Kamikaze Flashcards
How do you spell the title?
Who wrote the poem?
Form and Strucuture
It is mainly narrated in third person from the daughter. This creates distance from the daughter and the piolet
The daughters voice is heard directly in the latter stanzas. There are also honts from the grand children’s voices and reported speach from the piolets wife
We never hear from the piolet which shows how he is cut away from society
The first 5 stanzas are all 1 sentence showing how she thinks the piolet would have been thinking the full stop at the end of the 5th stanza could represent the plane landing
The last stanza tells us about the treatment of the piolet when he got back
Feelings and Attitudes
Describe the poet?
Born in London
She was a researcher for the NHS
What is Japanies culture like?
Never surrender
Dying is the most honerable thing that you can do for your country
Dishouner would pass through the family
What does the title mean?
Divine wind
Showing seperation from the story?
First word
“Her farther embarked at sunrise”
Her farther - shows sepperation from the story like in Ozymandias
Embarked - suggests a general journey (nothing special) however the title suggests a journeynto death
Sunrise - Japan is known as the land of the rising sun (even on their flag) could be hinting at a new life
Suggesting coertion and persuadion from the imperial government?
“powerful incantations”
Showing how piolets would never be forgoten?
“a one way
Journey into history”
Start of second stanza suggetsing that the plan is turning around?
Simile showing how he thought there would be celebrations when he (the piolet returned)
“at the little fishing boats
strung out like buntings”
Irony as there will be no celebrations
The simile is homely and pretty and contrasts with war
Beautiful imagry to show the world he was going to leave?
“On a green-blue translucent sea”
Sibilance which could represent the movements of the fish or the dangers ahead?
“The dark shoals of fishes
flashing silveras thier bellies
swivelled towards the sun”
“Dark”- could forshadow his negative return
Line includong a death memorial
“Built cairns of pear-grey pebbles”
A cairn is a inncocent childrens game (stacking) or it could be a galic burrial site
It could forshadow his social death when he gets back home
What does the enjarbment and lack of punctuation in line 22-23 suggest?
The daugheter thinks that the piolet may have got caught up in his childhood memmories
(In this section he is talkign about cairns and childhood memories)
Who’s boat?
- yes, grandfarthers boat -
She may be indoctrinating her children against grandpa althoguh she doesn’t seem to belive it herself
He may go on the boat every day to get away from the shame perhaps hoping that he won’t come back (he will die)
The interjection of direct soeahc reminds us that she is talking to her children
Descrining tuna as dangerous explain (explain the end stop)
“a tuna, the dark prince, muscular, dangerous.”
Descrinign the tuna as dangerous tells us thst he is not a coward
The end stop signals the end of he flight. The poem should habe ended hear with his death but instead we follow the man
Irony because he survived but is being treated as if he were dead?
“As although he no longer excisted”
Showing the inncocence of youth?
“only we children still chattered and laughed”
Alliteration and omapatapia
Indirect speach from the grandmother (the piolets wife)
“she said, he must have wondered
which had been the better way to die.”
The final short sentence may be highlighting the destruction of patriosm
Either way the story ends with death