Where does all sensory information is being sent?
To Multimodal area
There are three Multimodal association areas in the brain, What are they?
Posterior, anterior and limbic
The posterior multimodal area integrates what sensory?
Somatosensory, visual, auditory, olfactory, and gustatory cortices.
The anterior multimodal area integrates what?
Which motor plan to implement
The limbic does what?
Takes the sensory data from posterior and anterior multimodal areas and connect them together to form emotions and motivations through memory.
The right hemisphere is responsible for?
perception (how one perceives the environment and one’s relationship to the environment).
Visual agnosia ?
inability to identify and recognize familiar objects and people.
Lesion in the R hemisphere in the posterior multimodal area
inability to indentyf familiar faces. Due to lack of perceive of bone structure and facial muscle position that is unique to each of us. L hemisphere (can recognize the face by scare or mole).
What is Simultanagnosia ?
difficulty interpreting a visual stimulus as a whole
Visual distortion of the physical properties of objects so the objects appear bigger, smaller, or heavier than they really are
Color agnosia ?
Inability to attach appropriate colors to specific objects
Color anomia?
lost the names for colors
Cerebral achromatopsia?
The memory of color is erased. World appears in shades of gray.
Right-Left Discrimiation Dysfunction/Screen
Difficulty understanding and using the concepts of R and
Screen ; point to left and right body parts.
Figure-Ground Discrimination Dysfunction/screen
difficulty distinguishing the foreground from the background.
Screen: Ask the patient to pick out forks from drawer of disorganized utensils
From-Constancy Dysfunction/Screen
Difficulty seeing objects when they form changes.
Screen: ask the patient to identify an object when it is turned on its side or placed upside down
Position In Space Dysfunction/Screen
Difficulties with concept relating to position such as up/down, in/out/ behing/infron of, or before/after
Screen: Give a patient directions with terms described above.
Topographical Disorientation/Screen
Difficulty comprehending the realtionship of one location to another.
Screen: Can the patient find his or her way around the hospital using written directions or pictorial map
Depth Perception Dysfunction (steropsis)/ Screen
Difficulty determining wherther one object is closer to the patient than another object
Screen:Determing objects if they are ner of far in relation to eachother.