Political Authority, Opposition and the State of Russia in Wartime. Flashcards
How did the Russian people react to Nicholas II’s decision to go to war?
With patriotism and a wave of anti-German sentiment.
How was strike activity affected by Nicholas II’s decision to go to war?
dramatically declined.
What were ‘War Credits?’
the raising of taxes to fund war.
How did the Duma react to ‘War Credits?’
They voted for it and then the Duma dissolved.
Why did the State Duma dissolve at the beginning of the war?
So as to not ‘burden’ the country with unnecessary politics.
What was St. Petersburg renamed as at the beginning of the war?
How many Russian’s died in the battle of Tennenburg?
When was the Battke of Tennenburg?
August 1914
What was the affect of the early failures in the war?
Russia had to retreat from East Prussia
How did the Russian people react to the realisation that the war would not end in a swift victory?
Reports of military incompetence surfaced,
What were ‘military zones?’
zones within which all civilian authority was suspended and the military assumed command.
What was the All Russian Union of Zemstva and Cities?
An combination of the Zemstva and Dumas claiming the right to help the Tsars government in the war effort.
Who was head of the All Russian Union of Zemstva and Cities?
Prince Lvov
How did Nicholas II react to the All Russian Union of Zemstva and Cities?
He accused them of stirring up trouble.
What turning point drove Nicholas II to take on the role of Commander-In-Chief?
defeats in Galicia.
How did Nicholas II’s role as Commander-in-Chief affect his reputation?
made him seem more responsible for the military failings.
Why did people disapprove of Alexandra at this point?
She was German & her involvement with Rasputin.
What date was Rasputin murdered?
17th December 1916.
How did the economy contribute to Russia’s military failings?
there wasn’t enough mercenaries to go around.
How many shells was each Russian soldier limited to per day?
two or three.
How much was Russia spending on War by 1918?
14,500 roubles.
How did the countryside benefit from war?
Conscription helped relieve the pressures of overpopulation.
What percentage rise was there in the price of living during the war?
How many workers went on strike in Moscow in January 1917?
How many protested on the 1917 anniversary of Bloody Sunday?
On Monday 14 February 1917, how many workers went on strike in total?
By Sunday 25th February, how many shops are closed because of strikes?
the majority
What date did the Head of the Duma contact the Tsar to tell him how serious the strikes in Petrograd were?
26th February
How did Nicholas II respond to the Duma President’s warning?
told the Duma to stop meeting.
How does the Tsar command the protests to be dealt with?
military force
On the 27th February, how many protesters are killed on the Tsar’s command?
How do the military forces in Russia react to the Tsar’s command to shoot at the protesters?
A mutiny begins as a sergeant shoots his commanding officer dead. The military join the protesters.
How do the Duma react to the Tsar’s efforts to suppress the uprisings?
They hold a meeting to take over the government, setting up a 12 man provisional committee.
How do the military organisations support the Duma’s provisional committee?
They order their soldiers to halt and support the Duma committee.
What date was the Duma committee set up?
27th February
What did the Petrograd Soviet suggest to aid the Duma Committee?
Each regiment should elect committees and send representatives to the soviet.
What date did the Tsar formally abdicate?
2 March 1917
What happened to the Tsar immediately after his abdication?
he and his family were placed under house arrest.
After the Tsar’s abdication, who did the army receive commands from?
The Petrograd Soviet.
Who lead the new provisional government?
Prince Lvov.
Where were the provisional government set up?
In the right wing of the Tauride Palace in Petrograd.
How did the workers, soldiers and peasants regard the provisional Government?
as a self-appointed committee of wealthy.
Who made up the Petrograd Soviet?
Mensheviks and Social revolutionaries & a small number of Bolsheviks.
Where was the Petrograd Soviet set up?
In the Left wing of the Tauride Palace.
Who was the only member of both the Provisional government and the Petrograd Soviet?
Alexander Kerensky
Who negotiated the agreement for both the provisional government and the petrograd soviet to work together?
What was the main problem with the Dual Power?
They couldn’t agree on anything
How did the people react to Dual Power?
workers strikes and military desertions continued.
Who was Kornilov?
Commander-in-Chief of the army.
Why did Kornilov order 6 troops to march on Petrograd?
The upper classes felt that the dual power government had failed them.
Why did the Kornilov Coup fail?
Kerensky panicked and released imprisoned Bolsheviks & armed the soviet with weapons to halt Kornilov.
What happened to the leaders of the Kornilov Coup?
They were arrested.