The Elbow 2 Flashcards
Supplementary/Additional projections for the elbow joint
a. Antero-posterior projections with partial flexion of the
b. Axial Projections (Jones method)
Elbow projections for head of radius
c. Lateral with palm supinated
d. Lateral with palm facing away from body
e. Lateral with palm facing body
f. Lateral with palm facing down
What projection is done when the patient is unable to fully extend the elbow joint.
Antero-posterior projections with partial flexion of the
types of Antero-posterior projections with partial flexion of the
- AP with forearm in contact with the IR
- AP with upper arm in contact with IR .
- AP with the olecranon resting on the
image receptor. - AP projection Supracondylar fracture with
elbow joint fully flexed. - Lateral projection in Supracondylar fracture.
AP with forearm in contact with IR is done when.
if the main area of interest (e.g. fracture
site) is in the proximal end of the radius & ulna.
AP with forearm in contact with IR patient positioning.
- The patient is seated alongside the x-ray couch with the affected
side near the couch - The posterior part of the forearm placed on the couch and palm in
supination - The image receptor is placed under the forearm and centred under
the elbow joint. - Adjust the arm so that the medial and lateral epicondyle of humerus are equidistant from the image receptor.
AP with forearm in contact with IR centering point.
In the midline of the forearm 2.5 cm distal to the
crease of the elbow
AP with forearm in contact with IR direction of CR.
Vertical at 90⁰ to the image receptor
Evaluation criteria for AP elbow with forearm in contact
with image receptor
- Evidence of proper collimation
- Proximal radius and ulna without rotation or distortion
- Radial head, neck and tuberosity slightly superimposed over
the proximal - Partial open elbow joint
- Foreshortened distal humerus
- Soft tissue and bony trabecular detail
AP with upper arm in contact with the
image receptor when is it done.
- Performed when the main area of interest is the distal
end of the humerus
AP with upper arm in contact with the IR patient positioning.
- The posterior aspect of the humerus is placed in contact with
the couch and hand facing upwards - The image receptor is placed under the humerus with its centre
under the elbow joint. - Adjust the hand so that the medial and lateral epicondyles are equidistant from the ir.
Centering point of the Ap with upper arm in contact with IR.
Midway between the epicondyles of the humerus
Evaluation criteria for AP elbow with humerus in contact
with image receptor
Evidence of proper collimation
* Distal humerus without rotation or distortion
* Proximal radius superimposed over the ulna
* Closed elbow joint
* Greatly foreshortened proximal forearm
* Trabecular detail on the distal humerus
* Soft tissue and bony trabecular detail
AP with the olecranon resting on the
image receptor.
- Performed if the patient is unable to extend the elbow
to 90⁰ due to pain (presence of supracondyle fracture)
AP with the olecranon resting on the image
receptor patient positioning.
- Rest the olecranon on the image receptor
- Support both the forearm and humerus at an angle of 45⁰
the image receptor
AP with olecranon resting on ir centering point.
Vertical beam centre the midline of the
crease of the elbow
AP projection Supracondylar fracture with
elbow joint fully flexed centering point and direction of central ray.
From the lateral position, the patient’s upper body is rotated
towards the affected side
- With elbow joint fully flexed: Horizontal central beam is directed at
90⁰ to the humerus passing through the forearm to a point midway
between epicondyles of humerus.
Lateral projection in Supracondylar fracture
Patient positioning
* The patient sits or stands facing the x-ray tube
* An 18 x 24 cm image receptor is supported between the
patient’s trunk and elbow
* The medial aspect of the elbow is in contact with the image
* The patient’s trunk is protected from radiation by a lead rubber
sheet positioned between the trunk and back of image receptor
Lateral projection in supracondylar fracture centering point.
Angle the beam so that it is perpendicular to the
shaft of the humerus
Direction of central ray: Horizontal 90⁰ to the image receptor
* Note: the image should include the lower end of the humerus
and upper third of radius and ulnar