Sigmund Freud - Religious Belief as a Product of the Human Mind Flashcards
What are the 3 parts of the Psyche according to Freud?
ID - Primal, instinctive, irration
EGO - Conscious self developed through growth
SUPEREGO - Moral part of the unconscious mind developed through exposure to social values
How does Freud link neurosis and religion?
he linked obsessive, ritualistic behaviour with religious peoples behaviour except stating that religious people felt they understood the rituals they practice
How does obsessive behaviour have meaning to Freud?
repressed sexual impulses lead to guilt, repetitive actions are a protective mechanism against this guilt
What does Freud mean by collective neurosis?
the neurosis’ we have because of our repressed sexual desires are found universally
What is Freud’s theory of the Primal Horde?
From his book “totem and taboo”, stating religion is the product of deep trauma to the psyche in mankind’s early development
Darwin’s theory of primitive hordes: men killed their fathers to take control, felt guilty, erected totems in place of their father to unite the tribe
How does the Primal Horde link to religion and neurosis?
The status of the father took on divine status, the totem was venerated and unites the tribe. Christ replaces the totem as the figure of worship and the eucharist and prayers represent the feasts and worship of totems
What is the Oedipus (and Electra) complex?
At about age 3, children feel sexual attraction to their parent of the opposite sex, and view their other parent as competition. They wish to get rid of that parent but do not do anything in fear of castration, causing unconscious anxiety.
How does the Oediupus Complex lead to neurotic behaviour?
Repressed impulses express themselves as neurosis. Freud saw religion with its focus on repressing primal urges as an expression of neurotic behavior.
How is religion wish fulfillment to Freud?
religion is the projection of our deepest wishes: life after death, benevolent God etc
How is religion a reaction against helplessness?
Religion turns forces of nature into personal agents who can help us, and religion provides life guidance and teachings
What are three of Freud’s case studies of the Oediupus complex?
Daniel Schreber (mystical God penetrated his body turning him into a woman)
Little Hans (phobia of being bitten by a horse)
The Wolf Man (A dream where 6/7 white wolves appear at his window)
How was Freud influenced by Darwin?
Guilt is passed down hereditarily due to the theory of evolution
Why is religion a negative in Freud’s view?
stops us from thinking critically and rationally, as an attempt to resolve inner conflicts. This is due to their source, undisciplined and uncritical human wishes. Believing in God for Freud was childish and immature