Modern age: 15th century and reformation Flashcards
why do the middle ages start at the 15th century?
- Constantinople was taking by the Ottoman empire
- tension between ottomann empire and christian world → bc growth of ottoman empire
- discovery of the americas
- Reformation
- the Italian renaissance and humanism → lost importance in italy but spread to rest of europe
- black death/plague
- Reconquista of Granada: marriage to form union and reconquered Granada → first step of formation of spain
New Dawn: humanism and reformation
- Humanism: nature of the caesura bet Middle Ages and the modern age → radical discontinuity
- → introduced by Francesco Petrarch
- Continuity thesis: Haskins: The renaissance of the twelth century → modern western civilasation started in the renaissance of the 12th century → period of urbanisation, education and economic growth, development of thinking
- not as radical but there is a caesura
- Lesaffer: ‘’Antiquity was re-rediscovered’’ in modern age
- Epistemology = theory of knowledge
- redicovery of Aristotle, Bible, Cicero etc.
- Epistemologists searched for knowledge by analysing and interpreting classical text canon
- Scholasticim expected to find absolute and timeless truth, but found lots of contradictions and inconsistensies → used logic as a tool to harmonize authoritative texts (Auctoritas: absolute authority)
- Humanists saw texts historical texts who have a certain time and space
- texts have relative authority
- Humanism is the start of the intellectual emancipation of the west
- Emulatio (study, imitation and competition) → love of reading and books
- historical and philological method of interpretation (text critism, linguistics)
- historical accurate interpretation of texts (?)
Lorenzo Valla: About the donation of Constantine
The donation of Constantine
* Lorenzo discovered that it was a forgery and it in the 9th century
* used historical and methodological method to show forgery → used logic: no other docs to confirm this document, diadem: crown was not of stones or gold but cloth → describing a 9th century crown instead of a 4th century diadem
* → challeged authority by revealing that it was fake
The impact of humanism: the scientific revolution
* How did he challenge the authority?
* Copernicus: rejects authority of theology → do not look for correct info in the bible, no proper understanding of the physical book
* book was forbidden →
* Galileo: heliocentric challenged new ideas
* rise of new epidemiologist in the 17th century → rationalism and empiricism
* Charles Perraults: moderns surpassed ancients and have become giants
New Dawn: beginning of the Reformation and causes
- Martin Luther: german monk, professor of theology
- Martin Luther hammers his 95 reasons whats wrong with church on Wittenberg dome
- → was not challenging pope, no blueprint of new church
- thesis to consent indulgences
- buying indulgence to forgive sins
- buying indulgence for someone who died → shorten time of purgatory
Reformation: Causes
* abuses in the church
* sale of indulgence
* Nepotism: giving positions to family, friends, children etc.
* Riches of church
* Externalism:
* Concubines
Martin Luther
- reasons for his impact → printing press had recently been invented → easily spread his ideas
- Thesis would spread through holy roman empire and was translated → became ‘’viral’’
- first time for opinions to be spread through printing press
- many wanted to escape Emperor of Rome, who sided with the Pope
- Formulation of the new theology: only faith, only scriptture → rejection of later institutions: seven sacraments, purgatory, dogma transsubstantiaion, Saints, religious orders
Churches response to reformation and escalation of the conflict
- 1520: papal bull: public letter: ‘Arise, O lord’ → views of Luther was erratic, not accepted by church, offered Luther to take back thesis or they would excommunicated him
- → Luther burned papal bull → he got excommunicated 1521
- Charles the 5th allied with the pope → both worried abt reformation becoming big
- Charles wanted Empire to stay Catholic and stay allied with pope
- → diet of worms: representatives of all roman empire regions
- Martin Luther: was confronted with Emperor and yet did not give in → ‘’I can do no other. Here I take my stand’’
- outlawed → Martin Luther was not protected by the law
- Received protection and shelter by prince of Saxony
- went into hiding in Eisenach
- Emperor was not powerful enough to impose diet of worms on different states
→ spreading of reformation
The churches Responses
* Counter reformation:
* Council of Trent(1545-1563) → waited many years after Martin Luthers thesis: doctrinal clarity ( and banning abuses
* Index of forbidden books
* pope was worried to loose power if he made a council → so he waited many years after start of reformation
Impact of the Reformation
- wars of religion → culminated in the thirty years war → fought in holy roman empire
- tensions in empire → 1/3 of people were killed by war or economic consequences
- included many areas → european war
- Reformation created modern Europe and left mark on the history of the world
- Pluralism: the end of religious unity in western Europe and start of religious pluralism, protestant movements
- individualism
- church authority challenged