The Communication Models Flashcards
An oral communication model attempts to freeze and single out important features or elements of the real world for us to grasp its dynamic, interrelatedness of these features.
Apollo 8 Christmas Message
The mathematician from the US behind the Shannon-Weaver model
Claude Shannon
The electrical engineer from the US behind the Shannon-Weaver model
Warren Weaver
The person (or object/thing) who has the information to begin with; aka the ‘information source’
Sender (Information Source)
The machine in the Shannon-Weaver model that converts the idea into signals that can be sent from the sender to the receiver
Encoder (Transmitter)
The infrastructure in the S-W model that gets information from the sender and transmitter through to the decoder and receiver; aka ‘medium’
Interrupts a message while it’s on the way from the sender to the receiver
This model is in reference to communication that happens through devices like telephones; there needs to be a device that decodes the message from binary digits or waves
Shannon-Weaver model
Decodes a message from binary digits or waves back into a format that can be understood by the receiver
The end-point of S-W’s original linear framework; where the person finally gets the message
Receiver (Destination)
He came up with the feedback step in response to criticism of the linear nature of the approach of the S-W model.
Norbert Weiner
Plays the passive part in the communication process according to criticisms in the S-W model
Criticized as a “misleading misinterpretation of the nature of human communication” as human communication is not mathematical in nature
Shannon-Weaver model
In this model, each person in the communication acts as both a speaker and a listener, and can be simultaneously sending and receiving the message.
Transactional model
Means that communication is an ongoing and continuously changing process
An important component in the transactional model, especially in interpersonal communication
He postulated the Schramm model in 1954, where he suggested that communication is a two-way process where both sender and receiver take turns to send and receive a message.
Wilbur Schramm
Other names of Schramm model:
Osgood and Schramm model of communication, Encode-decode model of communication
Plays a very important role because it initiates the process of communication by converting the thought into content
In this model, communication is incomplete unless and until the sender receives a feedback from the recipient.
Schramm model
An individual’s beliefs, values, experiences, and learned meanings both as an individual or part of a group
Field of experience
In the Schramm model, meanings can be:
Denotative or connotative
The central feature of the Osgood-Schramm model
In the Schramm model, communication is assumed to be _____ in nature.
It is an essential part in the Osgood-Schramm model
Known as a model of the ingredients of communication
Berlo’s model
He was an American communications theorist who formulated the Berlo model.
David Berlo
Four elements identified in the Berlo model:
Source, message, channel, receiver
The elements under the source and receiver in the Berlo’s model:
CAKSC: communication skills, attitudes, knowledge, social system, culture
The individual’s skill to communicate
Communication skills
Towards the audience, subject, and towards oneself
Knowledge about the subject
Includes the various aspects of society, like values, beliefs, culture, religion, and general understanding of society
Social system
An element that also comes under social system
Means how the message is sent, and in what form it could be (e.g., language, body language, gesture, music, culture); where you get/give the message or through which the communication takes place
How the message is arranged into various parts
The packing of the message; the way in which the message is conveyed
The beginning to the end of a message
Includes various things like language, gestures, body language; accompanies the content
A one-way, linear form of communication which shows the sender-message-channel-receiver concept
Berlo’s model
Two elements/concepts that are absent in the Berlo’s model
Feedback and noise
He developed the Laswell’s model of communication.
Harold D. Laswell
One of the most influential communication models (aka action model, linear model, or one-way model)
Laswell’s model
“Every message sent will have a corresponding effect to the receiver.”
Laswell’s model
Elements in the Laswell’s model:
CMMRE: communicator, message, medium, receiver, effect
Components/questions asked in the Laswell’s model:
WSITW: who (control analysis), says what (content analysis), in which channel (media analysis), to whom (audience analysis), with what effect (effect analysis)
Criticized as a very general and simplistic model with only very traditional topics; does not include feedback and does not consider barriers (noise)
Laswell’s model
“A mathematical theory of communication”
Shannon-Weaver model
Communication is an ongoing and continuously changing process.
Transactional model
Field of experience is important in understanding the message.
Schramm’s model
Factors/components of the message in the Berlo’s model:
CETSC: Content, elements, treatment, structure, code
Channels in the Berlo’s model:
HSTST: Hearing, seeing, touching, smelling, tasting