The Big Six 5 Lifespan Development Flashcards
Adolescent Egocentrism (Elkind)
Adolescent egocentrism appears at the beginning of the formal operational stage. As defined by Elkind, its characteristics include the personal fable and the imaginary audience.
Adult Attachment Interview
Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) has confirmed a relationship between parents’ own attachment experiences and the attachment patterns of their children. For example, children of adults classified as dismissing on the AAI often exhibit an avoidant attachment pattern in the Strange Situation.
The research has found that, for both males and females, androgyny (which combines masculine and feminine characteristics and preferences) and, to a lesser degree, masculinity were associated with higher levels of self–esteem than was femininity. Androgyny has also been linked to greater flexibility when coping with difficult situations, higher levels of life satisfaction, and greater comfort with one’s sexuality.
Brain Development
(Cerebral Cortex, Neurogenesis)
The cerebral cortex is largely undeveloped at birth but shows dramatic growth during the first two years of life primarily as the result of an increase in interconnections between neurons and myelination of nerve fibers. During the first few months of life, the primary motor and sensory areas of the cortex undergo substantial development, while the prefrontal cortex continues to mature through childhood and adolescence and may not be fully developed until the early or mid–20s. By about age 30, the brain starts to gradually shrink as the result of the atrophy of neurons, and there is an acceleration of this cell death after age 60. However, there is evidence that the brain attempts to compensate for neuronal loss by forming new interconnections between neurons and neural pathways and by creating new neurons (neurogenesis) in the hippocampus and possibly other areas of the brain.
Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model
Bronfenbrenner described development as involving interactions between the individual and his/her context or environment, and his ecological model describes the context in terms of five environmental systems or levels: microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem.
Child Sexual Abuse
In terms of the outcomes of child sexual abuse for male and female victims, some studies have found no consistent gender differences; but, when differences are found, the outcomes are worse for females than for males. The research has also found that the effects of sexual abuse tend to be less severe when the abuse was committed by a stranger than by a family member or other familiar person.
Childhood (Infantile) Amnesia
Studies investigating episodic (autobiographical) memory have found that adults are usually able to recall very few of the events they experienced prior to age three or four. This is referred to as childhood or infantile amnesia.
Coercive Family Interaction Model (Patterson)
Patterson et al.’s coercive family interaction model proposes that children initially learn aggressive behaviors from their parents who rarely reinforce prosocial behaviors, rely on harsh discipline to control their children’s behavior, and reward their children’s aggressiveness with approval and attention and that, over time, aggressive parent–child interactions escalate. They developed the Oregon model of parent management training (PMTO)to help stop this coercive cycle by teaching parents effective parenting skills and providing parents with therapy to help them cope more effectively with stress.
Compensatory Preschool Programs
Research evaluating the effects of Head Start and other compensatory preschool programs has found that, while initial IQ test score gains produced by these programs are usually not maintained, children who attend these programs tend to have better attitudes toward school and are less likely to be retained in a grade, be placed in special education classes, and drop out of high school and more likely to attend college than their peers who do not attend such programs.
As defined by Piaget, conservation is the ability to understand that the physical characteristics of an object remain the same, even when the outward appearance of that object changes. Conservation depends on the operations of reversibility and decentration and develops gradually during the concrete operational stage, with conservation of number occurring first, followed by conservation of liquid, length, weight, and then displacement volume.
Contact Comfort (Harlow)
Research by Harlow with rhesus monkeys indicated that an infant’s attachment to his/her mother is due, in part, to contact comfort, or the pleasant tactile sensation that is provided by a soft, cuddly parent.
Critical And Sensitive Periods
A critical period is a time during which an organism is especially susceptible to positive and negative environmental influences. A sensitive period is more flexible than a critical period and is not limited to a specific chronological age. Some aspects of human development may depend on critical periods, but, for many human characteristics and behaviors, sensitive periods are probably more applicable.
DIVORCE RATES FOR 2022 in the U.S.
Divorce rates in the United States have been steadily declining over the past few decades, but unfortunately, the divorce rate is still higher than it was in the early 1970s. According to the American Psychological Association, approximately 40-50% of first marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate for second marriages is even higher, with approximately 60-67% of second marriages ending in divorce.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the divorce rate in the United States was 3.2 per 1,000 population in 2019, down from 3.6 per 1,000 population in 2018. This means that approximately 827,261 divorces were recorded in 2019, with the total number of divorces since 2000 topping 8.3 million.
DIVORCE: Divorce and Diminished Capacity to Parent
Divorced parents often experience emotional distress and changes in functioning that include a diminished capacity to parent. For example, custodial mothers may be uncommunicative, impatient, and less warm and loving toward their children (especially sons), and they monitor their children’s activities less closely and are less consistent but more authoritarian in terms of punishment.
DIVORCE: Divorce Rates
Divorce rates in the United States have declined since the early 1980s, but current estimates are that 40 to 50% of recent first-time marriages will end in divorce (e.g., Copen et al., 2012; Wilcox & Marquardt, 2011)
DIVORCE: Age Group, When, and Why?
The divorce rate in the United States is highest among adults aged 25-39, with the majority of divorces occurring at the end of the first five years of marriage. The most common reasons for divorce are:
- Communication Issues: A lack of communication breeds distrust, self-doubt, and insecurity.
- Infidelity: Marital Infedility is a leading cause of divorce in the U.S.
- Financial problems: High levels of debt and poor communication lead to stress and anxiety when it comes to finances.
- Other factors such as substance abuse, domestic violence, and mental health issues contribute to divorce.
DIVORCE: Divorce Rate in Specific Population Segments
Divorce rates vary among different population segments. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the divorce rate for individuals aged 25-39 is significantly higher than the divorce rate for individuals aged 40-54. Additionally, the divorce rate for individuals with a high school education or less is higher than the divorce rate for individuals with a college education or more.
DIVORCE: How Did Covid Impact Divorce Rates?
Covid has had a significant impact on divorce rates in the United States. According to the American Psychological Association, the number of divorces spiked during the pandemic as couples had to face extended periods of time in close quarters with each other, leading to increased conflict and stress.
DIVORCE: Median Duration of First Marriages That End in Divorce
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the median duration of first marriages that end in divorce is 8 years. FIRST MARRIAGES END IN DIVORCE AT 8 YEARS.
DIVORCE: Military Divorce Rates
Divorce is more common among military personnel than it is among civilians. According to the U.S. Department of Defense, the divorce rate for active-duty members of the military was 3.7% in 2018, down from 3.9% in 2017.
DIVORCE: Same-Sex Divorce Statistics
The divorce rate for same-sex couples is lower than the divorce rate for opposite-sex couples. According to the Williams Institute, the divorce rate for same-sex couples is 1.1%, compared to the divorce rate for opposite-sex couples, which is 2.9%
DIVORCE: U.S. Divorce Rate by Occupation
Divorce rates vary by occupation, with some occupations having a higher rate of divorce than others. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the occupations with the highest divorce rates are construction workers, food servers, and salespeople.
DIVORCE: What Makes People More or Less Likely to Divorce?
Several factors can make people more or less likely to divorce. These include:
- Age at the time of marriage
- Level of education
- Religious beliefs
- Income level
Additionally, people who are more likely to divorce are those who:
* Marry young
* Have a lower level of education
* Are not religious
* Have lower incomes
DIVORCE: What Percent of Marriages End in Divorce? How many Marriages End in Divorce?
What Percent of Marriages End in Divorce?
According to the American Psychological Association, approximately 40-50% of first marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate for second marriages is even higher, with approximately 60-67% of second marriages ending in divorce.
How Many Marriages End in Divorce?
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 2,245,404 marriages in 2019, and 827,261 divorces, which means that approximately 37% of marriages end in divorce.