Islam beliefs and teachings Flashcards
what kind of religion is Islam?
monotheistic - there is only one God (Allah)
what is Tawhid?
the belief in one indivisible God - it is one of the 6 articles of faith
what is shirk?
the worst sin possible in Islam - believing in more than one God
why is it forbidden to depict Muhammad and Allah?
the are transcendent and beyond our understanding
where in the Qur’an is Tawhid explained?
Surah 112 of the Qur’an
what are some key quotes from Surah 112 about Tawhid?
- ‘He is God the one’ - there is only one undividable God
- ‘God the eternal’ - God has always existed
- ‘He begot no one nor was He begotten’ - God wasn’t born from anything nor did he have any children
- ‘No one is comparable to him’ - God is unique and cannot be pictured because there isn’t anything to compare him to
what does belief in Tawhid mean for Muslims?
They should:
- worship only one God
- never make anything in their lives more important than God - he has no equal
- not depict God - impossible to portray God accurately
What do Muslims believe about the supremacy God’s will?
- it is most powerful
- God can make anything happen that he wants to happen
- nothing happens unless God allows it to
how does belief in the supremacy of God’s will impact Muslims today?
- Muslims still feel confident if things go wrong because they know it is part of God’s plan for them
- Muslims try to live according to God’s will everyday because the accept God knows the best for them
what are the 2 main branches of Islam?
- Sunni Islam
- Shi’a Islam
what are the key differences between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims?
Sunni Muslims:
- only Qur’an and Sunnah (Muhammad’s teaching + actions) have authority to guide beliefs + behaviours of Muslims
- their leader is the Caliph
- the believe Abu Bakar succeeded Muhammad
Shi’a Muslims:
- they believe Ali (Muhammad’s cousin) was the rightful successor of Muhammad
- believe in the Imamate and their leader is the Imam
- a true Imam is a descendant of Muhammad and chosen by God
how did the two branches of Islam form?
they couldn’t agree on who should succeed Muhammad
what are the similarities between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims?
- believe in the same God
- follow teachings in the Qur’an
- follow teachings in the Sunnah
- acknowledge the importance of the prophets
what are the main beliefs of Sunni Muslims?
The six articles of faith
what are the six articles of faith?
1) Tawhid - belief that there is only one God
2) Malaikah - belief in angels who passed on God’s message to the prophets
3) Kutub - respect for holy books, esp. Qur’an (highest authority in Islam)
4) Risalah - respect for prophets, esp. Muhammad (received final revelation of Islam from God)
5) Akirah - belief in the Day of Judgement - at the end of the world everyone will be judged by God and sent to paradise or hell
6) Al-Qadr - belief in predestination and supremacy of God’s will - nothing happens unless God wants it to
what are the main beliefs of Shi’a Muslims?
the five roots of Usul ad-Din
what are the five roots of Usul ad-Din?
1) Tawhid - belief that there is only one God
2) Nubuwwah - respect for prohets, esp. Muhammad (received final revelation of Islam from God)
3) Adalat - belief in divine justice - God will judge everyone fairly and justly on the day of Judgement and he will hold people accountable for their actions
4) Imamate - respect for the 12 Imams chosen by God to lead Islam after Muhammad died
5) Al Ma’ad - belief that after death, Muslims will be resurrected and judged by God
What is the importance of the 6 articles of faith?
- only one God - live according to his rules
- holy books - give guidance on how to live life on the right path
- prophets - sent to teach how to live as Allah wishes and obey his laws
- angels - record people’s deeds on earth to encourage Muslims to do good for a place in Paradise
- day of Judgement = life is a test
- Allah determines everything, but humans are still responsible for their actions
why are the 5 roots of Usul ad-Din important?
- prophets - give guidance on the past and Qur’an
- only one God = follow his rules
- Allah is right and just - may act in ways beyond our understanding
- judgement in the afterlife = follow the right path in life to pass any test God sets
- Imams - protect religion + guide Muslims down the right path
what does this quote tell you?
“Oh, you who have believed, believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Book that he sent down upon His messenger and the Scripture which he sent down before. And whoever disbelieves in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day has certainly gone astray” - Qur’an 4:136
it outlines the foundational Muslim beliefs - belief in Allah, his messengers, scripture, angels and the day of Judgement
where are the 99 names of Allah found?
in the Qur’an and Hadith
why are the 99 names of Allah important?
they describe God’s characteristics and help Muslims understand what he is like
what are the 7 main qualities of God?
- immanent
- transcendent
- omnipotent
- beneficent
- merciful
- fair
- just
how is God transcendent?
he created the universe- he is beyond and outside it and not limited to the physical world
how is God immanent?
he is present everywhere in the world and universe and is within all things and involved with life on earth
how can God be both immanent and transcendent?
though he created the universe and is therefore outside it, he is also within all things and able to act within it
how is God beneficent?
he is benevolent and his generosity is seen in his gift to humans of everything they need to live on earth
how is God fair and just?
- he treats everyone fairly and justly
- he will judge everyone equally on the Day of Judgement
- esp. Shi’a Muslims - people have full responsibility for action + God will reward or punish them based on this
how is God merciful?
- he shows compassion and mercy
- he cares for people and understands their suffering
- he forgives those who are truly sorry for what they have done wrong
how is God omnipotent?
- he is all-powerful
- he has the power to cerate and sustain everything in the universe
- he is aware of everything - inc. human thoughts and action
what are angels?
they are spiritual beings who serve God and pass on his word to people through the prophets
What is the nature of angels like?
- pure and sinless
- have no free will - can only do what God wants them to
- spirituals beings - made of light be God
- constantly serve and praise God
- can take on human form to give messages to people
what are the roles of angels?
- messengers of God - pass on perfectly the direct word of God to prophets
- take care of people throughout their lives
- record everything a person does in a book of deeds- presented to God on the Day of Judgement to judge the person
- take people’s souls to God after they die + escort to heaven/hell
key facts about angel Jibril?
- angel of revelation
- purified child Muhammad’s heart so he could later receive God’s revelation
- recited Qur’an to Muhammad + passed on God’s messages to him to carry on guiding him
- important for communicating the final version of Islam to humanity
- importance today: Muslims know they will receive good news through his power
key facts about angel Mika’il?
- the angel of mercy
- responsible for sending rain, thunder and lightning to earth
- nourishes earth + helps give food for humans by sending rain to the ground
- importance today: believed to reward people who do good deeds - gives hope
key facts about angel Israfil?
- announces the day of Judgement by blowing his trumpet
- him + helpers take souls to God (Qur’an 32:11)
key facts about angel Azrael?
- the angel of death
- takes the soul of the person who has died
- he is gentle or hard depending on the person’s life
- (soul hovers around the corpse - it can see everything but can’t communicate)
key quote about the nature of angels?
“Praise be to God, Creator of the heavens and earth, who made angels messengers with two, three, four [pairs of] wings” - Qur’an 35:1
key quote about the role of angels?
“Each person has angels before him and behind, watching over him by God’s command” - Qur’an 13:11
what is predestination?
the idea that God knows or determines everything that will happen in the universe
What do Sunni Muslims believe about predestination?
- God has already determined everything that will happen in the universe
- everything is written in a ‘book of decrees’
- people must act according to God’s will because he created them
- God’s will is so powerful that he can make anything happen that he wants to happen
- humans can’t change their destiny, but they do have some choice over how they behave
key quote supporting Sunni view on predestination?
“Only what God has decreed will happen to us” - Qur’an 9:51
what is the Shi’a view on predestination?
- God knows everything that is going to happen, but that doesn’t mean that he decides what is going to happen
- God is creator so is outside time and not bound by it- he can see all that happens in past, present and future
- God knows what choices people will make, but they have the free will to choose these for themselves
key quote supporting Shi’a view on predestination?
“God does not change the condition of a people [for the worse] unless they change what is in themselves” - Qur’an 13:11
what do Muslims believe about the Day of Judgement?
- free will to make choices = judgement by God for these choices
- God will judge them for everything they have done during their lives and reward/punish them accordingly
- God knows everything, but people are still responsible for their actions so will be rewarded or punished for them on the day of Judgement
What are the three stages of Akhirah?
- Barzakh
- the day of judgement
- heaven and hell
What happens in Barzakh?
- Barzakh = state of waiting until the Day of Judgement - means barrier
- people can’t come across the barrier to right wrongs or warn people
- two angels question them about their faith
- depending on their answers they will either see the rewards or punishments waiting for them
What happens on the Day of Judgement?
- when God’s purpose for the world is done the world will be destroyed
- everyone who has lived will be resurrected
- everyone will be given their own book of deeds - everything they have done in their lives
- book in right hand = heaven
- book in left hand = hell
What happens in heaven and hell?
- heaven = Jannah = reward for keeping faith in God and doing good deeds
- heaven = a beautiful garden + state of eternal happiness in the presence of God
- hell = Jahannam = punishment for doing bad things and rejecting God
- hell = a place of fire and torment separated from God
How is belief in Akhirah important?
- encourages Muslims to take responsibility for their actions - God will hold them accountable for their actions and punish/reward them accordingly
- motivates Muslims to follow Qur’an teachings and dedicate their lives to God
- gives hope to Muslims who suffer - they know there is something better to look forward to
- helps to accept unjust situations - God will provide justice fairly in the afterlife
Key quote on the afterlife?
“Those who believe, do good deeds, keep up the prayers … will have their reward with their God” - Qur’an
Key quote on hell?
“They will dwell amid scorching heat and scalding water” - Qur’an