Sir's Quotes (Bayonet Charge, Remains, Poppies) Flashcards
Showing the sounds of the shots in Bayonet Charge
“bullets smacking the belly out of the air-“
Shwoing the realism of war or how his weapon has no use
“he lugged a rifle numb as a smashed arm”
Showing how he is proud to fight for his country
“patriotic tear”
Showing how war is ugly in bayonet charge
“a yellow hare that rolled like a flame/ And crawled in a threshing circle”
Showing how he doesn’t think highly of the reasons to go to war
“king, honour, human dignity, etcetera”
Start of Remains showing how this was normal
“On another occasion”
Showing a sense of doubt in remains
“probably armed, possibly not”
Metaphor showing violent imagry in remains
“rips through his life”
Showing the casual and brutal nature of iraq
“tosses his guts back into his body”
Reference to Macbeth
“his bloody life in my bloody hands”
Types of material folds
“tucks, darts, pleats”
Positive simile shwoing the son’s excitment and the mothers sadness
“the world overflowing/ like a treasure chest”
A metaphor of her letting her son go
“released a song bird from it’s cage”
Makes the mothers loss univercal
“hoping to hear. Your playground voice catching on the wind”
Showing how the mother misses the son and wishes for his saftey
“leaned against it like a wishbone”