Amalric and Baldwin IV Flashcards
When did Baldwin III die and who succeeded him?
Baldwin III died in 1163 and he was succeeded by his younger brother Amalric.
Why became Jerusalem’s focus under Amalric?
Under Amalric, Jerusalem’s priorities shifted from being focused on the capture of Aleppo to expanding into Egpyt
Why was the conquest of Egypt such an attractive prospect?
The conquest of Egypt was an attractive prospect as Egypt had important natural resources like alum mines, indigo deposits, and access to trade routes.
How was Sharwar installed as vizier of Egypt?
Sharwar appealed to Nur al-Din who was persuaded by
his Kurdish general Shirkuh to allow an expedition. Shirkuh defeated Dirgham installing Shawar as vizier.
Why did Sharwar appeal to help from Amalric to deal with Shirkuh?
Shirkuh demanded control of Bilbeis in return for his services. Shawar appealed to Amalric for help against Shirkuh’s demands.
How did Amalric respond to Sharwar’s request for help in 1164?
Amalric responded to Sharwar’s request for help against Shirkuh in 1164 by bringing an army to besiege Shirkuh in Bilbeis. But the destruction of Bohemond III of Antioch’s army at the battle of Harenc forced Amalric’s retreat. Shirkuh also left Egpyt around the same time.
When did Shirkhuh mount a second expedition on Egypt?
Shirkuh mounted a second expedition, on Egypt, in 1167.
How did Amalric respond to Shirkuh’s second expedition in Egypt?
Amalric responded by persuading the Frankish nobles of the need to maintain the balance of power by attacking Shirkuh. This included the nobles giving a special tax of 10% on movable property to fund it. Shawar welcomed the sudden appearance of Frankish army.
Where did Amalric besiege Shirkuh in 1167?
In 1167, Shirkuh besieged Amalric in Alexandria.
What were the terms of the mutual evacuation of Egypt agreed between Amalric and Shirkuh?
A mutual evacuation of Egypt was negotiated in September 1167 which left Amalric in a strong position in Egypt.
• Egypt’s independence was recognised and guaranteed
• Egypt was to pay an annual tribute of 100,000 dinars to the Franks.
• A Frankish garrison remained in Cairo
When did Amalric marry Maria Comnena, Manuel Comnenus’ great-niece?
In 1168 Amalric married Maria Comnena, Manuel Comnenus’ great-niece, which opened the possibility of an expedition of conquest in Egypt with Byzantine support
Why did Amalric attack Egypt without the Byzantines in October 1168?
Amalric attacked Egypt without waiting for the Byzantine fleet under the influence of the Haute Cour who did not want to share the riches of Egypt with their Byzantine allies. The intervention of Nur al-Din in November 1168 forced Amalric to retreat.
When and how did Shirkuh become vizier?
Shirkuh became vizier in January 1169 when Shawar was executed for his involement with the Franks.
Where was Saladin able to recapture in 1170?
Saladin was able to recapture Gaza in 1170.
When did Amalric travel to Constantinople to seek an alliance with the Byzantines and what issues did this create for the crusaders?
Amalric travelled to Constantinople in person in 1171 to seek an alliance with the Byzantines. This alliance with the Byzantines over the West could explain why they were less forthcoming to provide help than they had been previously and the issues this created following the battle of Myriokephalon and after Manuel’s death.
What happened at the battle of Myriokephalon?
At the battle of Myriokephalon, 1/4 of the Byzantine army was lost.
Why was Amalric forced to divorce his wife Agnes de Courtenay and why did this create problems for Baldwin IV?
Amalric was forced to divorce his wife Agnes of Courtenay on the grounds of consanguinity in order to become king. This lead to the growth of factionalism after his death, as Agnes and her court party rose to power and influence over Baldwin.
How did Saladin become vizier of Egypt?
Shirkuh became vizier replacing Shawar who was executed for his involvement with the Franks. On Shirkuh’s death in March 1169 Saladin was made vizier.
What power did Saladin have as vizier?
Saladin gained control of the Egyptian army, as Vizier, which was mainly made up of 30,000 Sudanese troops, as well as the natural riches of Egpyt. Through his victory at the battle of the horns of Hamah in 1175, Saladin was able to force Aleppo and Mosul to accept him as sultan of Egypt and Syria.
What defeat for Saladin shows that his position was not fully secure?
Saladin’s defeat at the battle of Montisgard in 1177 showed that his position as a mujihad was not definite.
How many men of Saladin’s men died at the battle of Montisgard?
Between 18,000 and 24,000 of Saladin’s men died at the battle of Montisgard in 1177.
How was Saladin able to create a Muslim coalition?
In 1185, Saladin was able to force Izz al-Din to negotiate an agreement to send troops to assist in the jihad in return for recognising his rights in Mosul. This finally brought together the coalition Saladin needed to attack the Franks.
When did Baldwin IV approve the marriage between Sibylla to Guy of Lusignan?
Baldwin IV approved the marriage of Sibylla to Guy of Lusignan in 1180. This was a huge victory for the ‘court party’ and allowed Sibylla to become Queen, and Guy King, following Baldwin’s death in May 1185.
Which members of the ‘court party’ did Agnes de Courtenay ensure were appointed to key positions by Baldwin IV?
Agnes de Courtenay persuaded her son to appoint Eraclius was elected patriarch of Jerusalem over William of Tyre in 1180 and in 1179, Aimery of Lusignan replaced Humphery II of Toron as constable.