The Annual Security Report Flashcards
Which of the following policies is not prescribed by the Clery Act?
The institution must have an MOU in place with the local PD regarding the investigation of alleged criminal offenses
Describe the jurisdiction of security and/or police personnel
Describe the enforcement authority of police and/or security personnel working for the campus.
Describe the campus security personnel’s relationship with local and State police agencies
The institution must have an MOU in place with the local PD regarding the investigation of alleged criminal offenses
Which of the following pieces of documentation is not typically retained for Clery Act compliance purposes?
Letters to/from Local Law Enforcement regarding Clery Act crime statistics
Copies of Campus Public Safety or Police Department Crime Reports
ASR Availability Notices to Students and Employees
The Campus Public Safety or Police Department Organizational Chart
The Campus Public Safety or Police Department Organizational Chart
Which of the following statements best capture the difference between providing notice of the availability of the Annual Security (& Fire Safety Report) to current students and employees versus prospective students and employees?
For prospective students and employees, it is permissible to combine the notice of availability with other notices.
Current students and employees must receive a hard copy of the Annual Security (& Fire Safety) Report whereas prospective students and employees must only be provided with a hard copy upon request
Prospective students are required to receive a copy of the report during their campus visit
Current students and employees can only receive a postmarked notice of availability
For prospective students and employees, it is permissible to combine the notice of availability with other notices.
Which of the following is not a required component of presenting crime statistics data in a compliant manner?
Presenting the data in the year in which the crime was reported for each of the three most recent years
Presenting the data in the year in which the crime occurred for each of the three most recent years
Include all required crime statistics from within the four general categories (Primary Crimes, VAWA Offenses & Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action) and list each one separately on a table or tables. (List Unfounded statistics and Hate Crime statistics in either tabular format or narrative/descriptive format for each of the 3 most recent calendar years).
Categorizing the data separately based on the Clery Geographic category (On Campus, On Campus Student Residential Facility, Noncampus Buildings and Property & Public Property)
Presenting the data in the year in which the crime occurred for each of the three most recent years
If a campus is located in a state that has open public records laws and therefore does not allow for confidential crime reporting (or does not have a procedure established to take confidential reports), what is the most appropriate policy statement approach?
Provide a statement that describes the institution’s procedures to report crimes anonymously in lieu of confidentially
Omit addressing this statement in the ASR since the procedure is not available
Provide a statement indicating that confidential reporting of crimes is not a process available at the institution
Develop a confidential crime reporting procedure regardless of state open records laws.
Provide a statement indicating that confidential reporting of crimes is not a process available at the institution
If an institution has separate campuses and they elect to publish a single Annual Security Report for all campuses, which item below best describes how the institution should prepare the report?
Combine statistics for Primary Crimes, VAWA Offenses, and Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action from all campuses and publish that data a single crime statistics chart.
Address each policy statement for each campus and publish separate crime statistics for each campus
Only disclose policy statements for the main campus
Identify all campus names on the cover page of the main campus Annual Security Report but do not add any crime statistics for separate campuses and do not distinctly address any policy statements for which there is a separate policy, procedure, or practice at a separate campus.
Address each policy statement for each campus and publish separate crime statistics for each campus
Identify the policy statement below that TYPICALLY does not vary for separate campuses.
A statement indicating to whom should crimes be reported for that location
If there are security/police officers on site, a statement indicating if they have the same authority as the police/security on the main campus
A statement encouraging accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to the campus police and the appropriate police agencies, when the victim of a crime elects to, or is unable to, make such a report.
Security of and access to the campus facilities.
A statement encouraging accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to the campus police and the appropriate police agencies, when the victim of a crime elects to, or is unable to, make such a report.
Which of the following describes a compliant manner to present hate crime statistics?
Combine the Hate Crime data into the crime statistics chart used to present Primary Crimes, VAWA Offenses & Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action
Refer the consumer to the Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool for Hate Crime Statistics
Narrative or descriptive reporting that includes the crime category, geographic category & bias category
Tabular reporting that includes the geographic category and bias category
Narrative or descriptive reporting that includes the crime category, geographic category & bias category
Which of the following category of policy statements is NOT required to be included in the Annual Security Report?
Sex Offender Registration Policy
Drug and Alcohol Policies
Law Enforcement Policies
Campus Security Authority Training Policy
Campus Security Authority Training Policy
You must provide a statement of current campus policies regarding procedures for students and others to report criminal actions or other emergencies occurring on campus. Which of the following is not a required statement relating to this concept?
A statement addressing the institution’s policies concerning its response to these reports.
Titles of each person or organization to whom crimes should be reported for the purposes of making timely warning reports and the annual statistical disclosure.
A statement that crimes can be reported to any campus official.
A statement that encourages accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to the campus police and the appropriate police agencies, when the victim of a crime elects to, or is unable to, make such a report.
A statement that crimes can be reported to any campus official.