The development of Muslim response 1149-1187 Flashcards
Where and when was Raymond of Poitiers killed?
Raymond of Poitiers was killed in 1149 at the Battle of Inab by Nur al-Din. This battle raised Nur al-Din to a jihad leader.
When did Onor of Damascus die?
Onor of Damascus died in 1149.
Who succeeded Onor of Damascus as leader of Damascus?
Onor of Damascus was succeeded by Abaq, Onor’s son. Abaq was able to re-establish friendly relations with the Franks (despite the Second Crusade).
When did Nur al-Din first attempt to besiege Damascus?
Nur al-Din first besieged Damascus in 1150 but was forced to retreat when a Frankish army approached.
When did Nur al-Din capture Damascus?
Nur al-Din finally captured Damascus in 1154 as he was able to take advantage of Muslim popular opinion in favour of jihad and against Abaq (particularly his alliance with the King of Jerusalem was
When did a civil war break out between viziers Shawar and Dirgham?
In 1163, a civil war broke out between viziers Shawar and Dirgham.
When did Nur al-Din send his chief general Shirkuh to restore Shawar to power?
In 1164, Nur al-Din sent his chief general Shirkuh to Egpyt to restore Shawar to power.
Why was Shirkuh forced to retreat from Egypt after restoring Shawar to power?
After Shirkuh restored Shawar to power, he made an alliance with King Amalric of Jerusalem. This forced Shirkuh to retreat.
What happened to Shirkuh’s attack on Egypt in 1167?
The attack on Egypt in 1167 was once again forced to retreat by an alliance with Shawar and Almaric.
Why did Shirkuh’s attack on Egypt in January 1169 succeed?
In January 1169 the weakened crusader forces were unable to maintain a presence in Egypt. Shirkuh took advantage of this to capture and kill Shawar replacing him as vizier. But within a few months he was dead to be replaced by his nephew Saladin.
When did Baldwin III die?
Baldwin III died in 1163.
When did Baldwin III capture Ascalon, and what was the significance of this?
Baldwin captured the port of Ascalon in 1153 which reduced the influence of Fatimid Egypt in the Holy Lands opening opportunities in Egypt.
What was the significance of Shawar’s murder by Shirkuh in January 1169?
Shawar’s murder by Shirkuh left Shirkuh as vizier meaning that Egypt was now tied to Muslim Syria.
When did Saladin succeed Shirkuh as vizier of Egypt?
Saladin succeeded Shirkuh as vizier of Egypt upon Shirkuh’s death in March 1169.
When did the Fatimid Caliph al-Adid die and why was this important for Saladin?
The Fatimid Caliph al-Adid died in 1171 which meant that Saladin could plunder the Fatimid’s treasures and remove the dynasty. Saladin ruled Egypt on behalf on Nur al-Din (of the Abbaysid caliphate).
When did Nur al-Din die?
Nur al-Din died in 1174.
When and how did Saladin gain control of Damascus?
Saladin gained control of Damascus in 1174 by marching on the city, claiming to represent the interests of Islam and its people.
How did Saladin become sultan of Egypt and Syria?
In 1175, Saladin defeated a combined Muslim force at the Horns of Hamah which forced Mosul and Aleppo to accept his investiture as sultan of Egypt and Syria.
When and why did Saladin beseige Maysaf?
In May 1176, Saladin beseiged the Assassin stronghold of Maysaf after an two assination attempts were made on him. The seige elminated the Assassins as a threat.
How was Saladin able to take control of Aleppo in 1182?
After Nur al-Din’s death in 1174, his son Ismail took over as ruler of Aleppo. Following Ismail’s death in 1181, the ruler of Mosul (Izz al-Din) seized Aleppo by marrying Ismail’s mother. After this, Saladin went on the offensive capturing Aleppo in 1182.
What agreement did Saladin reach with Mosul in 1185?
In 1185, Saladin was able to force Izz al-Din to negotiate an agreement to send troops to assist in the jihad in return for recognising his rights in Mosul. This finally brought together the grand coalition Saladin needed to attack the Franks.
How many men of Saladin’s men died at the battle of Montisgard?
Between 18,000 and 24,000 of Saladin’s men died at the battle of Montisgard in 1177.
In what year did Reynald of Chatillon attack Mecca?
In 1183, Reynald of Chatillon attacked Mecca.
When did Saladin attack Reynald in his castle at Kerak?
Saladin attacked Reynald of Chatillon in his castle at Kerak in 1184 and 1185 but was forced to retreat both times because of a relieving Frankish army.
Why did Saladin negotiate a four-year truce with the Franks?
Bad harvests in 1177 meant that Saladin and the Franks negotiated a four year truce. Saladin faced financial trouble and Egypt’s finances were strained.
When did Reynald of Chatillon attack a caravan that supposedly carried Saladin’s sister, and what effect did this have?
In 1187, Reynald of Chatillon attacked a caravan that supposedly carried Saladin’s sister. As King Guy was unable to force Reynald to make compensation for his attack, Saladin used this as an excuse to break the truce of 1185
When did Saladin mobilise his army, and where did he attempt to attack?
Saladin mobilised his army in March 1187 planning an attack in two areas in Oultrejourdain and Galilee.
Why did Saladin need Raymond III’s permission to attack the lands in Galilee?
In order to attack Galilee, Saladin had to get permission for his army to cross the lordship of Tiberias from Raymond III.
Who did Saladin face opposition from during his attack on Galilee and what did this force Raymond to do?
Saladin faced opposition from a force led by Gerard of Ridfort, the Master of the Temple, but they were defeated at Nazareth by Saladin. Raymond decided to side with King Guy after this defeat.
How many men did the Franks gather at Sephorie to oppose Saladin?
The Frankish army gathered at Sephorie mustering virtually all the army of the kingdom numbering 18,000 men to face Saladin’s 12,000 cavalry.
When did Saladin launch an attack on Erias and who did he besiege?
In July 1187, Saladin attacked Erias besieging Countess Eschiva, the wife of Raymond III.
Who argued that the Franks should help Countess Eschiva, and who argued for the Franks to wait until Saladin attacked the main army?
Raymond III and the older nobility argued for waiting for Saladin to attack the main army. But Gerard of Ridfort, the Master of the Temple, argued for a more aggressive move.
How did Saladin weaken the crusader army at the Horns of Hattin?
Saladin had blocked the direct route to Tiberias forcing the Christian army to march through the desert. At the Horns of Hattin the Christians were surrounded by the Muslim army and bush fires so were unable to get to any water.
How did Christian weakness lead to the massacre at Hattin?
The infantry refused to stay with the cavalry on the plain leaving their horses vulnerable to Muslim arrows. The majority of the army was killed or captured including King Guy, Reynald of Chatillon, Aimery of Lusignan and Humphrey IV of Toron.
How did Saladin force the Crusaders to abandon key towns, following Hattin?
Saladin proceeded to use a policy of negotiation and force to remove the Frankish presence completely from the towns, for example, Acre (10 July), Ascalon (4 September) and Jerusalem (2 October).
In order to encourage the quick surrender of towns, Saladin offered the return of important prisoners in exchange for their surrender. At the same time, he allowed the Christian inhabitants to pay a ransom to be allowed to go free without facing death or slavery.
Which towns remained in the crusaders’ hands by 1188?
By 1188 only Tyre, Tripoli and Antioch remained in Christian hands.
How were Tyre and Tripoli saved from Saladin?
At Tyre the arrival of Conrad of Montferrat had rallied the defenders who were at the point of surrender.
The city of Tripoli was saved by the arrival of a Sicilian fleet under the command of Admiral Margarit.