New imperialism and colonialism: A case study of congo Flashcards
what is coloniasim?
- Western colonialism: several other periods of colonialism → greek colonialism (8-6th BC)
*the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.
Difference bet Imperisalism and colonialism
- confused with each other, there is a difference
- imperialism still practised today, one country exercises power over another, political and economic control over a dependent territory
- how it is exercised is different than colonisation
- can be attained thro: colonazitation, use of military force, trade or economic invetsments, indirect mechanisms
- colonization is part of imperialism
- colonialism does not neccesaary involve settlement(?)
Logic behind earth hunger
- ‘’that’s what humans do’’ → innate nature for war
- wish to subjugate others
- Imperialism is the object-less disposition of a state to expansion by force without assigned limits
- possible explanation for imperialism, not new imperialism
- economic motives: industrial revolution, raw materials and
- → economic and liberal thinker: colonies cost more than they are worth (year of american independence)
- political leaders described colonies as ‘’millstone round our neck’’
- Congo colonies nearly brought settlers to bankruptcy
- political motives: international competition → after germanys unification
- nationalism and prestige: imp role of nationalism → enhancement from colonialism
- ideological dimension: civilizing mission, social Darwinism: some races superior to others
- → justification of what they were doing
Congo: a chronological overview
- before 1885: rich and precolonial history
- 1885-1908: congo free state
- 1908-1960: Belgian congo
- 30 June 1960: Independence
- between unstable democracy and dictatorships and without expertise
Congo before 1885
- central Africa under control of afro-arab traders
- King Leopold of Belgium, new king of new country → wanted to have colonies to compete with others, nationalism, financial considerations, ideological considerations etc.
- explorer told him of rich traders and river in central Africa
- conference with explorers, geologists etc. → decided together to bound an international african associations → map region, animals → scientific exploration and free region of slave trade
- Henry Stanley: get land from inland ppl by giving them luxuries→ treaties: chiefs could not understand treaties and language
International recognition at conference of Berlin
- european nations made act where free trade is possible
- no income bc no tax raises etc.
- preserve tribes and no slavery
Congo free state
- no checking over power of Leopold in Congo → he has full power as there is no institution hinder him
- all from his own money, develop region, start army, stop trade → nearly went bankrupt, got loans from gov
- new policy: all land not cultivated was his → cost him everything in the end
- pay taxes from citizen
- rubber was common → high demand of rubber bc of invention of rubber tires
rubber collection
- efficient and effective collection of the rubber
- gave belgian companies land to get rubber → was shareholder so he got money
- army and administration made sure so the inhabitants collected rubber
- soldiers would get violent if not enough rubber was collected → army only got paid when enough was collected → whipping and killing of citizen
- consequence Leopolds systems
- red rubber: hands cut of of alive ppl bc every time a bullet was used they had to reason it and as a proof show a hand of the person they killed → if they used bullets for other than killing slaves they would get in trouble
- famine and hunger erupted as people had to got deeper into forests to collect rubber → ca 20 Mil people died bc of this
- taxes made were used in beligum → for him personally
critisism to King Leopold
- casement report → no pay of worker and abuse of them by soldiers
- → international pressure
- Leopold formally turned congo free state over to Belgium