The Effects of Ill-Health on Individuals and Their Families Flashcards
How does ill health effect an individuals education?
results in education may suffer as they may loose concentration in school/college/university due to worrying about their own health or simply due to feeling to unwell to focus on learning
the individual may fall behind- eg missing days of school can often mean missing out on work and falling behind the rest of the class- this can contribute to poorer educational achievement in the long term
the individual may miss out on opportunities for higher education eg university admissions for courses like nursing take attendance into account when offering places
a sick adult may end up giving up a course if they fall behind eg leave their night course or university
How does ill health effect the families education?
Parents may have to miss out on their education e.g. at night classes if they have to look
after a sick child. Missing these classes could lead to parents not getting the qualifications
they need
brothers and sisters of a child who is ill, or children who have a sick parent can get worried and loose concentration at school and at homework, as they are worried, which will have a negative effect on their educational achievement
family members may also miss days off school/college as they may be needed to look after the sick individual
children of individuals suffering from ill health may perform poorly at school because they may need to spend more time helping at home acting in a caring capacity not only to the individual but often caring for siblings, this often results in time off school
children may miss out on extra curricular activities because they need to get home to take on some of the caring responsibilities
may be bullied at school- peer groups may view a situation harshly
less money - for school trips/resources
transport to school may be a problem
How does ill health effect an individuals employment?
As a result of poor attendance and the need to attend for treatment, individuals may not be
able to hold down a job in the long run. Employers may not be sympathetic to their needs
and may view them an unproductive or inefficient.
An individual may have to retrain as a result of being able to retake those roles and
responsibilities previously undertaken. For example, consider how an individual who
previously had full physical ability mainstream have to retrain after a road traffic accident
that has left them paralysed. The individual may now have to use new equipment so that
they may fulfil the duties of the post.
How does ill health effect a families employment?
They may miss time at work to look after the children or to visit someone in hospital
They may find it difficult to concentrate at work due to worrying about the person who is
unwell and the impact of their illness on the family, so their performance in employment
may suffer
They may have to increase their working hours to make up for their family member not
being able to work e.g. if their parents or partner is no longer able to work
How does ill health effect the income of an individual?
May have less income because he/she can’t work and sick pay is usually much less than
full pay
May have to be use their income in different ways e.g. may have to pay for travel for
treatment and hospital appointments which eats into the individual’s income. Also, being at
home all day due to illness can be expensive e.g. increased heating costs can use up more
of the individual’s income than usual
How does ill health effect the income of the family?
A family used to duel income, income from two sources, will suffer financial hardship if one
source of income is lost. Goods and services previously availed of may have to be limited
due to this reduction in income. For example, a family used to two holidays a year may
have to reduce their holidays by one or perhaps two. Leisure activities participation will be
negatively affected. The more basic needs of an individual will also have to be considered.
For example, food purchases or paying for electricity.
May have to get their income from a different source e.g. a parent may have to leave work
to look after a sick child or a partner may leave work to provide care and therefore depend
on state benefits which usually means a lower income
How does ill health effect an individuals leisure activities ?
May not take part in leisure activities as often as they used to due to lack of time (because
of treatment for the illness), or due to lack of energy or feeling less sociable due to their ill-
health and therefore not wanting to participate in group activities
They may have to give up some types of activities altogether due to the pain and mobility
problems they experience, e.g. no longer able to play a sport or go to the gym.
They may do more leisure activities due to having more time, e.g. more time for reading
How does ill health effect a families leisure activities?
May not be able to do as many leisure activities as a family group as they did previously
e.g., they may miss out on holidays or outings together because the individual is too ill to go
May not be able to participate in leisure activities as much as they used to due to their
caring responsibilities
May have to give up some of their own leisure activities altogether, e.g. membership of
clubs to care for the sick individual or to take on their responsibilities in the home
May not be able to attend leisure activities as regularly as they did in the past e.g. children
of a sick parent may not be able to get to clubs and activities, perhaps due to transport
problems if their parent is not well enough to take them or they have to spend time helping
their mother/parent/individual who is sick.
There may be less money available for expensive activities e.g. horse riding or skiing. Ill-
health in a family can lead to reduced income because an individual may have to give up
work or reduce the number of hours working.
The children may drop out of activities because they may feel guilty about their
mother/father being at home alone.
How does ill health effect on an individuals relationships?
They may have fewer relationships than before if they are unwell – May also only want to
see their closest friends
Some relationships may be strengthened, e.g. Family members may come and see them
more regularly as they are worried about them
Their ill-health may mean they have less contact with other people, E.g. May be too unwell
to go to the day room in the nursing home
How does ill health effect on a families relationships?
Individuals may have fewer relationships because they may lose contact with friends and
colleagues because they get out less and no longer go to work. The lack of the social
contact can make some individuals angry and resentful.
Ill health can sometimes strengthen relationships e.g. With family members or close friends
because the individual needs and appreciates them more. Equally, some individuals may
feel that illness may present the opportunity to do something for a person who has done so
much for them over time e.g. Mother or older person.