The Autocracy of Alexander II and Alexander III Flashcards
What year was the first assassination attempt on Alexander II?
What was the effect of the 1866 assassination attempt?
a more repressive policy was adopted
What reasons does historian Hosking give for Alexander II failures?
he failed to set up a civil society or rule of law: key concepts of a democratic society
How did Alexander II react to the reactonaires fears of western ideas and ethnic minorities?
he took a series of new appointments in 1866, replacing more liberal ministers with conservatives.
What changes did Dmitry Tolstoy make to education?
tight control was needed to eradicate western ideas.
Zemstva’s power over education was reduced.
The church regained authority over rural schools.
from 1871, only upper class children could go on to university.
Censorship over subjects and content was increased.
What changes did Pyotr Shuvalov make to the police force?
encouraged third section to strengthen police.
stepped up persecution of ethnic and religious minorities.
searches and arrests increased.
What changes did Konstantin Pahlen make to law and control?
judicial system would make an example of those accused
show trials were held to deter others from revolutionary activity.
What changes did Loris-Melikov make as Minister for Internal affairs in the 1870s?
Released political prisoners, relaxed censorship, lifted zemstva restrictions, abolished the third section for regular police.
What was the Loris-Melikov Constitution?
A report in response to Zemstva demands
How did Alexander II respond to the Loris-Melikov constitutions?
He accepted and signed it, calling for a meeting to discuss what could be done.
What stopped the Loris-Melikov Constitutions from being put into practice?
Alexander II was assassinated the day he signed the document.
Who was Konstantin Pobedonostev?
Alexander III tutor.
How had Pobedonostev raised Alexander III?
with strong sense of commitment to Autocracy and authority.
How did Alexander III begin his reign?
Public hanging of those involved in his father’s murder,
1881- ‘Manifesto of Unshakeable Autocracy’
What year was the Manifesto of ‘Unshakeable Autocracy?’
What happened to the Loris-Melikov proposals after Alexander III came into power?
They were abandoned and reforming ministers such as Dmitry Milyutin resigned.
What changes were made to local gov. under Alexander III?
‘Land Captains’ were created with power to override elections in the Zemstva.
Land Captains were also made responsible for law enforcement.
Pesant’s vote in the zemstva elections was reduced.
Who led the changes in policing between 1881 and 1884?
Vyacheslav von Plehve
Who led changes in policing post 1884?
Pyotr Durnovo
What changes were made to policing after 1881?
police numbers were increased, new branches of criminal investigation were set up.
There was a drive to recruit spies, counter-spies and agents provocateurs.
What was the role of the ‘agents provocateurs’
To pose as revolutionaries in order to incriminate others.
What was the role of the Okhrana in the 1880s?
They took responsibility for security and investigation.
Intercepting mail, checking up on activities in factories, universities, the army and the state.
What practices did the Okhrana exercise to assert authority?
detaining suspects, torture and summary executions.
What changes were made to the judicial system in the 1880s?
The Minister of Justice could exercise greater control from 1885.
From 1887, closed court sessions were allowed.
What year did a decree allow the Minister of justice to exercise greater control?
What year were closed court sessions allowed?
What year did the court become responsible for the appointment of judges?
What year were the educational requirements for jurors increased?
What year were the volost courts put under control of the Land Captains?
Who oversaw the educational developments under Alexander III?
What was the effect of deylanov’s 1884 university charter?
appointment of chancellors, dean and professors were subject to the education ministry based on religious, moral and patriotic orientation.
What restrictions were placed on education under Delyanov?
Lower class children were limited to primary education. Primary education was firmly in the hands of the orthodox church.
What percentage of the population was literate by 1897?
What changes were made to censorship under Alexander III?
Newspapers could be closed down and lifelong bans placed on editors and publishers. All literary publications had to be officially approved. Censorship was extended to theatre, art and culture where Russification was enforced.
What year did Alexander III reduce redemption fees?
What year was the Poll Tax abolished under Alexander III?