The collapse of the soviet union Flashcards
Who is Mikhail Gorbachev?
- last leader of SU
- ender of cold war → died Aug 2022
- within Russia rembembered with mixed feelings
- collapse of SU as greatest geopolitical catasthrophe of the century (Putin)
- Leader from 1985-1991
- General secretary of the communisr party of the SU
Perstrioka and five transformations
- economicl, political, international relations to west, relations with satteline states, breking apart of USSR
- economic reforms: allowing for privately owned small business, anti alcohol campaign to increases productivity 1985
- downsides: taxes in alcohol were major part of GDP → economic crisis, his population decreased
- acceleration policy: bought money and distributed it around companies → attempt failed
- rradical 500 days programm: not fully adopted
→ failed economic reform programms - political reforms: Glasnost → sparked mass dicontent, anti commuinist and nationalistic feelings, civil resisitance against central authority
- Democratization: 1989: creation of new legislative and parliament with actual power: allowed to be critical against leaders
- breaking the monopoly of communist party
- outcome: divisions of the elite into hardlines …..
- Union of soviet socialist republic
- many states
- 1922 came into existence
- civil war after october rev → red communist vs white army (anti communists)
- red army won → soviet union
USSR in 1985
- political regression (oppression)
- patchwork of nationalities
- cold war (1947-1991)
- Arms race with US
- Reagan’s Star Wars Program: military expansion, nuclear weapons etc.
- USSR was economically struggling but had to keep up with US
→ economic problems: oil prices dropped internationally → export declined - economic stagnation
- central gov controls the market → Planwirtschaft
- low levels of inequality and unemployment
- Incentive problem: companies do not work as hard as they can → no motivation to innovate
- information vaccum: what costs, how much to produce, sell etc.
cold war
- US: Truman Doctronie and Containment Policy: Start of cold war
→ stop communism from spreading- economically support european states to stop from becoming communist
- Marshall plan: resulting in a booming economy in western eu
- Nato was formed afterwrds 1949
- response of USSR 1949: first soviet test of nuclear weapon
→ result: nuclear threat - Warschauer Pakt: 1955
- Berlin Wall (1961)
Reapprochement to US
- Gorbachev puts end to arms race with US, demining cold war tensions
- Example: INF treaty
- intermediate range nuclear forces treaty
- signed by US and USSR in Dez 1987
- destroyed part of their weapons → symbolic value
- 2019: the USA withdrew from treaty after accusations that Russia had be violating treaty
- US countering China: competing with China (new world threat)
The fall of Gorbachev and the collapse of the soviet union
- attempts by the USSR republics to gain more autinomy vis a vis centraly power
- baltic states: civil resisitence against soviet union
- georgia, moldavia and ukraine: declared independence
- Soviet coup: 1991: president renounced coup → coup failed, military switched sides
- Gorbbachev: lost support and resigned
- Boris Yeltsin as new democratic president
- end of cold war
The aftermath of the fall
- territorial loss
- formed warschauer pakt countries joined nato
- estonia, latvia and Lithuania joined nato
- Finnland and Ukraine joined Nato