The Augustinian Theodicy Flashcards
What is a theodicy?
A justification of God
What is moral evil?
actions that cause suffering from humans
what is natural evil?
suffering caused by functions of the natural world
What is the epicurean paradox?
Either God wants to abolish evil and cannot, or he can but does not want to. IF god can and wants to do it, why is there evil in the world.
What is Mackie’s inconsistent triad?
The three statements, God is loving, powerful and evil exists cannot all logically be true at the same time
What is William Rowe’s objection to God?
A deer burning to death in a forest
What is Gregory S Paul’s objection to God?
The Holocaust of the children
What is the basis of Augustines theodicy?
The Biblical idea that God created a perfect world that was ruined in the Genesis narratives
What is Privatio boni?
lack of good, augustine says evil is not a thing but a lack of good like darkness is lack of light
What example does augustine use to show the world was made perfect?
God’s creativity in nature, butterflies birds bacteria all work in a harmonious order. Also Genesis
How does Augustine explain how evil entered the world?
Evil entered the world when Angels and then human being misused their freewil
What is seminal prescence?
Adam’s guilt and sin for disobeying God is prescent in Adam’s seed which is passed down to us.
Why did God choose to create the world if he knew humans would abuse free will?
God judged it better to bring good out of evil than not permit any evil to exist
What is Felix Culpa?
a happy mistake, the bringing of good out of evil
What is Jesus’ role in the theodicy?
God is merciful and sent Jesus as a chance to atone for original sin
what is a soul deciding theodicy?
As atonement is now posible from Jesus, judgement will occur at the end times where good people will be rewarded with heaven and evil people with hell
How does Augustine claim evil is not God’s fault?
evil stems from our misuse of free will, not God
How does Augustine explain natural evil?
brought by adam and eve destroying the natural order, stays as a punishment for mankinds sin
How does Augustine explain moral evil?
consequence of our free will. it necessitates the ability to choose to reject God