Population and economic development patterns Definitions Flashcards
High-income countries(HICs)
countries which have a (GNI) per capita annual income over $12,735
Middle-income countries(MICs)
countries which have a (GNI) per capita annual income between $1,026-$12,475
Lower middle-income countries
middle-income countries with a GNI per capita of $1,026-$4,035
Upper middle-income countries
middle-income countries with a GNI per capita of $4,036-$12,475
Low-income countries(LICs)
countries which have a (GNI) per capita annual income of less than $1,025
Gross Domestic Product(GDP)
the total monetary value of all the goods and services produced by a country’s resident economy during a specified period of time(typically a year)
Gross National Income(GNI)
the total monetary value of all goods and services produced by a country’s people and businesses, whether domestic or foreign, within a specified period of time(typically a year)
GNI per capita
a country’s GNI divided by its mid-year population
GDP per capita
a country’s GDP divided by its mid-year population
Real GDP
the nominal GDP, adjusted for inflation
Real GNI
the nominal GNI, adjusted for inflation
The First World
a term used to describe industrialized democratic capitalist countries(e.g. those in Western Europe and North America, as well as Japan, Australia and New Zealand)
The Second World
a term used to describe state-controlled communist countries(e.g. the fomer Soviet Union)T
The Third World
a term used to describe the less developed countries(usually those in some parts of Latin America, Africa and Asia)
Newly Industrialized Countries(NICs)
countries with developing economies that have advanced towards industrialization(e.g. South Korea and Taiwan)
Centrally Planned Economies(CPEs)
an economic system where a government body makes economic decisions regarding the production, pricing and distribution of goods(e.g. North Korea)
an economic and political system in which property, business, and industry are controlled by private owners rather than by the state, with the purpose of making a profit
a political and economic system that seeks to create a classless society in which the major means of production(e.g. mines, factories, etc.) are owneed and controlled by the public and private property is nonexistent or severely curtailed
an economic and political system based on public or collective ownership of the means of production and that emphasizes economic equality
North-South divide
the increasing inequality in levels of development between the North and the South or between HICs and LICs
Development gap
the difference in wealth between the developed world(North) and the developing world(South)
Population density
the average number of people in a given area((e.g. per km²)
Population distribution
the way in which the population is spread out over an area, region, country or the world
Rural area
a settlement with a population of less than 10,000 people
Urban area
a settlement with a relatively high population density and a relatively high density of man-made structures
a place where people live and caryy out a range of activities(e.g. trade and manufacturing)
an official count of the population carried out by the government at regular intervals
Quality of life
the happiness, well-being and satisfaction of a person/group of people
Standard of living
the factors that affect a person’s quality of life and can be measured
all the inhabitants of a particular place
metropolitan areas with a population of over 10 million
Millionaire cities
cities which have over a million residents
a very large urban settlement(usually with accompanying suburbs)
Megalopolis/Super city/Megaregion
a group of metropolitan areas which are perceived as a continuous urban area(through transport, economy, resources, etc.)