The existence of God and revelation Flashcards
what are the three arguments for the existence of God?
- the Design Argument
- the First Cause/Cosmological Argument
- the Argument from Miracles
what is the Design Argument?
the argument that because everything is so intricately made it must have been created by God
what is the Muslim design argument?
- God created humans to serve him - they are in charge of creation
- the world is so well ordered and balanced to sustain life - beautiful + has so many complex, independent parts that make up a whole
- must have been designed - only God can do this
what is William Paley’s Design argument?
- the workings of a watch are so intricate that the must have been designed and made by a watchmaker - not by accident
- similarly the universe is so complex and intricate that it must have been designed and made
- it must have been a work of God
what is Isaac Newton’s Design argument?
- the opposable thumb is only on humans and some primates
- it allows precise and delicate movement and allows us to do things like tying a shoelace or writing with a pen
- this is sufficient evidence of design which could have only been achieved by God
what is Thomas Aquinas’s Design argument?
- only an intelligent being could keep everything in the universe in regular order
- the fact planets rotate in the solar system without colliding is because of God
what is F. R. Tennant’s Design argument?
- since everything was just right for humans to develop, the world must have been designed by God
- strength of gravity was just right - if force and speed of Big Bang explosion was slightly different, life wouldn’t have developed on earth
what are the objects to the Design argument?
- natural selection happens by chance - species design themselves through evolution not designer God
- suffering - a good God would not have designed and allowed bad things like evil and natural disasters
- order of the universe makes it look like it is designed but actually order and structure in nature is imposed by humans
what is the First Cause argument?
it states that there has to be an uncaused cause that made everything else happen
what is the chain of reasoning for the First Cause argument?
- everything that exists has a cause to explain it’s existence
- as the universe exists and had a beginning, it too must have a cause
- there must be something eternal existing with no cause to cause everything else to exist
- eternal first cause must be God
- this means God must exist
what is Thomas Aquinas’s First Cause argument?
- everything in the universe is caused to exist - nothing an become something by itself
- as everything we see is caused to exist, including the universe, it must have a creator
- the uncaused cause of creation can only be God, who is eternal
what is the Kalam cosmological argument?
- set out by 11th century Muslim philosophers
- the difference between the universe and God is that the universe has a starting point, God doesn’t
- everything that has a starting point has a cause for existence
- the cause of the universe is God who is eternal and doesn’t need a cause to exist
what are some objections to the First Cause argument?
- if everything that exists has a cause, what caused God?
- if God is eternal the universe can be eternal too
- the idea that everything has a cause doesn’t necessarily mean the universe has to have a cause too
- the Big Bang was a random event - nothing to do with God
- religious creation stories are myths - they tell spiritual truths, not actual truths
what are miracles?
seemingly impossible events that cannot be explained by the laws of science or nature
example: someone recovering from an illness when doctors had given up all hope
why are miracles important?
God shows his love through them and a believer’s faith is strengthened
what do theists argue about miracles?
- no scientific reason for event happening so must be caused by something outside nature
- God is the only thing outside nature
- these events must be the result of God’s intervention in the world
- therefore God must exist
what do atheists and agnostic argue about miracles?
- miracles are no more than happy coincidence
- they may be explained by scientific explanations we don’t realise yet
- healing- mind over matter or wrong diagnosis
- some miracles might be made up for money and fame
- therefore miracles might not have anything to do with God so can’t prove God exists
what is David Hume’s argument against miracles?
- there can never be enough evidence to prove that miracles can happen
- witnesses to miracles are unreliable - primitive + uneducated
- religions depend on miracles to prove they are right but all religions can’t be right
why do some theists object against miracles?
They make God seem unfair - why would God choose to benefit one person over millions who aren’t so fortunate - an all-just and all-loving God wouldn’t do that
how do Christians respond to miracles?
- evidence of God’s existence and work in the world - many converting to Christianity after a miracle is proof
- Jesus did many miracles - healings, bringing dead back to life, etc.
- most important miracles in Christian teaching = Jesus’s incarnation + resurrection
- Lourdes is recognised by the church as a place where miracles have happened - 69 confirmed by Catholic church
how do Muslims respond to miracles?
- it isn’t a strong argument for God - few modern examples
- supreme miracle = revelation of Qur’an to Muhammad - no human could write such a book without God’s intervention
- most miracles aren’t important - religious experiences are individual cases
- Muhammad’s ascent into heaven (Al-Mi’raj) can be seen as a miraculous religious experience
what are the 2 types of revelation?
- general revelation
- special revelation
what is general revelation?
- God making himself known through ordinary experiences
- available to everyone
- we use reason to make logical assertions based on the information available
what are some forms of general revelation?
- God’s presence in nature
- Worship and reading scriptures
- the lives of religious leaders close to God
- a person’s reason, conscience or morality
how is nature a way of understanding the divine? (general revelation)
- Christians + Muslims believe God is revealed through the beauty of the world he created
- the power of storms and the sea, the wonder of a newborn baby, the order of nature
- may lead to awe and wonder at his power to create and destroy
key Bible quote on general revelation through nature?
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands… night after night they reveal knowledge” - Psalm 19:1-2
key Qur’an quote on general revelation through nature?
“It is He who spread out the earth, placed firm mountains and rivers on it and made two of every kind of fruit… There are truly signs in this for people who reflect” - Qur’an 13:3
what do atheists believe about nature as a form of general revelation?
- they are not divine
- an omnibenevolent God wouldn’t destroy his creation
- observing nature doesn’t provide greater understanding of God but it can lead to greater scientific truth
What do Christians believe about Scripture as a way of understanding the divine?
- some - Bible contains God’s actual words and just not be changed or questioned
- more liberal - Bible was inspired by God - can be interpreted differently by applying in original context and today’s world
- words of the Bible give better understanding of Christian teachings + spiritual strength from God’s words
What do Muslims believe about Scripture as a way of understanding the divine?
- Qur’an = actual word of God revealed to Muhammad
- readers can feel God’s presence in the words because they have hidden depths
- power of the words is so strong people come to believe in the faith just by reading/hearing them
Key Qur’an quote on Scripture as a form of general revelation?
“This is the Scripture in which there is no doubt, containing guidance for those who are mindful of God” - Qur’an 2:2
What might an atheist say about Scripture as a form of general revelation?
- writings in the Scripture are author’s opinion
- the words reveal nothing about God
What is special revelation?
It is God making himself known through direct personal experience. It has a profound effect on those involved and can be life changing
What is ultimate reality?
The fundamental, final and supreme power in all reality that is eternal and unchanging
What is the divine?
God, gods or ultimate reality
What are some types of special revelation?
- heeding God’s call
- dream
- vision
- prophecy
- miracle
- can lead to conversion experience
What do Christians believe about special revelation?
- rare - many believe in God without experiencing it
- examples: the annunciation, the visions of St Paul (all recorded in Bible)
What do Muslims believe about special revelation?
- main example: revelation of Qur’an to Muhammad
- some argue there is no special revelation, only divine revelation
- dreams, visions + miracles gain nearness to God but aren’t divine revelation
- angels are spiritual experience - neither prophets nor messengers
What is divine revelation? (Muslim)
only given to prophets + messengers - Muhammad was the last
What is a vision?
- involves seeing something about the nature of God
- Christians + Muslims - spiritual experience with lots of meaning
- both study reports of visions carefully - reject if against Bible/Qur’an
What is an example of a vision in Christianity?
- Saul’s vision on the Damascus Road (Acts 9:1-9)
- experienced a blinding light and Jesus spoke to him
- effect: changed his name to Paul, got baptised, committed to Christian faith (before he persecuted them)
What do atheists think of visions as forms of special revelation?
They can be explained by sleep deprivation or drug use
What is enlightenment?
The gaining of true knowledge about God or self, usually through self discipline and meditation
What do Buddhists, Sikhs and Hindus believe about enlightenment?
- seek through prayer, meditation and following a religious life.
- hope to end suffering by escaping the cycle of birth, death and rebirth
What are some ideas about God in Christianity and Islam?
- omnipotent - all powerful
- omniscient - all knowing and aware of everything
- omnibenevolent - all loving
- personal
- impersonal
- transcendent
- immanent
What does ‘personal’ mean?
- the idea God has human characteristics like being merciful and compassionate
- relationship with God possible through prayer
What does ‘impersonal’ mean?
the idea God has no human characteristics, is unknowable and lore like a force
What does ‘immanent’ mean?
- God is present in and is involved with life in the universe
- people can experience God in life as he influences events
What does ‘transcendent’ mean?
- God is beyond and outside life on earth
He is not limited by the world, space or time
God existed before universe was made = he’s separate from it - doesn’t act in the world or interfere in people’s lives
Key Qur’an quote on God being immanent?
“he is with you wherever you are” - Qur’an 7:180
Bible quote about God being omniscient?
“You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar” - Psalm 139:1-2
Bible quote about God being immanent/omniscient?
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but shall have eternal life” - John 3:16
describe the conversion experience of Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam?
- raised in a Christian family
- became a famous singer and songwriter in the 60s and 70s
- used drugs and alcohol and got hospitalised
- his brother gave him a Qur’an while he was in hospital which he studied carefully
- led to revelation - he became Muslim, changed his name to Yusuf Islam, gave up his music career and worked lots in the Muslim community
describe the conversion experience of Nicky Cruz?
- gang leader in New York in the 50s
- led a life of violence and crime until he met a street preacher who converted him - the street preacher listened to him for the first time in his life
- he eventually became a minister in the neighbourhood he terrorised before
what do theists think of revelation and enlightenment?
- it is proof of God’s existence
- helps start a religion
- enables believers to have a relationship with the divine
- help people now how god wants them to live
- can have such an impact on those that receive it that they change their way of religious thinking completely
how do religious believers know if revelation is real?
- unlikely of there are ridiculous claims like flying but if it claims things like healing water at a holy place, this is more likely to be real revelation
- unlikely if it contradicts long-held religious beliefs but beliefs change over time (eg. slavery) so isn’t always true
- if there is conversion then it probably is true
why do different religions have different revelations?
- they are different paths to the divine chosen by different people
- within the faith there are different interpretations of sacred texts and their application to moral issues
- if the interpretations disagree it is probably kinda questionable
what are some alternative explanations for revelation experiences?
- drugs or alcohol influence
- wishful thinking
- genuine error
- physical or mental illness
- deliberate lying for fame/money
how do athiests believe that science contradicts the existence of God?
- religious beliefs were made by people who wanted answers to questions like the origins of the universe but couldn’t find any explanation for them
- science can now answer those questions without God
- in the future science will answer all the unanswered questions without God
- Science getting closer to producing human life shows God doesn’t exist
how do Christians and Muslims respond to arguments against God from science?
- scientific accounts of how life started don’t have to conflict with what the Qur’an or Bible says
- God gave humans intelligence to learn more about his creation so they should do so
- science reveals to laws God used to create the universe
- some Christians reject the theory of evolution because they take Genesis 1 literally and some Muslims because they think humans are a special creation of God
- science and faith work together to understand the meaning of life and doesn’t disprove God
- God created science along with everything else
Pope Francis quote on science and religion?
“The big bang … does not contradict the divine act of creation; rather it requires it”
Qur’an quote linking the Big Bang with religion?
“The heavens and the earth were joined together as one unit before we clove them asunder”
how do atheists believe that evil and suffering goes against God?
- Christians and Muslims believe God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent
- if this was true God should be aware of evil and use his powers to stop it because he loves his creation
- God doesn’t do this so he doesn’t exist
how do Muslims respond to the argument against God from evil and suffering?
- Adam had freewill to make choices from God
- if God constantly intervened against evil humans would have less freewill
- Shaytan is testing peoples faith and character through suffering - God won’t make people suffer more than they can bear
- God allows evil but doesn’t will it - allows it for reasons humans don’t know
Qur’an quote about God’s plan for humans involving evil as a test?
“The work of Satan … cannot harm believers in the least, unless God permits it. Let the believers put their trust in God” - Qur’an 58:10
What is the soul-making theodicy?
- proposed by St Irenaeus
- suffering is good - if we didn’t have it we would be spoilt and wouldn’t learn the value of good - it helps us develop character
- God wants us to learn through adversity - without it we wouldn’t learn how to do virtues like compassion, self sacrifice, bravery, etc.
what is the freewill defence?
- proposed by St Augustine
- God made the world wholly good but made humans free
- when we misuse freewill we make bad decisions and cause suffering
- in this world choices matter because they have consequences, otherwise they wouldn’t matter
why does suffering still happen?
- to help understand the value of doing good things because of the consequences
- for a purpose - eg. the Great Flood happened to cleanse the earth of sinners