How many pairs of cranial nerves do we have?
12 pairs
The CNs are considered to be a part of?
What is the function of CN?
To carry sensory and motor information to and from the receptors of the head, face, and neck.
When it comes to a lesion on CN where are the symptoms?
on the Ipsilateral side.
Olfactory Nerve what is it’s a function?
To smell though chemoreceptors in the nose
Lesion on the unilateral side of olfactory nerve would cause?
There are no symptoms because the opposite olfactory nerve compensates for the lost sense of smell.
If the lesion is bilateral in olfactory nerve this would cause?
Loss of sense of smell. and lack of olfactory functions
What is Anosmia?
Lose the sense of smell
Anosmia often occurs due to?
head injury
How to test the Olfactory nerve?
One nerve at a time.
occlude vision
Block the patient’s nostrils on the side opposite to the side being tested.
Present one odor at a time
Allow for the patient to choose a specific odors if;
has difficulty identifying the odors by can easily smell them.
difficult with word-finding.
Optic Nerve function is?
Visual acuity
Visual messages; pupillary reflexes, awareness of light and dark, the orientation of the head and eye movements.
What are the lesion symptoms associated with optic nerve on unilateral side?
produces ipsilateral blindness
What are the lesion symptoms associated with optic nerve on bilateral lesion
Produces bilateral blindness
What are lesion symptoms of the oculomotor nerve?
Lateral strabismus
The eye deviated outward
causing diplopia or double vision
What is Ptosis ?
Drooping of a body region in this case ipsilateral eyelid drooping.