The Contemporary World Flashcards
_________________ is a process of , expanding various sociocultural and socioecological processes from national to transcultural level (Al-Rodhan, 2006)
__________________________ is a measurement of ________ and _______________________ to other global players through____________________________________________ (Altman et al., 2018)
Global Connected Index (GCI);flows; interconnectedness of a country; exchanges in trade, capitol, people, and information
___________ also refers to ______________________ or makes it difficult for the movement of things
Solidity, barriers that prevent
__________ can either be ___________ or ___________
Solids, natural, man-made
Examples of natural solids are ____________ and __________________
landforms, bodies of water
Man-made barriers include ___________________________ and _________________
the Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall
________________ refers to the _______________________________ of people, things, information, and places in the contemporary world
Liquidity, increasing ease of movement
________________ refers to the _______________________________ as cultural inputs, economic factors, and political orientations of societies expand to create common practices, some economies, and similar forms of government
Homogeneity, increasing sameness in the world
It is one of the products of homogeneity in economic globalization
Global Economic Crises
It emphasizes the fact that cultures are essentially different and are only superficially aggected by global flows
Cultural Differentialism
________________________ approach emphasizes the integration of local and global cultures (Cvetkovich and Kellner, 1997). Globalization is considered to be a creative process which gives free rise to hybride entities that are not reducible to either the global or the local
Cultural Hybridization
____________________ approach stresses ______________ introduced by globalization. Cultures are deemed to be radically altered by strong flows
Cultura convergence, homogeneity
___________________ happens when one culture __________________ on and tends to ____________ at least parts of another culture
Cultural imperialization, imposes itself, destroys
One important critique of cultural imperialization is John Tomlinson’s idea of ________________________ of culture
It means that it is much more difficult to tie culture to a specific geographic point of origin
________________________ is the _____________________________________________________________________________ and institutional set ups that promote faster and easier flow of goods and capital (Sugden and Wilson, 2005)
Economic globalization; expansion of national economies, the global market driven by modern technologies
It denotes that the economies of various countries are more interconnected from extraction, production, distribution, consumption, to disposal of goods and services (Carfi and Schiliro, 2018)
Global Economy
It is the expasion of national economies, the global market driven by modern technologies and institutional set ups that promote faster and easier flow of goods and capital (Sugden and Wilson, 2005)
Economic Globalization