Chapter 18 & 19 Flashcards
William Waters
leader of the bonus army
Douglas MacArthur
Chief staff of the US army
Harry Hopkins
social worker who doesn’t believe in welfare but believes in giving them a job
John Maynard Keynes
English Columnist who said to cure depression is massive government spending
Henry Morgenthau
secretary of treasury
Frances Perkins
secretary of labor first women to serve in presidents cabin
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
chief political advisor in FDR cabinet
Charles Coughlin
a priest who had a sunday radio show that was heard all over the nation and he claimed FDR was getting too close to wealthy bankers “Jews”
Francis Townsend
retired dentist who said elders 60+ should be given 200 a month
Huey Long
Governor who became senate of Louisiana and started “Share Our Wealth” stated each family have 5,000 income a year
Robert F. Wagner
Senator from NY who sponsored the National Labor Relations Act
Dorothea Lange
Photographer who set across the country to document the Great Depression
John Steinbeck
Author of the Grapes of Wrath
John Collier
Head of BIA
Marian Anderson
Black opera singer who was scheduled to sing at a white womens theatre and when her show got cancelled she preformed a free concert at Lincoln Memorial
installment plan
Pay a down payment and then a little each week/ etc.
margin buying
Buying stalks on credit
economic indicators
economic statistics that hint something bad is coming
Black Tuesday*
the day the stock market crashed
“soup kitchen” of their time
Homeless communities during the great depression referred to by cynical inhabitants
Bonus army
WW1 veterans that marched in formation to the White House because they wanted their money
Sit-down strike
went to work but did nothing
Bank Holiday
all banks closed until further notice
Hundred Days
the first three months of FDR’s administration where congress passed a lot of important pieces of legislative
fireside chats
FDR’s radio broadcasts that caused families to sit together and listen
deficit spending
spending a massive amount of money with no regard to balancing the budget
Dust Bowl*
when the great plains received no rain causing the soil to dry and create dust
reciprocal trade agreements
congress granted roosevelt authority to negotiate trade with individual countries
Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act*
prohibits certain ingredients in food, makeup, and medicine
Causes of the Great Depression (4)
- Too much credit
- Over production
- Over speculation on stock
- High tariffs
Economic statistics that indicated problems were coming for the American economy (4)
- Housing starts go down
- Factory Orders go down
- Inventories go up
- Prices go down
Problems faced by women during the Great Depression (4); problems faced by children (2)
- abandoned by their husbands
- females first fired and last hired
- pur pressure on employers not to hire women
- some states prohibit hiring married women
- quit school to get a job and never were able to go back and complete their education
- malnutrition
Minorities hit harder by the Depression? Eligible for government assistance?
yes and yes
Reaction of farmers to the drop in prices during the Depression
they destroyed the crops they had already
Reasons why many workers with jobs were unhappy; result of their unhappiness
workers are asked dot work longer hours for less pay which results in violence and starts strike
Actions taken by Herbert Hoover in attempting to deal with the Great Depression (3)
- Low cost loans to home owners and farmers
- Give money to governments and big businesses
- Creating jobs, building bridges and dams
Activities used by Americans as temporary escapes from their troubles during the Depression (6)
- Movies
- Radio
- Baseball
- Reading
- Boardgames like monopoly
- Music
Provisions of the Emergency Banking Act (2)
- Treasure department to audit every bank in the US
2. Forbids private ownership of Gold
Benefits provided by the Social Security Act (4)
- Retirement pensions
- disability insurance
- unemployment insurance
- death benefit
Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (3)
- Minimum standard wage
- maxi hours
- prohibits factory workers by children until their 16
Provisions of the National Labor Relations Board (4)
- Right to join union of choice
- Employers must bargain in “good faith”
- NLRB to superise the union elections to investigate violations of the law
Purpose of the Revenue Acts of 1935 and 1938
distribution of wealth from rich to poor
Provisions of the Indian Reorganization Act (3)
- Tribe self government (theoretically)
- SOME land from the indians will be returned to the tribes
- promises fundind for economic development projects
Serious political mistake made by FDR
redoing the membership of the supreme court by appointing someone else in political favorable to a judge that is 70 or older
EC Migrant mother
Florence Owens