Establishing the states of Outremer Flashcards
When was Godfrey of Bouillon elected leader of the Kingdom of Jerusalem?
Godfrey of Bouillon was elected leader of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1099.
When did Archbishop Daimbert of Pisa and a Pisan fleet arrive in the Holy Lands?
Archbishop Daimbert and a Pisan fleet arrived in the Holy Lands in 1100.
Where was Godfrey, with the help of the Pisan fleet, able to establish influence over?
Godfrey, with the help of the Pisan fleet, was able to establish his influence over the coastal parts of Arsuf, Ascalon, Caesarea, and Acre.
What role was Daimbert able to force Godfrey to appoint as and what did this establish?
Daimbert forced Godfrey to appoint him as the patriarch of Jerusalem, establishing the precedent for a theocracy in Jerusalem.
When did Godfrey die?
Godfrey died in July 1100.
What was Baldwin I relationship with Godfrey and what role did he hold before King of Jerusalem?
Baldwin I was Godfrey’s brother and held the post of Count of Edessa before becoming King of Jerusalem.
When was Baldwin I crowned King of Jerusalem?
Baldwin was crowned on 28th December 1100 in Bethlehem.
When did Baldwin I capture the port of Acre?
In May 1104, Baldwin I captured Acre with the help of the Genoese fleet in return for a third of the booty - which gave the Kingdom a secure harbour.
When did Arab raids on the Kingdom occur during Baldwin’s reign and how did he manage to control them?
Arab raids occurred in 1105, 1110, 1113 and 1115. He was also able to make a treaty with Duqaq of Damascus which secured the Kingdom.
What factor primarily explains Baldwin I’s successes? Give an example of this factor.
Baldwin I’s success was mainly due to the splits between the Muslim states. For example, Toghtekin of Damascus, frightened of a threat from the sultan, was prepared to ally with Franks against his atabeg. At the battle of Danith (1115), several Muslim princes allied with the Franks fearing their power would diminish if the Sultan was successful in invading Outremer. The battle resulted in Bursuq ibn Bursuq (an emir for the Sultan) being defeated. Although Toghtekin changed sides in 1116 the threat of a Muslim coalition was removed during Baldwin I’s reign.
When did Baldwin I die?
Baldwin I died in 1118.
Why did Baldwin le Bourg become king?
Baldwin le Bourg became King as Baldwin I refused to remarry after he was forced to repudiate his wife, Adelaide (married 1113), by his vassals in 1117.
What became the focus of Baldwin II’s reign?
Baldwin II’s reign focused on capturing Aleppo.
What was major setback meant Baldwin II did not capture Aleppo?
The resurgence of a unified Muslim opposition meant Baldwin II was unable to take Aleppo. In 1119 Roger of Antioch was defeated and killed at the Field of Blood by an alliance of Il Ghazi of Aleppo and Toghtekin of Damascus.
What was the size of the Crusader force, at the battle of the Field of Blood?
The Crusader force, at the battle of the Field of Blood, was between 7,000 and 11,000 men. Of this only 570 were capture, the rest were killed.
When was Baldwin II captured?
In both 1122 and 1123 Balak, Il Ghazi’s successor captured both Baldwin II and his friend Count Joscelin of Edessa.
How was Baldwin II able to recover from the disaster at Sarmada?
Muslim splits enabled Baldwin to recover from these disasters. The threat of Il Ghazi was removed by his defeat by King David III of Georgia.
What did Baldwin II use the Muslim splits to do in 1125?
Baldwin used this to encourage a Muslim ally Dubais to attack Aleppo in 1125. But Aksungur, in alliance with Toghtekin relieved Aleppo in 1126.
Who was Baldwin II’s only heir to the throne?
Baldwin II’s only heir was his daughter Melisende who needed to have husband to help her govern and defend the kingdom. Baldwin was able to persuade Fulk V of Anjou to marry her and take over the government of Jerusalem.
When was the Principality of Antioch established?
The Principality of Antioch was founded in 1098.
Why did Bohemond besiege the port of Latakia?
Bohemond besieged the port of Latakia in 1099 wanted to created a viable state in Antioch, which needed a port.
When was the port of Latakia captured by Antioch? Who captured the port and why was it not Bohemond?
Tancred, Bohemond’s cousin, captured Latakia in 1103 as Bohemond waited to be ransomed due to his capture by Malik-Ghazi. This made the principality more secure but caused tension with the Byzantine empire.
When was the treaty of Devol signed and what did it intend?
The treaty of Devol was signed in 1108 and it intended to make the Principality of Antioch a vassal state of the Byzantine Empire.
How did Bohemond respond to Mosul and Mardin attacking Edessa in January 1104?
A Muslim coalition army from Mosul and Mardin advanced on Edessa in January 1104. Bohemond responded by creating a coalition of crusader forces to attack Harran but the army was disastrously defeated in May 1104 with the loss of a significant number of knights as well as the capture of Baldwin, count of Edessa, and Joscelin de Courtenay.