Population change in rural and urban areas - chapter 9 Flashcards
What is declining and what is expanding regarding UK areas?
Remote rural areas are declining.
Rural-urban fringe areas are expanding.
What are the consequences of the decline in remote rural areas in the UK? 4
- Elderly left behind.
- Second home houses- ghost effect.
- Deprivation - cannot move away, restricted lives.
- Isolation.
What are the consequences of the expansion in rural-urban fringe areas in the UK? 4
- Small, new housing estates - locals can’t afford.
- Families have 2+ cars - increasing traffic congestion.
- Little village life during the day.
- Local/newcomer conflict.
What is the key solution to the decline of rural areas?
What is the key solution to the increasingly urban environment regarding rural areas?
Breaking the spiral of decline and deprivation.
Maintaining the rural identity in an increasing urban environment.
How have services such as food shops/libraries changed for the worse as a result of changes in UK rural settlements?
Many village shops have closed.
Services have been cut.
How have services such as post offices changed for the worse as a result of changes in UK rural settlements?
- Post offices downgraded to part-time or ‘hole-in-the-wall’ facilities.
- Pension businesses has been diverted to banks.
How have services such as public transport changed for the worse as a result of changes in UK rural settlements?
- Closure of uneconomic routes.
- Increased car ownership - falling passenger numbers.
- Cut bus services.
How have services such as village schools changed for the worse as a result of changes in UK rural settlements?
- Ageing population - falling school children numbers - possible closures.
- Competing schools.
- Wealthy parents - educate children privately.
How have services such as primary health care changed for the worse as a result of changes in UK rural settlements? 2
- Some GP services have closed.
2. Decline in dental facilities.
How have services such as village halls changed for the worse as a result of changes in UK rural settlements? 2
- Decline in village-centred activities.
2. Youth club funds withdrawn.
How have services such as food shops changed for the better as a result of changes in UK rural settlements?
- New types of village shops e.g. farm shops.
- Supermarkets in smaller rural towns have lower prices, extended hours and offer free bus services from local villages.
How have services such as post offices changed for the better as a result of changes in UK rural settlements? 2
- Cooperation between some rural post offices.
2. Banks offer combined services.
How have services such as public transport changed for the better as a result of changes in UK rural settlements?
Grants are available for community buses/taxes e.g. postal bus service that combines transport with letter delivery.
How have services such as village schools changed for the better as a result of changes in UK rural settlements?
- Opening of nurseries - increased numbers.
- Grants support smaller schools.
- Shared headships allows smaller schools to remain open.
How have services such as libraries changed for the better as a result of changes in UK rural settlements? 1
The number of mobile libraries have increased.
How have services such as primary healthcare changed for the better as a result of changes in UK rural settlements? 2
- Larger villages - mini-healthcare facilities.
2. Rural GP practices/pharmacies - grants available.
How have services such as village halls changed for the better as a result of changes in UK rural settlements?
Grants are available for the refurbishment of village halls.