chapter 20 & 21 Flashcards
Benito Mussolini
Leader of Fascist army in Italy
Hideki Tojo
Joseph Stalin
Winston S. Churchill
Neville Chamberlain
Edouard Daladier
William Allen White
Henry Kaiser
James Doolittle
Ted Lawson
Douglas MacArthur
Supreme allied commander of South Pacific U.S. Fleets
Chester W. Nimitz
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Supreme allied commander in Europe
George H. Bush
J. Robert Oppenheimer
given to bully in often futile hoping he/she is satisfied
Non-Aggression Pact
Cash- and- carry
paying in advance and picking up goods
“Lighting war”, war tactic combining rapid movement and close communications of air/ ground forces
Island Hopping
Operation Overload
Manhattan Project
Pearl Harbor*
Selective Service Act of 1940
Uss Arizona *
Korematsu v. United States
Characteristics of fascist governments (3)
1) absolute ruler (the leader)
2) absence of individual ( liberty)
3) glorify military values
Provisions of the Neutrality Acts of the 1930’s (3)
1) arms embargo against belligerents
2) prohibit loans to belligerents
3) prohibit all trade with belligerents
Provisions of the treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union (2)
Reasons why the Japanese wished to expand militarily (3)
FDR’s reaction the the Japanese invasion of Indochina
Principles expressed in the Atlantic Charter (8)
Two important decisions made by FDR and Churchill early in the war
1- defeat Germany first
2- only accept unconditional surrender
Provisions of the joint declaration issued by the allies (3)
Functions of the War production board
Types of Jobs held by women during the war- civilian and military
Built airplanes, and guns, nurses, and mechanics
Japanese interned during the war- citizens or aliens?
2/3 were American citizens and 1/3 were aliens
Location of the first allied offensive against Germany
Provisions of the Yalta Agreement (6)
Democratic reforms introduced to Japan after the War by General MacArthur (5)
World War II casualties compared to other wars
a lot of people died
Hideki Tojo
Japanese wartime prime minister
Joseph Stalin
soviet union leader
Henry Kaiser
prefabricated ships, built liberty ships in 3 days; 1st person to offer health insurance
James Doolittle
famous aviator; enlisted in American Air Core
George H. Bush
U.S. navy pilot shot down by Japanese and saved us Submarine
J. Robert Oppenheimer
head of Manhattan Project
Island Hopping
technique of attacking only the important islands in a chain while by passing ones that aren’t important
Japanese suicide pilots
1st island offensive against Japanese
1st atomic bomb dropped
Korematsu v. United States
supreme ruled that interment of Japanese American citizens was constitutional in interest of national safety
Provisions of the treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union (2)
1- Germany and Soviet Union agree to never go to war with each other
2- agree to divide Poland
Provisions of the joint declaration issued by the allies (3)
1- Full economic and military cooperation
2- no separate peace with the enemy
3- adopt the principles of the Atlantic Charter
Provisions of the Yalta Agreement (6)
1-Germany is to be divided into 4 zones of occupation
2- Germany and Japan demilitarized
3- Germany and Japan leaders tried for war criminals
4- USS reenter war against Japan
5-free election I after Poland
6- UN founded
Democratic reforms introduced to Japan after the War by General MacArthur (5)
1- Freedom of Press 2- Womens Suffrage 3- Right of labor to organize and form unions 4- Breakup of trust and monopolies 5- Land reforms
Neville Chamberlain
Great Britain Prime minister during meeting in Munich
Non-Aggression Pact
2 countries agree to never go to war with each other
America loans military supplies to Britain in exchange for leasing british air/naval bases in western hemisphere to avoid violating neutrality
limiting the amount of a certain product americans could buy
Operation Overload
Invasion of Normandy (d-day)
Manhattan Project
atomic bomb project
southern Germany
Pearl Harbor*
december 7, 1941 attack by Japan
Point where U.s assumed Japanese would not win
last atomic bomb dropped later lead to Japanese surrendering
Selective Service Act of 1940
establishes the first peace time draft in history of U.S.
Reasons why the Japanese wished to expand militarily (3)
1-Need Food
2- Need raw Material
3- natural rulers
FDR’s reaction the the Japanese invasion of Indochina
Placed an embargo on steel, oil and iron
Principles expressed in the Atlantic Charter (8)
1- no territorial aggrandizement 2- no territorial changes q/o consent of inhabitants 3- self government 4- free trade 5- economic cooperation 6- freedom of the seas 7- disarm the aggressors 8- Just and lasting peace
Winston S. Churchill
great britain prime minister
Edouard Daladier
premier of france
William Allen White
Ted Lawson
30 seconds over tokyo
Uss Arizona *
1200 killed on battleship during pearl harbor
Functions of the War production board
1- supervising the conversation of existing factories during wartime production/ building new ones
2- Allocating raw materials
3- regulate clothing style
4- encourage to collect scrap metal and cooking fat
Location of the first allied offensive against Germany