Christian Practices Flashcards
What is worship?
The act of religious praise honour or devotion. It is a way for Christians to show their deep love and honour to God
Why do Christians worship?
- to praise God and thank God
- to ask for forgiveness
- to seek God’s help for themselves or others
- to deepen their relationship with God and strengthen their faith
What are the different types of worship?
- liturgical worship
- non-liturgical worship
- informal worship
- private worship
What is liturgical worship?
- a church service that follows a set structure or ritual, always in church
- examples: the Eucharist in the Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican church
Why is liturgical worship important?
- worldwide set order for worship passed down over the generations - traditions and familiarity
- Bible readings follow Christian calendar and teach history + faith
What is non-liturgical worship?
- A service that has no set order or ritual but often focus on the Bible
- examples: Methodist church, Baptist church
Why is non-liturgical worship important?
- services can be planned and ordered to suit a certain theme
- place emphasis on the Word of God
What is informal worship?
- it is a type of non-liturgical worship that is more spontaneous and charismatic
- examples: Quaker meetings, Pentecostal church
What is private worship?
- when believers praise or honour God in their own home
- examples: saying grace, praying before bed, praying before something important
What is prayer?
It is communicating with God, either silently or through words of praise, thanksgiving or confession or requests for God’s help or guidance
What are the 2 types of prayer Christians use?
- set prayers
- informal prayers
What are set prayers?
- they are prayers that have been written down and said more than once by more than one person
- example: the Lord’s Prayer
What are informal prayers and why are they helpful?
- they are prayers made up by an individual using his or her own words to communicate with God
- some find it easier to communicate with God using their own words
Why is prayer important?
- encourages reflection during a busy life
- give strength in times of trouble
- gives a sense of peace
- helps accept God’s will even if there is suffering
- helps keep a close relationship with God
- enables Christians to talk and listen to God
What are some examples of set prayers?
- the Lord’s Prayer
- the Prayer of St Francis
- the Prayer of Desmond Tutu
How is the Lord’s Prayer important?
- it’s the prayer Jesus taught his disciples
- it is a model of good prayer - combines praise with requests
- reminds to forgive others in order to be forgiven - prayer only works if people relationships are right
- God is the father of the whole Christian community - unity
- used regularly
What is a sacrament?
They are holy rituals through which believers receive a special gift of grace (free gift of God’s love)
(Some denominations acknowledge 7, others fewer)
What are the 7 sacraments?
- baptism
- confirmation
- holy communion
- marriage
- holy orders
- Reconciliation
- Anointing of the sick
Which churches acknowledge 7 sacraments?
Catholic + Orthodox church
Which churches acknowledge 2 sacraments?
Protestant churches - baptism and holy communion
Which churches don’t believe in sacraments?
Quakers and Salvation Army and others
How do sacraments help Christians?
- symbolic items carry more meaning than a literal statement or creed
- helps build community bonds in a place of worship
- time spent here is time to commune with God and build your relationship with him
Key quote on sacraments?
“believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved” - Acts 16:31
Key teaching about baptism?
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of God the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” - Matthew 28:19
What is baptism?
The ritual through which people become members of the church. It involves using water to symbolise washing away sin
What is the importance of baptism?
- imitates Jesus’s baptism by John the Baptist
- cleansed of sin
- becomes a member of the Christian church and starts a new life in Christ
- becomes a child of God
- receives Gods saving grace and the holy spirit
What are the two types of baptism?
- infant baptism
- believers baptism
What happens in infant baptism?
- catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Methodist and United Reformed Christians
- priest pours blessed water over child’s head - “I baptise you in the name of the father, and of the Son and of the Holy spirit”
- godparents and parents promise to raise child as a good Christian
- child is welcomed into Christian community
Why is infant baptism important?
- removes original sin (Catholic + Orthodox)
- child is welcomed into church as soon as possible
- parents can thank god for the baby and celebrate with family and friends
What is believer’s baptism?
- Baptists and Pentecostals
- person is fully immersed into a pool - cleansing from sin and rising to new life in Jesus
- person gives testimony of faith in Jesus
- baptised ‘in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’
Why is believer’s baptism important?
- people should be old enough to consciously make a mature decision about their faith
- decision to live a life dedicated to Jesus is what saves a person, not the baptism
What is the Sacrament of Holy Communion?
- aka Eucharist
- Sacrament that uses bread and wine to celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and his resurrection
Key quote on Holy Communion?
“This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me. This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me. For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” - 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
What do Catholics, Orthodox Christians and some Anglicans believe about Holy communion?
- bread and wine become the Jody and blood of Christ - transubstantiation
- Jesus is fully present in bread and wine
- divine mystery that helps believers share in the saving sacrifice of Jesus’s death + resurrection
What do Protestants believe about Holy Communion?
- reminder of the last Supper
- bread and wine are symbols of Jesus’s sacrifice, not actually his body and blood - consubstantiation
- helps believers reflect on it’s meaning today
How does Holy communion impact the individual?
- receive God’s grace by joining the sacrifice of Jesus
- strengthens faith
- become closer to God
- sins are forgiven - “This is the blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” - Last Supper (Bible)
How does Holy Communion impact communities?
- brings them together in unity to share the bread and wine
- provides support and encouragement for those struggling
How does Holy Communion impact wider society?
- Acts as a call to love others in practical ways
- encourages Christians to work for equality and justice for all
- churches collect money during the service to help those in need
How does the Orthodox church celebrate holy communion?
Divine Liturgy - Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Faithful
- hymns, prayers, Bible readings
- priest comes through royal doors to chant Gospel
- maybe Sermon
- priest gets bread and wine made by community
- prayers for church, local community and the world
- behind iconostasis (screen representing divide between heaven and earth) - premier recited words of Last Supper
- most bread is consecrated - Body and Blood of Christ
- priest gives it on a spoon
- prayers of Thanksgiving
- unconsecrated bread take home - sign of belonging to Christian community
How do Catholics and Anglicans celebrate Holy Communion?
Mass - Liturgy of the Word + Liturgy of the Eucharist
- 3 Bible readings, psalm, homily
- the Creed
- prayers for church, local community, the world, this sick and dead
- Anglican = sign of peace here
- bread and wine brought to altar
- priest says words of the Last Supper over bread and wine
- Lord’s Prayer
- Catholic = sign of peace here
- people receive bread and wine
- priest blesses people and sends them to live the Gospel
How does the United Reformed Church celebrate Holy Communion?
- hymn and prayer of praise and Thanksgiving
- Bible readings + Sermon
- prayers for the world and particular people’s needs
- minister repeats words and actions of the Last Supper
- open table - anyone who wants Holy Communion can have it
- bread cut before/broken and passed around by congregation
- wine can be non-alcoholic - distributed in small cups
- ending - prayer of Thanksgiving, blessing , encouragement to go out and serve God
What is a pilgrimage?
- a journey made by a believer to a holy site for religious reasons
- physical journey to the sacred place + a spiritual journey towards God
Why do Christians go on pilgrimage?
- to strengthen faith
- be forgiven from sin
- pray for something special
- seek cure for illness
- experience a holy place
- meet others of the same faith
- thank God for a blessing
How can pilgrimage impact a Christians life?
- gives better understanding of faith
- renew enthusiasm for Christian life
- see problems in a new light
- feel cleansed from sin
- get more connected to Christian community
- gives good feeling about helping disabled or ill pilgrims
What are 2 popular pilgrimage sites?
- Lourdes
- Iona
What is the significance of pilgrimage to Lourdes?
- a town in France
- where Mary appeared to St Bernadette
- Mary told her to dig the ground and a spring of water appeared there
- water is believed to have healing properties - miracles have happened here
What do pilgrims do in Lourdes?
- bathe in spring water or help other disabled/ill pilgrims bathe in waters
- pray for healing + forgiveness
- recite the rosary together
What is the significance of Iona?
- an island off the coast of Scotland
- St Columba established monastic community here in 6th Century AD
- now there is an ecumenical centre where pilgrims stay
What do pilgrims do in Iona?
- it is quiet, peaceful and naturally beautiful - pilgrims pray, read the Bible, reflect and meditate
- also attend services in abbey church, take part in workshops and visit holy + historic places here
Bible quote about pilgrimage?
“Faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead”
Key quote on Jesus during Christmas?
“the true light of the world” - Catholic midnight mass about Jesus
Key quote from Easter on Jesus?
“Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life” - traditional Orthodox hymn at Easter divine Liturgy
What is a festival and why are they important for Christians?
- festival = a day/period of celebrations for religious reasons
- importance: helps to remember and celebrate the major events of their religion - esp. life death + resurrection of Jesus Christ
What is the significance of Christmas?
It commemorates the incarnation of Jesus (God became human in Jesus) - starts on Christmas day and last 12 days until Epiphany (when the wise men came to see Jesus
What symbols do Christians use when celebrating Christmas?
- lights = Jesus is the light coming into the darkness
- nativity scenes = Jesus was born into poverty
- carol services + Bible reading = reminder of God’s promise of a saviour and events of Jesus’s birth
- Midnight mass = holiness of the night + joy of Jesus’s birth
- Christmas cards and gifts = wise men’s gifts to Jesus
- give to charity = God gave humanity the gift of his son Jesus
how do Christians celebrate Easter?
- Holy Week = remember the events leading up to the crucifixion inc. arrest and trial
- Good Friday = special services + procession led by someone carrying the cross
- Saturday night = special service to celebrate the resurrection - Orthodox processions with candles, Catholic + Anglican night vigil before lighting the Pascal candle to symbolise risen Christ
- Easter Sunday = flowers + special hymns in church - sunrise service and shared breakfast with eggs to symbolise new life
what is the difference between the Church and the church (capital vs lower case)?
- Church = holy people of God where Christ is present and active (aka the Body of Christ)
- church = building where Christians worship
how do individual churches help the local community?
- educate people about Christianity (eg. Bible study)
- meeting places for prayer and worship
- provide activities for younger people eg. youth clubs
- places where Christians can socialise and get spiritual guidance
how does the Church as a whole help the local community?
- support local projects eg.foodbanks
- give social services eg. schooling + medical care
- hep those in need
- campaign for justice
what is the Trussell Trust and how does it help the local community?
- charity based on Christian principles eg. Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
- runs over 400 foodbanks in the UK
- emergency food, help and support for people in crisis in the UK
- food donated by churches, supermarkets, school, business and individuals
- doctors, social workers and health visitors identify people in crisis and give them a food voucher
- aim to bring religious + non-religious together to end poverty and hunger
what is the mission statement of the Trussell Trust?
“We recognise that ending hunger is about more than just food. We support and encourage our food banks to provide compassionate, practical support to people in crisis to tackle the root causes that lock people into poverty and build people’s resilience so they are less likely to need a foodbank in the future”
what are Street Pastors and what do they do?
- initiative started in Brixton in 2003 by Christian charity The Ascension Trust
- adult volunteers are trained to patrol streets in urban areas - recognisable in their reflective blue uniform
- original aim was to tackle gang culture and knife crime in London - now expanded to respond to drunkenness, anti-social behaviour and fear of crime
- work closely with police and councils
- listen to people’s problems, advice on where to get help + discourage anti-social behaviour
- School Pastors set up in 2011 - discourage illegal drug use, bullying and anti-social behaviour in school
- They aren’t there to preach Christianity - they are there to provide a service
Bible quote about the Church being the body of Christ
“And God placed all things under his [Jesus’s] feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body” - Ephesians 1:22-23
why do Christians help others in the local community?
- Jesus taught that people should show agape love - unconditional love
- they believe it is important to put faith into action so give practical help to those who need it eg. Street Pastors
Bible quote on helping others
“Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” - James 2:17
what is mission?
The vocation or calling of a religious organisation or individual to go out into the world and spread Christianity - tell non-believers that Jesus Christ, the Son of God came into the world as its saviour
what is evangelism?
showing faith in Jesus by example or by telling others and spreading the Christian Gospel
Great Commission quote
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you” - Matthew 28:19-20
what is the importance of the Great Commission?
- Jesus told his disciples to spread the gospel and make disciples of all nations through baptism
- The Holy Spirit at Pentecost gave the disciples courage to do this
- all Christians have a duty to spread their faith but some become missionaries or evangelists )promote Christianity by preaching or charity work
- aims: persuade people to accept Jesus as their saviour and extend the church to all nations
What is the Alpha course?
- example of evangelism in the UK
- started in London by an Anglican priest for Church members to understand the basics of the faith
- now takes place in churches, homes, workplaces, universities and prisons
- now they aim to introduce the basics of Christianity for those who want to learn about it - inc. different denominations
- they give presentations with hot drinks and biscuits to make people feel welcome
- fulfills the duty of discipleship
- endorsed by Bear Grylls
What are missionaries and what do they do?
- they aim to spread the gospel through charity work
- normally happens in countries where Christianity is the minority religion/doesn’t exist
- examples of actions: building churches in Christian minority countries, introducing locals to Christianity + offering charity to the disadvantaged
- fulfills the duty of discipleship + charity
- eg. Mother Theresa
how is the Church changing?
- 500 new churches a day
- 80000 new Christians a day
- rapid growth in South America, Africa and Asia
- decline/slow growth in USA, Europe + Middle East
- Church mission is to create disciples, not just believers - new Christians are expected to help spread the faith
- evangelism should be followed up by training new converts in the ways of Christ
how can Christians spread the faith?
- advertise and use media eg. Facebook, Twitter or God TV
- praying for others to accept God
- sharing what God has done for them
- invite people to Christian meetings, fellowship meals and social events
- try Alpha courses
- voluntary/charity work
Key quote about Church growth?
“Praising God and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved” - Acts 2:47
What is Christ for all Nations and what does it do?
- Christian organisation promoting evangelism
- they hold evangelical meetings throughout the world, esp. Africa, in the Yellow Tent and then the Big Tent
- started by evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda
- some open-air rallies in Africa have had 1.6 million people attending them
- claims of miracles happening at the meetings
- CfaN claims 74 million people have filled in decision cards to follow Christ at their meetings
what is the importance of the worldwide Church?
- mission: restore people’s relationships with God and one another
- important for reconciliation (restoring harmony after relationships have broken down) through initiatives to develop peace and understanding
Why and how does the Christian church work for reconciliation?
- humans were reconciled to God through Jesus’s death + resurrection - helped restore relationship between God and humanity (broken by sin)
- Catholics - sacrament of reconciliation also helps restore relationship with God
- Matthew 5:23-24 - Christians should be reconciled to one another
- reconciliation is very important in the Church’s work - restore relationships between individuals or work for peace between different religious groups/nations in conflict
Bible quote about working for reconciliation?
“For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through he death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!” - Romans 5:10
what is the Corrymeela Community?
- brings together people from different backgrounds, faiths or political leanings
- meet at a residential centre in NI to build trust + move away from violence to work together constructively
What is the Community of the Cross of Nails
- formed after the bombing of Coventry CAthedral
- local Christians showed forgiveness for those responsible and cathedral became world centre for peace and reconciliation
- CCN works with partners in other countries to bring about peace and harmony