Features and Tenets of Communication Flashcards
Communication must convey all facts required by the audience; develops and enhances the reputation of an organization, cost saving, leaves no questions, helps in better decision-making, persuades the audience
Means wordiness or conveying in the least possible words; time-saving and cost-saving, avoids using excessive and needless words, more appealing and comprehensible, non-repetitive
Implies “stepping into the shoes of others”; emphasizes the “you” approach, empathize with the audience and exhibit interest, show optimism and emphasize on “what is possible”, lay stress on positive words
Implies emphasizing a specific message or goal at a time; makes understanding easier, enhances the meaning of the message, makes use of exact, appropriate, and concrete words
Being particular and clear rather than fuzzy and general; supported with specific facts and figures, makes use of words that are clear, not misinterpreted
The message should show the sender’s expression and showing respect; taking into consideration both viewpoints, positive and focused at the audience, not at all biased
No grammatical errors; exact, correct, and well-timed, boosts up the confidence level, has greater impact, checks for precision and accurateness, appropriate and correct language
7 Cs of communication:
Completeness, conciseness, consideration, clarity, concreteness, courtesy, correctness
Four types of listening:
Appreciative listening, empathetic listening, comprehensive listening, critical listening
Listening for appreciation or listening for enjoyment (e.g., sermons from places of worship, motivational speech, standup comedian)
Appreciative listening
To show mutual concern and try to identify with the speaker by understanding the situation; stepping into the other’s shoes to get a better understanding of what he/she is talking about
Empathetic listening
Listening to understand or listening to comprehend the message that is being sent; is an active process, identifying the structure of the speech and evaluating the supports he/she offers as evidence (e.g., watching the news, listening to a lecture, getting directions from someone)
Comprehensive listening
To evaluate the content of the message; listen to all parts of the message, analyze it, and evaluating what you heard, critically thinking and making mental judgments
Critical listening
A principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true
Communication contains several steps: the sender creates an idea, and interprets thoughts into messages, then delivers the messages to the receiver; the receiver copes with the message and responses by giving voice or responses with some gestures and facial expressions.
Communication is a Complex Process
The sender gets the messages and notices the effect on the receiver.
Reciprocating process
Communication serves a purpose depending on the context: to express, explain, relate with other people, persuade, entertain, and appreciate the present.
Communication is Purposive
The elements of communication affect one another: feelings, ideas, and dispositions of the receiver, sending and receiving patters, process, the manner by which the communicators perceive the process.
Communication is Dynamic
Every communication experience is unique. The effects on the receiver of what we have said is difficult to reverse.
Communication is Unrepeatable (never the same) and Irreversible
Communication is affected by circumstances and setting (referred to as context).
Communication is Contextualized
Communication has been and will always be a part of our lives. We should improve our communication skills to make interactions with others more meaningful.
Communication is Everywhere
The process of communication starts with the sender encoding the idea and sending it to the receiver via a medium or channel until the receiver provides feedback to the sender. Communication goes in a cyclical way, therefore it never stops.
Communication is Continuous
Messages must go in two (or more) directions; all parties receive confirmation that their message was received and understood. The transactional part is necessary for continuing bilateral communication. Communication is a transactional process because it goes through an ordered sequence of the process.
Communication is a Transaction
Effective communication is attainable and deliberately acquired skill set - one that can be learned and practiced over time.
Communication is Learned
“The art of communication is the language of leadership.”
James C. Humes
According to ______, communication is sharing information between two or more individuals.
Susan M. Heathfield
Effective communication requires all components of communication to interwork perfectly for “shared meaning”.
Communication is a Sharing of Meanings
It is the what of any message; the facts and figures, the ideas and opinions that we transmit through e-mails, conversations, etc., anything that can be expressed in words
Is decoded based on the relationship level of meaning according to Dr. Susan Glaser
Content level of meaning
Content and relational meaning are two important aspects in communication.
Communication has two Levels of Meaning: Content and Relational
Pertains to the who of any interaction; defines, in large part, the nature of the relationship between the two of them
Relational communication
A subset of interpersonal communication that focuses on the expression and interpretation of messages within close relationships; includes all types of messages and interactions
Relational meaning