The consequences of global climate change Definitions Flashcards
a distinct geographical region with specific climate, flora and fauna
the total amount of water on a planet
Storm surge
the abnormal rise of water generated by a storm, over and above the predicted tide
a global ecosystem composed of living organisms and abiotic factors
(it is the part of the Earth where life exists, up to a few kilometres into the atmosphere and deep into the Earth’s crust or oceans)
Dead organic matter(DOM)
matter composed of organic compounds that has come from the remains of organisms(e.g. plants and animals) and their waste products into the environment
permanently frozen soil(i.e. for at least 2 years straight)
Primary productivity
the rate at which energy from the Sun is converted into organic substances by producers(mainly plants) through photosynthesis
Soil erosion
the removal and transportation of topsoil from the land thorugh water or wind over a period of time
the build up of water-soluble salts in soil(i.e. the increase in the salt cocentration of soil)
the process of ecological deterioration in which desert-like conditions spread into what where previously semi-arid areas
Dead zones
a place in which no life exists
the removal of trees from forests or other lands on a large scale for the facilitation of human activities
Land degradation
the decline in the productive capacity of the land
Carbon sink
anything that absorbs more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases
Carbon source
anything that releases more carbon into the atmosphere than it absorbs