Bloody Sunday 9 January 1905 Flashcards
after s long siege the Russian forces in port Arthur surrendered to the Japanese when
On 20th December
Humiliation added to the growing discontent - what happened on 3 January 1905
Strike began at Putilov iron works in st Petersburg which soon involved 150,000 workers
9th January
Father Gapon led a peaceful March of about 20,000 workers to the winter palace with a petition demanding improved working conditions and political reform
-troops fired on the marchers,leading to over a hundred deaths
-Nicholas II later told the workers representatives that they had been misguided and should return to work
How many troops were used to break up the demonstration
12,000 troops
Around how many unarmed workers and their families marched on 9 January
Around 150,000
What did the day become known as
‘Bloody Sunday’ - sparked an outbreak of rebellion , which spread through the empire
4th February
Grand duke Sergei Alexandrovich, Nicholas’s uncle and governor-general of Moscow was assassinated
Due to the event on 4 February what did this mean?
Nicholas finally agreed to meet the workers representatives at Tsarskoe Selo
March (all dates in 1905)
An ‘all Russian union of railway workers was established and soviets of elected factory workers were formed to co-ordinate strikes
Naval mutiny on the battleship Potemkin
-in Odessa, authorities tried to disperse sympathetic crowds, killing more than 2000
Peasants rioted and a ‘peasant union’ was formed
6 august
Nicholas promised a restricted state duma, which revolutionaries regarded as too weak
23 September
A printers strike in Moscow spread to st Petersburg and other cities, creating a general strike in October
How many killed
Around 130
How many seriously wounded
Around 300
Reaction to Bloody Sunday (dramatic)
By end of January over 400,000 people were out on strike