The Classical Age: Rome Flashcards
Wealthy landowning class
What kind of government did Rome have?
Landowners drove out the Etruscan king and formed a REPUBLIC, Rome became a unified state, Rome eventually became a EMPIRE
Farmers, artisans, shopkeepers
Twelve Tables
Roman law code that judges (praetors) must announce the laws to the public
Jus Gentium
Joining of Roman and foreign law
Jus naturale
Universal law
Military system of Rome?
Legions consisted of 3000-6000 men made up of companies of 120 men loyal to each other
Pontifex Maximus
Chief priest of Rome
Punic Wars
Wars between Rome and Carthage for control of the Mediterranean (Phoenician city CARTHAGE was the chief outlet for trade in North Africa), by the end of the wars Rome controlled Spain, Greece, and Macedonia
Roman general who created a professional army and overthrew the Senate and was reelected as consul 4 times
-Sulla took over
Julius Caesar
Earned fame through conquest in Gaul (France), supported by the people
Earned fame through conquest in the East and supported by senate
First Triumvirate
Formed by Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus, agreed to share power
End of the republic
When Crassus dies, Caesar defies the senate by bringing his army across the Rubicon River, CAESAR IS APPOINTED DICTATOR
Ides of March
Caesar is assassinated by Brutus
Egypt becomes part of Rome when…
Cleopatra and Antony are defeated at Actium
Caesar’s grandnephew assumed title of AUGUSTUS and founded the roman empire
Pax Romana
Time period from Augustus to Marcus Aurelius b/c there was political peace with no major wars
Ptolemaic Dynasty
A Macedonian Greek royal family which ruled in Egypt, the last dynasty of Ancient Egypt
Roman guilds
Justinian’s Code (Corpus Juris Civilis)
The collection of roman laws organized into a single volume by Justinian, Emperor of Byzantine (greek-speaking part of Eastern Rome, capital of Constantinople
-wife Theodora
Emperor Hadrian
Built a 73-mile wall across Britain near the border of modern Scotland to protect Rome from attack
Emperor Diocletian
Split Roman Empire into East and West and appointed 2 caesars for each half, ISSUED AN ORDER ESTABLISHING PRICE AND WAGE CONTROLS
Pontius Pilate
5th prefect of Judea, removed autonomy (free rule) of the Jews
Extremists who wanted to rid Judea of the Romans
Believed that a Messiah was near
Paul of Tarsus
Apostle who taught the gospel of Christ through the Roman Empire
Edict of Milan
Issued by Emperor Constantine which made Christianity legal and encouraged construction of churches, built capital CONSTANTINOPLE in the East, all emperors converted to Christianity
German king who took power in (west) Rome and was the 1st king of Italy