The Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
What bones does the pectoral girdle include?
Scapulae and clavicles
The medial end of each clavicle joins the __________ anteriorly and their distal ends meet each _________ laterally.
Sternum; scapula
Of the bones of the pectoral girdle, only the __________ attach to the axial skeleton.
The clavicle articulates with the scapula at the ________, forming the _____________ joint.
Acromion; acromioclavicular
The scapula has three angles: ________ , ________ , and _______. The _______ angle is an important landmark for studying scapular movements.
Superior, lateral, and inferior; inferior
What projects anteriorly from the superior scapular border and helps anchor the bicep muscle?
Coracoid process
The ___________ ______ borders the coracoid process medially, while the _________ _______ borders it laterally.
Suprascapular notch; glenoid cavity
What large fossae are present on the posterior surface of the scapula?
Infraspinous and supraspinous fossa
What shallow concavity is formed by the entire anterior surface of the scapula?
The suprascapular fossa.
How many separate bones are found in each upper limb?
What articulates with the glenoid cavity?
The proximal head of the humerus
What is directly inferior to the head of the humerus?
The anatomical neck
What two processes are found lateral and inferior to the humerus head?
The greater and lesser tubercles
The greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus are divided by the ______ ______.
Intertubercular sulcus (bicipital groove)
The intertubercular sulcus is a point of attachment for the _______ ______ muscles.
Rotator cuff
Distal to the tubercles is the most frequently fractured point of the humerus, the __________ ______.
Surgical neck
Midway down the humerus shaft, on the lateral side, is an attachment site for the shoulder muscles called the ______ _________.
Deltoid tuberosity
What line runs obliquely down the posterior aspect of the humerus shaft?
The radial groove
What are the two condyles found on the distal end of the humerus and what do they articulate with?
The trochlea, which articulates with the ulna, and the capitulum, which articulates with the radius
The trochlea and capitulum are flanked by the _______ and _______ _______.
Medial and lateral epicondyles
The coronoid process of the ulna articulates with the ________ of the _________.
Trochlea; humerus
Directly above the epicondyles of the distal end of the humerus are the ___________ ridges.
The head of the radius articulates with the __________ of the _________.
Capitulum or the humerus
The fossa on the anterior surface of the distal end of the humerus, superior to the trochlea, is called the ___________ ______.
Coronoid fossa
The fossa on the posterior surface of the distal end of the humerus is called the _________ ______.
Olecranon fossa
Lateral to the coronoid fossa, within the capitulum, is the _________ fossa, which receives the head of the ______.
Radial; radius
How do the radius and ulna articulate with each other?
Proximal and dismally at radioulnar joints and along their entire length by an interosseous membrane
The ulna’s main responsibility is forming the ______ joint with the __________.
Elbow; humerus
The proximal end of the ulna includes the _________ and the ________ _______, separated by a deep concavity, the ________ ______.
Olecranon; coronoid process; trochlear notch
What two processes grip the trochlea of the humerus to form a hinge joint?
The olecranon and the coronoid process
What forms the bony part of the elbow that rests on the table?
The posterior olecranon of the ulna
What depression lies on the lateral side of the coronoid process of the ulna? What articulates with it?
The radial notch; the radius
What process lies medial to the distal head of the ulna?
The styloid process
Medially, the proximal radius head articulates with the _______ _____ of the ______.
Radial notch; ulna
Just inferior to the proximal end of the radius is the _______ __________, to which the bicep is anchored.
Radial tuberosity
The distal end of the radius includes a medial _______ ______ and a lateral ______ ________, an anchoring site for ligaments to the wrist.
Ulnar notch; styloid process
The radius articulates with the wrist the ________ and ______ carpal bones. This articulation occurs between the _______ ______ and the ______ ______.
Scaphoid and lunate; styloid process and ulnar notch
How many bones does the true wrist consist of?
8 short bones
Name the carpal bones in the proximal row, from lateral to medial:
Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform
Name the carpal bones in the distal row, from lateral to medial:
Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
The joint between metacarpal I and the ___________ allows opposition.
Each hand contains _____ phalanges.
The pelvic girdle includes ____ coxal bones, connected to the _______.
3; sacrum
What is the largest portion of the pelvic girdle and a major attachment point for muscles?
What is the strongest portion of the pelvic girdle?
What is the innermost portion of the pelvic girdle?
The ilium consists of a ______ and a superior winglike portion called the ______.
Body; ala
The thickened, superior margins of the iliac alae are called:
Iliac crests
The iliac crests end anteriorly in the blunt _______ _______ _____ ____ and posteriorly in the sharp __________ ______ ______ _____.
Anterior superior iliac spine; posterior superior iliac spine
What spines are located below the anterior superior and posterior superior iliac spines?
The anterior and posterior inferior iliac spines
All iliac spines serve what purpose?
Attachment points for muscles of the trunk, hip, and thigh
Inferior to the posterior inferior iliac spine is a deep indentation called the:
Greater sciatic notch
The gluteal surface of the ilium is crossed by three ridges:
Posterior, anterior, and inferior gluteal lines
The medial surfaces of the alae exhibit a concavity called the:
Iliac fossa
Posterior to the iliac fossa is the roughened __________ ________, which articulates with what portion of the vertebral column? What joint does this form?
Auricular surface; sacrum; the sacroiliac joint
The inferior border of the auricular surface displays the:
Posterior inferior iliac spine
Directly superior to the auricular surface lies the:
Posterior superior iliac spine
What line runs inferiorly and anteriorly from the auricular surface and helps define the pelvic rim?
Arcuate line.
The ischium joins the ilium by a _____ , _______ body and the pubis by a thinner, inferior _____.
Thicker, superior; ramus
The ischium has three important markings:
- Ischial spine
- Lesser sciatic notch
- Ischial tuberosity
The ________ ________, the strongest part of the hip bones, bears our weight when we sit.
Ischial tuberosity
What forms the anterior portion of the hip bone?
The pubis
The pubis has a flat, medial ______ and superior and inferior _____ that run laterally to join the body and ramus of the _______.
Body; rami; ischium
What large opening is defined by the pubic rami?
The obturator foramen
The anterior border of the pubis is thickened to form the ______ ______.
Pubic crest
The bodies of the pubic bones are joined by fibrocartilage at the _________ _______.
Pubic symphysis
The _______ ______ is V-shaped in men and U-shaped in women. It is formed by the inferior _______ ______ angling laterally.
Pubic arch; pubic rami
In women, the pelvis is tilted _________ and the cavity is _____, _______, and has a greater _______.
Forward; broad, shallow, capacity
Describe the acetabula of a female compared to a male.
They are smaller and farther apart
How does the sacrum of a female compare to that of a male?
It is wider, shorter, and has less curvature
What differences would you see in the coccyx of a female compared to a male?
It is more mobile and projects inferiorly rather than anteriorly
What is the false pelvis?
The portion superior to the pelvic rim, bound by the alae of the ilia and the lumbar vertebrae
What is the true pelvis?
The region inferior to the pelvic brim, surrounded by bone and containing the pelvic organs
What is the central pit in the head of the femur called? What attaches to it?
Fovea capitis; a short ligament that helps to the secure the femur in the acetabulum.
What two landmarks are located lateral and posteromedial to the junction of the femur neck and shaft and serve as attachment sites for muscles?
The greater and lesser trochanter
What are the greater and lesser trochanters connected by anteriorly? Posteriorly?
Intertrochanteric line; intertrochanteric crest
What landmark is found inferior to the intertrochanteric crest on the posterior shaft of the femur?
The gluteal tuberosity
The gluteal tuberosity blends into the _______ _______ inferiorly, which diverges dismally to form the medial and lateral __________ _______.
Linea aspera; supracondylar lines
The gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, and supracondylar lines are all sites of _________ __________ along the __________ surface of the femur.
Muscle attachment; superior surface
The femur broadens and end at the lateral and medial ________, which articulate with the ______.
Condyles; tibia
Flanking the femur condyles superiorly are the medial and lateral ____________.
On the superior part of the femur’s medial epicondyle is the _________ __________.
Adductor tubercle
On the anterior surface of the distal end of the femur, the smooth area between the condyles is the ______ _______.
Patellar surface
The area between the condyles on the posterior surface of the distal end of the femur is called the ______________ _______.
Intercondylar fossa
The patella is a triangular ___________ bone.
The inferior edge of the patella bears a surface for attachment of the ___________ ________.
Patellar ligament
The medial leg bone is the:
The lateral leg bone is the:
The _______ receives the weight of the body from the femur and transmits it to the foot.
What bone is second only to the femur in size and strength?
The tibia
The medial and lateral condyles of the proximal end of the tibia are separated by the:
Intercondylar eminence
Just inferior to the tibial condyles lies the rough ______ __________, where the patellar ligaments attach.
Tibial tuberosity
The _________ ________ lies medial to the tibia’s articulation point with the talus bone, forming the palpable inner ankle.
Medial malleolus
The proximal end of the fibula forms the ________ ________, the bulge on the side of the ankle.
Lateral malleolus
Name the two largest, most posterior of the tarsals:
Talus and calcaneus
The __________ carries the talus on its superior surface.
The shelflike projection of the calcaneus that supports the talus is called:
Sustentaculum tali (Talar shelf)
The ________ _________ is the part of the heel bone that touches the ground.
Calcaneal tuberosity
Which ankle bone articulates with the tibia and fibula?
The talus
The two tarsals immediately in front of the talus are:
The medial navicular and lateral cuboidal
Supramedial to the cuboid bone and superior to the navicular bone are the most distal tarsals: the medial, intermediate and lateral ___________.
What tarsal bones articulate with the metatarsals?
Cuboid and cuneiform
Which foot arch curves from the heel to the head of the first metatarsal, leaving no print?
The medial longitudinal arch
What tarsal bone is the keystone of the medial longitudinal arch?
The talus
Which foot arch redistributes weight to the calcaneus and the head of the fifth metatarsal?
Lateral longitudinal arch
Which tarsal bone is the keystone of the lateral longitudinal arch?
The cuboid
Which foot arch runs obliquely from one side of the foot to the other, following the line between the tarsals and metatarsals?
The anterior transverse arch