Religion, Peace And Conflict Flashcards
What is war?
Fighting between nations to resolve the issues between them
What are the 4 main beliefs about why war happens?
- forgiveness
- reconciliation
- peace
- justice
What are the beliefs about peace?
- an absence of conflict
- can be hard to achieve through war - aftermath = instability + resentment
- Christians + Muslims - seek inner peace and tranquility through prayer + meditation
- Prophet Isaiah - God will bring peace
- Qur’an - emphasises peace
What are the beliefs about Justice?
- what is right and fair according to the law - basis of many wars
- Isaiah - God, the ultimate judge, will establish justice
- linked to equality of opportunity - if more privileged parts are seen as cause of injustice, conflict can follow
- Islam - ‘The Just’ is one of the 99 names of Allah
What are the beliefs about forgiveness?
- pardoning someone for what they have done wrong - follows war
- the Lord’s Prayer - forgive others if you want to be forgiven
- Muslims + Christians - God offers forgiveness to all who ask in faith
- forgiveness doesn’t mean do nothing to right a wrong - it should follow conflict in order to avoid future conflict
What are the beliefs about reconciliation?
- restoring friendly relationships after war - should follow war
- conscious effort to rebuild damaged relationship
- important to prevent conflict
Key Bible quote about God being a good judge/justice?
“He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples” - Isaiah 2:4
Key Qur’an quote on peace?
“The servants of the Lord of Mercy are those who walk humbly on earth, and who, when aggressive people address them, reply with words of peace” - Qur’an 25:63
What do Christians believe about war?
- killing is wrong, but many Christians prepared to fight for their faith/country
- some like Quakers believe war is always wrong and work to prevent it - pacifists
What do Muslims believe about war?
- Islam = peace (salam means peace or safety)
- fighting in self defence/defence of faith can be justified but fighting without just cause is against the will of God and Muslim teachings
what are some reasons for war?
- greed - selfish desire for something
- self-defence - acting to prevent harm to yourself or others
- retaliation - deliberately harming someone in response to them harming you
why do countries start wars because of greed?
- to gain more land/regain land previously lost
- to control important resources like oil
- to deprive the enemy of their main source of income
why do countries start wars because of self-defence?
- to defend the country against invasion/defend allies under threat
- to defend values, beliefs and ways of life
- to defeat evil eg. genocide
why do countries start wars because of retaliation?
- to fight against a country that has done something very wrong
- to fight against a country that has attacked/damaged your country
key Bible + Qur’an quotes about greed?
- Bible: “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” - 1 Timothy 6:10
- Qur’an: “God does not like arrogant, boastful people, who are miserly… hiding the bounty God has given them” - Qur’an 4:36-37
key Bible + Qur’an quotes about self-defence?
- Bible: “Do not repay anyone evil for evil… If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” - Romans 12:17-19
- Qur’an: “Those who have been attacked are permitted to take up arms because they have been wronged - God has the power to help them” - Qur’an 22:39
key Bible + Qur’an quotes about retaliation?
- Bible: “Do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also” - Matthew 5:39
- Qur’an: “saves lives for you and may guard yourselves” - Qur’an
what are nuclear weapons?
they are weapons that work by a nuclear reaction - they devastate huge areas and kill large numbers of people
when were nuclear bombs last used?
- in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by US forces during WW2
- 140000 died in Hiroshima alone
- Japan surrendered and that ended the war - justifiable?
- since then many countries have developed nuclear weapons as a deterrent (to prevent attack)
what are 2 types of weapons of mass destruction?
- chemical weapons - use chemicals that poison, burn or paralyse humans + destroy the environment
- biological weapons - release living organisms/infective material that can lead to disease or death
can chemical weapons be used?
- Chemical Weapons Convention (1993) - production, stockpiling + use of these weapons is illegal worldwide
- thought to have been used in Iraq and Syria
can biological weapons be used?
they are illegal but many countries have them
what are Christian beliefs on nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction?
- only God has the right to end life
- all kill lots of innocent civilians so their use can never be justified
- “eye for an eye” can justify war but not weapons of mas destruction
- some - nuclear weapons possession is a deterrent - maintains peace + prevents attack
key Bible quote on nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction?
“You shall not murder” - Exodus 20:13
key Qur’an quotes on nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction?
- “Do not contribute to your destruction with your own hands but do good, for God loves those who do good” - Qur’an 2:195
- “Fight in God’s cause against those who fight you, but do not overstep the limits; God does not love those who overstep the limits” - Qur’an 2:190
what are Muslim beliefs on nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction?
- God created all life on earth - Muslim duty to care + preserve it
- nuclear weapons would destroy God’s creation + kill millions of people
- some - nuclear weapons possession is deterrent to maintain peace + prevent attack
Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament key facts?
- linked to Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- supports Abolition 2000 - signed agreement committing the world to eliminate nuclear weapons to a fixed timetable
- newsletters, events to raise awareness, promote need to pray for peace and nuclear disarmament
what is Lesser Jihad?
the outward struggle to defend one’s faith, family and country of threats - obliges Muslims to fight under certain conditions
what are the rules in Islam for when a war should be fought? (devised by Abu Bakr)
- war is last resort after diplomacy has failed
- must be as self-defence from aggression from others
- decision to fight made by appropriate religious leader
- to protect, not to gain territory - just cause
- can join a conflict to help another Muslim nation under threat
- when Muslims are tyrannized in another place
what are the rules in Islam for how a war should be fought?
- no treachery/going astray from the right path
- no mutilation of dead bodies
- children, women + old men should be spared
- fruit bearing trees shouldn’t be harmed
- animals killed only for food
- devout religious not to be harmed
what is just war?
a war which meets the internationally accepted criteria for fairness, following traditional Christian rules, now widely accepted - developed by Augustine and Thomas Aquinas
what are the rules about what makes a war just? (jus ad bellum)
- be fought for a just cause - self-defence/to defend others
- be declared by proper legal authority
- have a just intention - promote good/defeat wrongdoing
- be a last resort
- have reasonable chance of success - good must outweigh evil of war
- be proportional - don’t use excessive force
what are the rules about how just war must be fought? (jus in bello)
- distinction - innocent + civilians must not be harmed
- proportionality - force should be appropriate + proportional to force from enemy
- Necessity - force should be used to secure military advantage
key Qur’an quote on violence?
“Do not take life that God has made sacred” - Qur’an
“Do not kill each other, for God is merciful to you” - Qur’an 4:29
key Bible quote on violence?
“Thou shalt not kill” - Bible
“Love you neighbour” - Bible
what does UK law say about protest?
- protest is a fundamental democratic freedom
- an be in public
- peaceful marches can happen if police are informed 6 days earlier to prevent violence from it
What do Christians and Muslims believe about violence and protest?
- Christians - protest to achieve what is right is ok as long as it isn’t violent - eg. Mratin Luther King Jr protested against unjust racial laws
- Islam - fighting is only allowed in self defence/defence of the faith if someone is actively fighting against you
- no faith promotes violence but have teachings where it is justified
Qur’an quote on violence and killing people?
“Do not kill each other, for God is merciful to you. If any of you does these things out of hostility and injustice, We shall make him suffer Fire” - Qur’an 4:29-30
Bible quote on violence and protest?
“Do not pay anyone evil for evil … If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” - Romans 12:17-19
what is the difference between a protest and a riot?
- protest = expression of disapproval often in a group
- riot = a more violent protest, usually unplanned
what happened in the Tottenham Riots 2011?
- a local man was killed in Tottenham - led to peaceful march in protest - led to rioting, looting and criminal damage in London and other cities
- 3 Muslim men were killed in Birmingham while trying to protect a petrol station
- llocal authority response - repair tensions and division in the community
- religious response - Muslims + Sikhs didn’t do any violence since it would make things worse and discourage others from violence too
- LA + religious leaders worked together to prevent a repeat
What is terrorism?
- unlawful use of violence, often against innocent civilians, to achieve a political goal
- eg. suicide bombers, gunmen shooting into crowds
- threat is used to influence govts or scare the public
- includes actions outside the UK
- terrorists often associate their actions with religion but no religion promotes terrorism
- defined in the Terrorism Act 2010
What do religious believers believe about terrorism?
- Christians + Muslims - terrorist actions are wrong, especially because the victims are innocent
- Muslims - terrorism is against the wish of God + no justification of it in the Qur’an
What do Hindus believe about dharma?
- it is the duties a Hindu should follow and is one of the 4 aims of life
- protect people in the kingdom - “If you do not engage in this righteous battle then both your personal dharma and your honour will be destroyed and you will accumulate sin” - Bhagavad Gita 2:33
- Gods and Goddesses use violence to overcome evil - eg. Durga Mata fights like a tigress
- it is everyone’s duty to protect the innocent so if violence is used it is necessary so acceptable
What do Hindus believe about ahimsa?
- violence in any form is bad and wrong - even harming a small creature
- shared belief with Buddhism + Sikhism
- “I see neither bravery nor sacrifice in destroying life or property for offence or defence” - Mahatma Gandhi
- links to karma - some believe any violent action from them will make them a victim of violence in this life or another life
What is holy war?
fighting for a religious cause or God, probably controlled by a religious leader
What do Christians and Muslims believe about holy war?
- must be authorized by a religious leader with great authority
- only be fought to defend the faith from attack
- those who take part will receive spiritual rewards (may go straight to heaven/Paradise)
what are some examples of Holy war used in Christianity?
- Old Testament battles where God help the Israelites settle in the Promised Land
- 14th Century Crusades to reclaim the Holy Land (Christians + Muslims believed God waws on their side)
- not really used any more
what are some examples of Holy War used in Islam?
- Crusades led by Saladin to defend holy cities like Jerusalem
- during Muhammad’s time when the Qur’an was written in order to defend the faith and help it survive.
- must meet the criteria for a just war
when is religion a cause for violence in the modern age?
- not often for either religion anymore
- The Troubles in NI - conflict between Catholics and Protestants led to violence against each community (more political though)
- al-Qaeda and ISIS - Muslim idea of holy wat to wage civil war + terrorism
What do Christians believe about violence?
- Old testament - retaliation is acceptable - “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” (Exodus) - but was intended to limit retaliation to an individual rather than the whole tribe
- Jesus taught that violence and the anger that leads to it is wrong
- Jesus is a good example of non-violence
Bible quote against violence?
“‘Put your sword back in its place,’ Jesus said, ‘for all who draw the sword die by the sword’” - Matthew 26:52
what do Muslims believe about using violence?
- holy war must follow Just war criteria
- can only be declared by proper religious leader
- can’t be to force people to convert to Islam
- must be fought for God and not a show of power for a leader
Qur’an quote about using violence to fight wars?
“Fight in God’s cause against those who fight you, but do not overstep the limits: God does not love those who overstep the limits” - Qur’an 2:190
What is pacifism?
The belief of people who refuse to take part in war or any other form of violence under any circumstances
What do pacifist believe and why?
- war and violence are rarely justified - conflict can be settled peacefully
- better to prevent war by promoting peace and justice and praying
- religious faith
- sanctity of life
- war is wasteful + ineffective
- must have action to promote human rights and justice too - not just against war
What is peacemaking?
the action of trying to establish peace
What do Christians believe about pacifism?
- some are pacifist eg. Relgiious Society of Friends (Quakers)
- during WW1 and WW2 they became conscientious objectors - refused to fight and got punished
- 16000 in wW1, 59000 in WW2
- they took on roles like cooks, doctors, nurses, mechanics etc. eg. the Friends Ambulance Unit
Bible quote about peacemaking?
“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God” - Matthew 5:9
Muslim beliefs about pacifism?
- it is a religion of peace but not pacifism - duty of Jihad + instruction in the Qur’an
- must not refuse peace if offered
- seek inner peace through submission to God’s will and being part of the Ummah
Qur’an quote about peace and pacifism?
- “Fighting has been ordained for you, though it is hard for you” - Qur’an 49:9
- “But if they [non-believers] incline towards peace, you [Prophet] must also incline towards it, and put your trust in God” - Qur’an 8:61
What is a Christian organisation working for peacemaking?
- Anglican Peace Fellowship
- work to overcome inequality and injustice that leads to war withing and between nations
- sponsors Week of Prayer for World Peace, contributes to peace-related events, raises awareness of the issue of pacifism
- “We believe that as Christians we are called to follow the way of Jesus in living our enemies and becoming peacemakers”
What is a Muslim organisation working for peacemaking?
- Muslim Peace Fellowship
- works against injustice and for peace locally + globally
- affirms commitment to peace on behalf of all Muslims
- tries to deepen understanding of Muslim teachings about peace through publications and world to develop non-violent strategies for issues in society
who can victims of war be?
- ijured members of the armed forces
- families of those who died/were injured in war
- civilians in war-zones where everything is destroyed
- refugees from war-torn countries
what might victims of war need?
- psychological support
- money if the main earner has died
- safe place to live
- medical help for injuries
- access to food and clean water
- ways to earn a living
Why might Christians help victims of war?
- it is compassionate - “Love you neighbor”
- the Parable of the Good Samaritan - everyone is each other’s neighbor no matter what race, age, gender political or religious belief
Why might Muslims help victims of war?
- “Whoever saves a life, it is as if they saved the life of all mankind” - Qur’an 5:32
- principles like empathy, compassion, generosity and helping those in need
What is a Christian organisation that helps victims of war?
- Christian Aid
- works to end poverty and promotes human rights, peace and justice so that war is prevented
- raises money to support local organisations that help refugees in places like Gaza, Afghanistan and Syria
What is a Muslim organisation that helps victims of war?
- Islamic Relief
- short term aid to victims of war during disasters + emergencies
- work with communities to strengthen and prepare them in the long term