Chapter 18 Test Flashcards
Oliver Kelley
founder of “Grange”
Mary Elizabeth Lease
politics woman, gifted speaker; said, “Farmers should raise less corn and more hell.”
William Jennings Bryan
gave a speech of bimetallism, “you shall not crucify mankind.”; democratic and populist candidate of Election of 1896.
Ida Tarbell
history of standard oil company of Rockefeller
Upton Sinclair
wrote “The Jungle” about horrible conditions of plants and food
Florence Kelley
Woman; reformer who wanted to give women the right to work as they please. Wanted to limit working hours for women.
Louis Brandeis
attorney to fight Kelley’s case. Argument: “why should women work less than men.”
Carrie Chapman Catt
New president of NAWSA
Alice Paul
Founder of NAWSA; against Catt says; NWP (NAtional Women’s Party) to organize rights for equal rights. Organized protests, strikes and so much more. -Movie about Alice Paul.
Lucy Burns
Founder of NAWSA; against Catt says; NWP (NAtional Women’s Party) to organize rights for equal rights. Organized protests, strikes and so much more.
Frances Willard
head of WCTU (Women’s Christian Temperance Unit, organization to prohibit alcohol)
Carrie Nation
member of WCTU; radical; went down to a saloon with an ax and smashed all the liquor, chopped up the bar; got arrested and her husband bailed her out; husband left her after; found new husband and left state and became a Traveling Ax Wilder and went around chopping bars.
Gifford Pinchot
one of the first to attend college for advocating the conservation of the nation’s reserves
Harvey W. Wiley
scientist working for the government who urged the passing of the meat inspection act
cost of money decreases, so cost of products increases.
Graduated income tax
wealthy pay a higher percentage of tax than those who do not make as much.
companies that provide public service.
belief money should be banked by both Gold and Silver.
person who cleaned out horse shit; Roosevelt called them (the investigative journalists) this because they brought out the shit of the Government.
a preliminary election to appoint delegates
Right to contract
the right of a person to work as they please with as much time as they would like; right to negotiate times to work between employer and person
women who sought the right to vote.
preservation of natural resources
Sustainable development
economic exploitation
Muller v. Oregon
Florence Kelley hires one of the best attorneys, Louis Brandeis. The case where Kelley fought for women wanting women to have less hours of work.
Louis Brandeis argued:
1. women are weaker physically and mentally.
2. protected women’s child bearing responsibility.
**The Supreme Court approved the case, legal in states for women to work less hours than men.
Pure Food & Drug Act
the use of certain ingredients in food and medicine and requires that there is a list of ingredients on packages
Meat Inspection Act
requires the government to check the meat packing process on a regular basis
Federal Reserve
First National Bank
National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)
When 2 organizations formed into 1 for women rights….New President of NAWSA- Carrie Catt
- Women copied actions of British woman in 1905.
- Lots of women walked around in London and at a certain time, over 100 women took out a brick from their purse and through it at the store.
- Carrie Catt wanted to deserve the right to vote by being respectful, reasonable, rationale, which means don’t do what the British do.
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
Head of WCTU- Francis Willard
- Organization to prohibit alcohol.
- Go to saloons and kneel in front of them praying. #beautiful
First National Park
Official name of Grange; reason for its founding; services provided to farmers. (4)
Farmer’s Alliance- call it the People’s Party
- a cooperative to sell altogether (cheap supply= more $$)
- grain elevators (so farmers store supplies)
- educational opportunities (learn to be better farmers)
- social activities (like dances, so the guys and the girls mingle)
Political reforms sought by the Populists. (6)
- secret ballot.
- limit president to one term.
- popular election of senators.
- initiative- right of people to intro Legislative. To intervene.
- referendum- right to people to vote on legislative.
- recall- promotes you to remove Legislative (person) from office before their time is over.
Sources of the Progressive movement. (3)
- Social Gospel- (everyone as christians has responsibility to make a better place and help those less fortunate.)
- Socialism
- Investigative Journalism- (writers and reporters investigate and make aware of the horror and unjust happening within the country.
Consequences for the owners of the Triangle Waist Co. following the deadly fire in their factory.
- People died; 146 women died.
- Photo of the ladies lined up on the block, dead.
- Owners of factory tried for manslaughter and pleaded non-guilty. They won non-guilty because they claimed it was “an act of God”; lead to economic punishment. Which led up for women to work less hours.
Political reforms sought by the Progressives. (8)
- Term president
- Popular election of U.S. Senator
- Initiative
- Referendum
- Recall
- Primary
- Voters registration
- disfranchisment
Items included in Theodore Roosevelt’s “Square Deal”.
- prosecution of trust
- regulate railroads
- preservation of natural resources
- childrens bureau
President who established more national parks and wildlife refuges than any other?
Progressive reforms accomplished by William H. Taft. (3)
- prosecution of trust
- more land under
- children’s bureau
Items included in Thomas Woodrow Wilson’s “New Freedom”.(3)
- Prosecute trust 2.Reduce Tariffs 3. National Bank
Most important function of our national bank.
to control and regulate the circulation of money
Provisions of the Clayton Antitrust Act. (4)
- prohibits trust
- unions not trusts
- legalized strikes, boycotts & peaceful picketing
- prohibit the use of conjunctions against union unless there is a danger to public safety
Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of Minor v Happersett.
For being rejected to vote.
Argument: She’s citizen so she has the right to vote.
She lost; Reason: doesn’t give the right to vote though despite citizenship.
First state to give women the right to vote.
Date on which all American women finally gained the right to vote.
August 26, 1920
Extra Credit: Name of man who voted and made it for women to vote?
Harry Burn, was going to say no but changed his mind because he received a letter from his mother asking him to do the right thing.