The Fiat of Creation – Days One & Two Flashcards
Elohim (1st Day)
Gen. 1:1-5 “In the beginning God (Elohim) created the heaven & the earth.”
conveys both unity of one God & allows for the plurality of person
Heaven (1st day)
Heb. “Shamayim” means simply stretched out space or there in it. (2nd heaven)
Earth (1st day)
Heb. “Erets” means earth, dirt, land or figuratively matter.
Light (1st day)
Heb. “Owr” means light or luminary (power like lightning or energy).
•The light created here seems to include the entire electromagnetic spectrum from short wave gamma rays to long wave radio waves.
Morning (1st day)
Heb. “Boqer” בקר dawn, or the break of day, morning
Evening (1st day)
Heb. “Ereb” dusk or evening
First (1st day)
Heb. “Echad” one, first
Day (1st day)
Heb. “Yom” is singular and literally means a period of light, sunrise to sunset.
–The Hebrew words for a long period of time are “Olam” & “Qedem” and neither of these words are used in Genesis 1.
Night (1st day)
Heb. “Laylah” means night or literally a twisting away from the light.
•This twisting movement sets the universe in motion which begins time as we know it here on Earth
2nd day of creation God
creates an Earthly environment for the next part of his creation
God creates a firmament in the heavens – what does this refer to? (Gen. 7:11)
Heb. “Raqiya” literally means an expanse of plates or broad plates.
•This may have been a vapor canopy or cloud covering or ice crystal canopy over the Earth. Similar to our ozone layer but thicker. It separates 2nd heaven (space) from the 1st heaven (the sky), third heaven.
•What would this canopy do to Earth?
It would filter out Gamma Rays, x-Rays ultraviolet rays which slows the decay rate.
•Slow decay rate would increase the size & life spans of all animal species.
•A greenhouse effect all over the Earth similar to a terrarium
Effects of the Firmament
- Global moderate climate
- Continual growing seasons
- Universal lush vegetation all over the Earth
- No Changing Seasons (No winter) or storms
- No deserts or ice wastelands
- No rain, dew would water the Earth each morning.
- This shielding would inhibit the formation of radioactive carbon which changes carbon dating.
- Venus is shielded by a vapor so dense we can’t see through it to the surface
- Saturn’s moon Titan has a vapor canopy
Natural Law teaches
“ex nihilo nihil fit” Latin for “out of nothing, nothing comes”