The Charge Of The Light Brigade Flashcards
Describing the valley
“Valley of death”
Showing the role of a soldier
“theirs not to make reply/ theirs not to reason why/ theirs but to do and die”
Showing death
“jaws of Death/…mouth of Hell”
There had been a mistake
“someone had blunder’d”
Describing the soldiers as positive and brave
“Noble six hundred”
What is the name of the poet?
Alfred Lord Tennyson
What was the poets role?
He was a victorian poet Laurrette
Describe the poem?
He was originaly from the middle class, he was forced to write about the battle because newspapers were saying that it was a blunder
How could the poem be interpretated as?
Showing thr braveness of the soldiers
Demonstrating the incapibility of the army structure (leaders)
Describe the strucuture of the poem?
In dadlylic diameter - sounds like a horse running, this makes the reader feel like they were there. Some symbols are also emphasised to emphasise the sound of a horce galoping
It is a ballard and has a regular rhythm which sounds like a horse galoping
It describes the battle in chronological order whilst the final stanza is shorter and summerises the battle
Use of repotition creates a feeling of impending doom however heroic language presents the soldiers as heros
There are 6 stanzas each representing 100 soldiers
What repetition shows how they are 1 unit?
At the end each stanza ends in ““six hundred”
Feelings and attitudes
Admiration - of the soldiers bravery
Patriotism - describes men following orders to their death
Horror - there’s suggestions that the narrator is horrified by the violence of the battle
Start of the poem sugesting that the men are unstoppabke because of the Dadlyic diamiter
Showing they have no freedom
“Rode the six hundred”
Shwoing how they have no individual thoughts
“Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Biblical reference
“Valley of death”
Things being fired at them
“Shot and shell”
The sibilance emophasises this
Creating powerful imagry of people charging to their death
“Flash’d all their sabres bare
Flash’d as they turn’d in air”
Quote sounding vicios and like gunfire
Shatter’e and sunder’d”
Rhetorical question sounding like a dare?
“When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!”
A line which is not in dadylic diamiter
“Some one had blunder’d”
Emphasising someone made a blunder (higher class)
Repetition of the d sound showing the pace of the battle
Explain more
It shows the pace of the battle
The “erred” sound sounds like error which reminds the reader that someone has made an error
Showing how the soilders lost and won…
“All the world wonder’d”
It is ambegous language
It shows how the soilders lost but won the crowd
It shows here was an “erred” error