The balance between population and resources - chapter 6 Flashcards
In basic terms, what 3 things will be impacted as a result of the UK ageing population?
- Healthcare.
- Pensions.
- Housing.
What did the UK government predict in its latest review?
- Ratio between 65+ and 20-64 years, will rise from 27% in 2001 to 48% in 2050.
- Increase in male LE.
- Current fertility rate (1.7 children per woman) will increase 1.75 children per woman by 2025, leveling off afterwards.
How many people in the UK were 85+ in the 2001 census?
How many were 90+?
1.1 million - 1.9% of the population.
How can life expectancy differ between the different socioeconomic class and ethnic group?
Men in social class 1 have a longer LE of 4 years 65+ than men in social class 5.
White Irish/British population -highest proportions of 65+.
Black African population - lowest proportion.
What two places have the highest numbers of elderly people in the UK?
- where do the elderly tend to migrate to?
Christchurch, Dorset - 1/3 residents in retirement age.
Eastbourne - highest ratio of elderly women to elderly men (100:90).
- tend to go to coastal areas or the countryside.
How does an ageing population impact healthcare in basic terms?
Increased pressure on health services.
Average healthcare costs rise with age.
Retired people continue to pay taxes.
Compression of morbidity in the elderly - health care costs tend to be squeezed into the last few months/years of living.
What types of care services are there for elderly people? 5
- More specialised care.
- 24 hour supports.
- Meals on wheels.
- Drivers for hospital visits.
- Home-help cleaners.
What will happen if there aren’t enough professional carers?
how will this impact the NHS?
Nursing homes forced to close - little staff.
Increased pressure on NHS beds.
Free NHS treatment - put under pressure - increased amounts of elderly.
Increased working taxes to help keep the NHS running.
Increased strain on family members - unpaid carers.
Retirement age may be raised.
How are the government trying to recruit carers, despite the fact that the economically active proportion is rapidly falling? 4
- Charity help.
- New system where less carers are needed.
- Increased wages - economically attractive.
- Housing near the care homes.
How can the UK governments providing training for the carers? 4
- Pay current carers a bonus to teach the new carers their current skills.
- Free training days - but pay the carers for the missing day.
- Apprenticeships for the younger population.
- Pay GPs to train the carers - will have first aid training.
What is the government’s solution to solving the ageing population impact on healthcare?
To increase immigration.
Increased economically active ratio to help support the dependency ratio.
How does the UK pension system work?
State pension at 65.
Very little (£113.10).
Encouraged to save for a private pension.
State pension paid for by the economically active population through taxes.
What is the problem regarding the ageing population in the UK and pensions?
Not enough economically active to support the dependent elderly population.
Less money to go round.
What are the suggested government options regarding the pension situation in the UK? 4
- Pensioners - poorest in society.
- Taxes/National Insurance - increased pensions.
- Increased private pension rate.
- Retirement age increases.
What is going to happen regarding the retirement age?
The Pensions Act 2007 - retirement age - 65.
Raised to 68 due to the reduced economically active.
Unpopular with the economically active - want to retire early.
What is the grey vote and why is it significant?
Voting power of the elderly.
As the amount of elderly people increases, the more voting power they get.
Will vote for political parties that serve their needs.
What is the grey pound?
Economic power of the elderly people.
Some elderly ‘downsize’ - invest in a smaller house - more disposable income.
Some don’t - less disposable income.
Why is the grey pound beneficial to companies? 4
- Tourist industry - cruising holidays are targeted at 50+.
- B&Q and Homebase target this audience.
- Meals on wheels service.
- Leisure companies e.g. Saga provide activities for the elderly people.
What percentage of elderly live in:
General housing?
Care homes?
Sheltered accommodation?
90% - general housing.
5% - care homes.
5% - sheltered accommodation.
What are the 3 different levels of living dependency?
- Independent living - no help needed.
Typically live in council estates, in a cluster of bungalows. - Requirement flats and schemes - independent living, but a warden can be acquired in an emergency.
- Care homes - the elderly are solely dependent.
Why do most elderly people move to rural areas?
To avoid busy urban areas.
Don’t want to live in a large house once their children have left .
May want to downsize.
Should the movement of elderly people into rural areas being encouraged?
Allows them to be mentally and physically active.
Frees up the urban space for the economically active.
Will take up all rural housing - local residence may not want to live there anymore.
When new housing is built, what facilities will be needed to accommodate the elderly? 5
- Accessible rooms and floors.
- Adapted plug sockets at hip height.
- Easy use utilities.
- Easy security systems.
- Independent facilities.
What does a typical youthful population pyramid look like? 6
- Broad base - high fertility and BR.
- Tapers rapidly - high mortality rate.
- Narrow apex - small proportion of elderly people.
- Falling mortality in MEDCs - huge numbers of 60+ will cause problems.
- Reduced working population - emigration of skilled workers.
- Few relatives for carers - elderly costs will rise.