new deputies
The first duma was strongly critical of?
The tsar and his ministers and this brought about witte’s resignation
Who was witte replaced by?
Ivan Goremykin,an old-fashioned conservative
When did the duma meet in its new home, the taurine palace
In April 1906
Despite the bias in the electoral system towards the upper classes, who had won the most seats?
The kadets - over 182 out of 448
The second largest party was the left truroviks with how many seats?
107 sests
The trudoviks (labourists)
A loose grouping whose main aim was agrarian reform
-consisted mainly of deputies representing the peasants because the SRs had boycotted the elections
What did the kadets demand?
Demanded that the powers of the duma should be increased and elections should be universal and secret
- also wanted guarantees of free speech and assembled
What did the duma pass?
An ‘address to the throne’
What did the duma request in its ‘address to the throne’
- a political amnesty
- abolition of the state council
- transfer of ministerial responsibility to the duma
-compulsory seizure of the lands of the gentry without compensation
Duma also requested the abandonment of?
The emergency laws
Abolition of the death penalty
Reform of the civil service
The tsar was horrified by the hostility and lack of respect so he did what to the Dumas.?
Dissolved the Dumas - which he now considered unworkable
ten weeks later, the duma was dissolved and Goremykin was replaced as prime minister by?
Pyotr Stolypin = had even stronger ‘hard line’ reputation
what happened as a result?
200 delegates traveled to the Finnish town of Vyborg and issued an appeal to citizens to refuse to pay taxes or do military service in protest against heavy-hand action
-authorities stepped in, imprisoned leaders + disenfranchised those who signed appeal