The Cold War Flashcards
George Kennan
created the policy of containment, state department official that suggests soviet expansion be resisted
George Marshall
Kim Il-sung
Douglas MacArthur
Joseph McCarthy
Nikita Khrushchev
Francis Gary Powers
Ho Chi Minh
William Westmoreland
Henry Kissinger
Maya Lin
Essay: Causes of Cold War (3)
- Spread communism throughout world ( U.S will resist)
- Atomic Bomb ( U.S has it the Soviets want it)
The American policy to resist the expansion of communism
Open Skies
mutually-assured destruction
domino effect
Agent Orange*
post-traumatic stress disorder
Gulf of Tongkin
Radio Free Europe
Central Intelligence Agency
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
National Defense Education Act
Provisions of the National Security Act of 1947 (3)
Goals of the Marshall Plan (4)
Reason for the Soviet blockade of Berlin
When did the Korean War end?
Provisions of the Geneva Peace Accords of 1954 (4)
Reason why Congress added the words “under God” to the Pledge and “in God we trust” to our money
Purpose of the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Actions taken by Lyndon Johnson in escalating the war in Vietnam (4)
Outcome of the North Vietnamese lunar New Year offensive of 1968
Provisions of Richard Nixon’s strategy for ending the U.S. combat role in Vietnam (4)
Purpose of the War Powers Act; reason why every President has ignored it
Approximate number of Americans killed in the Vietnam War
Action Gerald Ford wanted to take following the North Vietnamese invasion of the south; reason why he couldn’t
Jimmy Carter’s response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Essay: Causes of Cold War (3)
- Spread communism throughout world ( U.S will resist)
- Atomic Bomb ( U.S has it the Soviets want it)
- Lend- Lease ends ( we gave them a great amount of supplies and after the war ends we take it back, they wanted program to continue) They are upset for not getting anymore free military supplies
George Marshall
Makes a plan to give money to any country in Europe that asks, no political conditions or anything. For the purpose of rebuilding infrastructure.
Provisions of the National Security Act of 1947 (3)
- AirForce becomes separate service
- National Security Council- advises president in handling foreign policies
- Central Intelligence Agency
Goals of the Marshall Plan (4)
- Opening markets creating investments ops for american business
- stability the european economy
- Improve standard of living for europeans
- undermine support-socialists economy