The Cardio Vascular System - Cardiac Cycle, Sounds, Rhythms (w8) Flashcards
What is a systole ?
Heart contraction
What is a diastole ?
Heart relaxation
What are the three main phases to the cardiac cycle ?
1) ventricular filling
2) ventricular systole
3) early diastole
What happens during the ventricular ejection phase ?
The blood is ejected forcefully though the semi lunar valves, through aorta and pulmonary artery.
What causes the LUBb (s1) sound in the isovolumetric conraction phase of the cardiac cycle ?
The closure of the AV valves
What causes the DUBb (s2) sound in the isovolumetric contraction phase of the cardiac cycle ?
The closure of the SL valves
What is sound 3 in the early vertical area filling phase of the cardiac cycle caused by ?
Th tensing of the chordae tendineae and the atrioventricular ring.
Adults : ventricular systole failure, normal in children
What causes sound 4 in the atrial contraction phase of the cardiac cycle ?
The vibration of the ventricular wall, stiff verticle, hypertrophy or ischemic ventricle
What are the two main heart sounds ?
Sound 1 - LUBb
Sound 2 - DUBb
What happens at the (SA) Sino Atrial node (pace-maker) ?
- There is specialized electrically active myocardial tissue found in the atria. You can also find pacemaker cells in the right atrium which involuntarily generate pulses.
- spontaneous depolarization occurs around 90-100 times/min
- overall in generates electrical activity- impulse
What are contractile myocytes ?
Cardiac cells
What is vagus inner action responsible for ?
Reducing heart beat.
- is parasympathetic
- slows down SA and AV nodes
What do the SA node and AV act as ?
- SA = pacemaker
- AV = collecting node
What does sympathetic innervation do ?
Stimulated the AV and SA nodes
What is composition of cardiac muscle ?
-99% contractile
-1% autorhythmic cells