QUIZZES Flashcards


Which of the following policies is not prescribed by the Clery Act?

The institution must have an MOU in place with the local PD regarding the investigation of alleged criminal offenses

Describe the jurisdiction of security and/or police personnel

Describe the enforcement authority of police and/or security personnel working for the campus.

Describe the campus security personnel’s relationship with local and State police agencies


The institution must have an MOU in place with the local PD regarding the investigation of alleged criminal offenses

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Which of the following pieces of documentation is not typically retained for Clery Act compliance purposes?

Letters to/from Local Law Enforcement regarding Clery Act crime statistics

Copies of Campus Public Safety or Police Department Crime Reports

ASR Availability Notices to Students and Employees

The Campus Public Safety or Police Department Organizational Chart


The Campus Public Safety or Police Department Organizational Chart

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Which of the following statements best capture the difference between providing notice of the availability of the Annual Security (& Fire Safety Report) to current students and employees versus prospective students and employees?

For prospective students and employees, it is permissible to combine the notice of availability with other notices.

Current students and employees must receive a hard copy of the Annual Security (& Fire Safety) Report whereas prospective students and employees must only be provided with a hard copy upon request

Prospective students are required to receive a copy of the report during their campus visit

Current students and employees can only receive a postmarked notice of availability


For prospective students and employees, it is permissible to combine the notice of availability with other notices.

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Which of the following is not a required component of presenting crime statistics data in a compliant manner?

Presenting the data in the year in which the crime was reported for each of the three most recent years

Presenting the data in the year in which the crime occurred for each of the three most recent years

Include all required crime statistics from within the four general categories (Primary Crimes, VAWA Offenses & Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action) and list each one separately on a table or tables. (List Unfounded statistics and Hate Crime statistics in either tabular format or narrative/descriptive format for each of the 3 most recent calendar years).

Categorizing the data separately based on the Clery Geographic category (On Campus, On Campus Student Residential Facility, Noncampus Buildings and Property & Public Property)


Presenting the data in the year in which the crime occurred for each of the three most recent years

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If a campus is located in a state that has open public records laws and therefore does not allow for confidential crime reporting (or does not have a procedure established to take confidential reports), what is the most appropriate policy statement approach?

Provide a statement that describes the institution’s procedures to report crimes anonymously in lieu of confidentially

Omit addressing this statement in the ASR since the procedure is not available

Provide a statement indicating that confidential reporting of crimes is not a process available at the institution

Develop a confidential crime reporting procedure regardless of state open records laws.


Provide a statement indicating that confidential reporting of crimes is not a process available at the institution

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If an institution has separate campuses and they elect to publish a single Annual Security Report for all campuses, which item below best describes how the institution should prepare the report?

Combine statistics for Primary Crimes, VAWA Offenses, and Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action from all campuses and publish that data a single crime statistics chart.

Address each policy statement for each campus and publish separate crime statistics for each campus

Only disclose policy statements for the main campus

Identify all campus names on the cover page of the main campus Annual Security Report but do not add any crime statistics for separate campuses and do not distinctly address any policy statements for which there is a separate policy, procedure, or practice at a separate campus.


Address each policy statement for each campus and publish separate crime statistics for each campus

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Identify the policy statement below that TYPICALLY does not vary for separate campuses.

A statement indicating to whom should crimes be reported for that location

If there are security/police officers on site, a statement indicating if they have the same authority as the police/security on the main campus

A statement encouraging accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to the campus police and the appropriate police agencies, when the victim of a crime elects to, or is unable to, make such a report.

Security of and access to the campus facilities.


A statement encouraging accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to the campus police and the appropriate police agencies, when the victim of a crime elects to, or is unable to, make such a report.

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Which of the following describes a compliant manner to present hate crime statistics?

Combine the Hate Crime data into the crime statistics chart used to present Primary Crimes, VAWA Offenses & Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action

Refer the consumer to the Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool for Hate Crime Statistics

Narrative or descriptive reporting that includes the crime category, geographic category & bias category

Tabular reporting that includes the geographic category and bias category


Narrative or descriptive reporting that includes the crime category, geographic category & bias category

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Which of the following category of policy statements is NOT required to be included in the Annual Security Report?

Sex Offender Registration Policy

Drug and Alcohol Policies

Law Enforcement Policies

Campus Security Authority Training Policy


Campus Security Authority Training Policy

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You must provide a statement of current campus policies regarding procedures for students and others to report criminal actions or other emergencies occurring on campus. Which of the following is not a required statement relating to this concept?

A statement addressing the institution’s policies concerning its response to these reports.

Titles of each person or organization to whom crimes should be reported for the purposes of making timely warning reports and the annual statistical disclosure.

A statement that crimes can be reported to any campus official.

A statement that encourages accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to the campus police and the appropriate police agencies, when the victim of a crime elects to, or is unable to, make such a report.


A statement that crimes can be reported to any campus official.

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All of the following attributes should be included on an audit trail of student conduct/residence life disciplinary records except which attribute?

Date and time of the incident

Name(s) of Student(s)

Incident Report Number

Name of Adjudicator


Name of Adjudicator

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Campus police respond to a report of a disorderly subject in the campus library. They take the subject into protective custody based upon his obvious level of intoxication and his lack of compliance with verbal commands. While conducting a pat-down of the subject, the officers find a butterfly knife, which is unlawful to possess, as well as a marijuana joint. Possession of any quantity of marijuana in this jurisdiction is a criminal offense. Police take the subject into custody and subsequently issue a criminal summons for both the unlawful possession of a weapon and the unlawful possession of a controlled substance. What is the correct classification and count for this incident?

1 Weapon Law Violation Arrest

1 Drug Law Violation Arrest

1 Weapon Law Violation Arrest and 1 Drug Law Violation Arrest

1 Weapon Law Violation Arrest or 1 Drug Law Violation Arrest (law enforcement discretion should be used to determine which violation to count)


1 Weapon Law Violation Arrest or 1 Drug Law Violation Arrest (law enforcement discretion should be used to determine which violation to count)

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Which of the following charge types should be avoided when adding Code of Conduct charges to a student’s record in the institution’s student conduct records management system when the narrative of the incident report fails to establish a Clery-reportable violation of law?

Policy Violation Charge

Combined Charge

Law Violation Charge

Any of these charges


Law Violation Charge

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Which of the following does not apply to counting arrests and referrals for Clery Act purposes?

Only referrals involving students and employees should be included in the annual crime statistics; referrals involving non-students or non-employees should not be included

Only arrests involving students and employees should be included in the annual crime statistics; arrests involving non-students or non-employees should not be included

If a person is arrested for a Clery-reportable Liquor, Drug or Weapon Law Violation and is also referred for the same violation, only the arrest should be included in the annual crime statistics

If a person is referred for disciplinary action for multiple violations during a single incident (e.g., Drug Law and Liquor Law Violations), law enforcement or security officer discretion should be used to determine which violation to count.


Only arrests involving students and employees should be included in the annual crime statistics; arrests involving non-students or non-employees should not be included

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When reconciling crime statistics between the campus police or public safety unit and the student conduct unit(s), which of the following statements most accurately depicts the steps institutions should take to compile accurate crime statistics?

Representatives from campus police/public safety and student conduct should meet to review all Primary Crimes to ensure there is no inappropriate duplication of incidents/people (in accordance with Hierarchy Rule), then the campus police/public safety audit trail should be combined with the student conduct unit audit trail to arrive at the final crime statistics

Representatives from campus police/public safety and student conduct should meet to review audit trails for all Clery Act crime categories to ensure there is no inappropriate duplication of incidents/people (in accordance with Hierarchy Rule), then the campus police/public safety audit trail should be combined with the student conduct unit audit trail to arrive at the final crime statistics

Representatives from campus police/public safety and student conduct should meet to review audit trails for all Liquor, Drug and Weapon Law Violation Arrests and Referrals to ensure there that individuals will only be counted once for each incident (as an arrest or a referral), then the campus police/public safety audit trail should be combined with the student conduct unit audit trail to arrive at the final crime statistics

Representatives from campus police/public safety and student conduct should meet to review audit trails for all Liquor, Drug and Weapon Law Violation Arrests and Referrals as well as any incidents of Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking to ensure there that there is no inappropriate duplication of incidents/people, then the campus police/public safety audit trail should be combined with the student conduct unit audit trail to arrive at the final crime statistics


Representatives from campus police/public safety and student conduct should meet to review audit trails for all Clery Act crime categories to ensure there is no inappropriate duplication of incidents/people (in accordance with Hierarchy Rule), then the campus police/public safety audit trail should be combined with the student conduct unit audit trail to arrive at the final crime statistics

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A campus police officer responds to an incident at which 2 students and 10 non-students are consuming alcohol underage in violation of state law. Seven of the non-students are juveniles. The officer contacts the parents of each juvenile and holds the juveniles in custody until a parent arrives, at which point the juvenile is released to their parent(s). None of the juveniles are charged with the Liquor Law Violation observed by the officer. How, if at all, should the non-student juveniles be reflected in the institution’s crime statistics?

7 Liquor Law Violation referrals for disciplinary action

7 Liquor Law Violation arrests

0 Liquor Law Violation arrests

7 Liquor Law Violation referrals and 7 Liquor Law Violation arrests


7 Liquor Law Violation arrests

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A student is issued a criminal citation for cocaine possession on a public street that runs through your campus. The student is referred for disciplinary action because of the arrest. What are you required to do?

Count the incident as an arrest for a Drug Law Violation in the Public Property statistics

Count the incident as an arrest and a disciplinary referral in the Public Property statistics.

Count the incident as an arrest and a disciplinary referral in the On Campus statistics.

Count the incident as an arrest for a Drug Law Violation in the On Campus statistics.


Count the incident as an arrest for a Drug Law Violation in the Public Property statistics

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Which of the following statements is true regarding Weapon Law Violations?

Laws or ordinances that prohibit the possession of specific weapons (such as brass knuckles) should be treated as Clery-reportable Weapon Law Violations for statistical reporting purposes

All institutions should count as Weapon Law Violations offenses involving the possession or use of a knife with a blade that is equal to or greater than 3 inches in length

The Clery Act requires that all air guns be identified as countable Weapon Law Violations, regardless of state law, at every institution that must comply with the Clery Act

Agencies are not required to include in the category of Weapon Law Violations the use of silencers


Laws or ordinances that prohibit the possession of specific weapons (such as brass knuckles) should be treated as Clery-reportable Weapon Law Violations for statistical reporting purposes

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On the night before commencement, a group of 4 seniors are observed by a campus police officer to be holding open containers of alcohol on a public sidewalk within the campus border. The institution is located in a jurisdiction that makes it unlawful for a person (regardless of age) to possess an open container of alcohol in public. After confirming all subjects to be 21 years of age, the officer instructs the students to pour out the alcohol and carry on with their night safely. The officer takes no other action, but forwards an incident report to the student conduct office for possible disciplinary action. The director of the student conduct office reviews the report and enters it into the office’s electronic records management system, but ultimately chooses not to charge any of the students with a violation of the Student Conduct Code since all of them will have graduated by the time the case is resolved. How, if at all, should this incident be included in the institution’s crime statistics?

Include this incident in the crime statistics as 4 Liquor Law Violation referrals for disciplinary action in the Public Property category

Include this incident in the crime statistics as 4 Liquor Law Violation arrests in the Public Property category

Include this incident in the crime statistics as 4 Liquor Law Violation arrests in the Public Property category and 4 Liquor Law Violation referrals for disciplinary action in the Public Property category

Do not include any of these persons in the annual crime statistics, as none have been arrested or referred for disciplinary action


Include this incident in the crime statistics as 4 Liquor Law Violation referrals for disciplinary action in the Public Property category

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Six underage students (two residents and four guests) are documented in a Resident Assistant’s incident report to have been present in a residence hall room where numerous open containers of alcohol were observed in plain view. The report does not identify which, if any, of the six students were possessing or consuming alcohol in violation of state law and institutional policy. The student conduct office enters the incident report in their system and charges each of the six students with a violation of the institution’s Alcohol Policy. How, if at all, should this incident be included in the institution’s crime statistics?

Include the total number of students determined to be responsible for violating the alcohol policy as a result of the disciplinary process as Liquor Law Violation Referrals for Disciplinary Action in the annual crime statistics

Do not include any of the six students in the crime statistics since the report does not establish which students, if any, were individually in violation of the law

Include six Liquor Law Violation Referrals for Disciplinary Action in the annual crime statistics

Include only two Liquor Law Violation Referrals for Disciplinary Action in the annual crime statistics for the two underage students that live in the room


Include six Liquor Law Violation Referrals for Disciplinary Action in the annual crime statistics

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Which of the following statements is true regarding Drug Law Violations?

Drug Paraphernalia includes items prohibited by institutional policy (such as hookahs) that are not also specifically prohibited by state laws and local ordinances

Incidents involving marijuana odor violations in which no marijuana is found during an incident are countable Drug Law Violations at every institution that must comply with the Clery Act

A person that uses prescription drugs in a manner inconsistent with the instructions provided by the physician has committed a Drug Law Violation when the use occurs on or within the institution’s Clery Geography

If a 21-year-old student possesses a small amount of marijuana in a campus residence hall that is located in a state that has legalized possession of small quantities of marijuana by persons 21 or older, but the student is referred for disciplinary action pursuant to an institution’s policy that no student may use or possess marijuana on campus, that student should not be included in the crime statistics as a Drug Law Violation Referral.


If a 21-year-old student possesses a small amount of marijuana in a campus residence hall that is located in a state that has legalized possession of small quantities of marijuana by persons 21 or older, but the student is referred for disciplinary action pursuant to an institution’s policy that no student may use or possess marijuana on campus, that student should not be included in the crime statistics as a Drug Law Violation Referral.

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When assessing state laws and local ordinances to determine which offenses are countable Liquor, Drug and Weapon Law Violations for Clery Act purposes, institutions should do all of the following except what?

Include all violations prohibited by state code and local ordinances that are contained within the jurisdiction’s Alcohol Beverage Code, Controlled Substances Act and Weapon/Firearms codes

Note whether certain violations of law are criminal versus civil in nature

Include only those violations prohibited by state code and local ordinances that correspond to the Clery-reportable UCR categories of Liquor, Drug and Weapon Law Violations

Limit the assessment to laws and ordinances that apply to the calendar year for which the assessment document will be used to classify offenses


Include all violations prohibited by state code and local ordinances that are contained within the jurisdiction’s Alcohol Beverage Code, Controlled Substances Act and Weapon/Firearms codes

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Which of the following statements is true regarding Liquor Law Violations?

Drunkenness should only be included as a Liquor Law Violation Referral when a student or employee is referred for disciplinary action for drunkenness and the laws of the jurisdiction classify drunkenness as internal possession and a violation of possession laws

Arrests for drunkenness should always be counted at every institution that must comply with the Clery Act

Referrals for Disciplinary Action for drunkenness should always be counted at every institution that must comply with the Clery Act

Drunkenness should only be included as a Liquor Law Violation Arrest when a student or employee is arrested for drunkenness and the laws of the jurisdiction classify drunkenness as internal possession and a violation of possession laws


Drunkenness should only be included as a Liquor Law Violation Referral when a student or employee is referred for disciplinary action for drunkenness and the laws of the jurisdiction classify drunkenness as internal possession and a violation of possession laws

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A concerned employee in the Business Office calls campus police to report that a colleague arrived at work this morning wearing a holstered firearm on his belt in plain view. The College has declared itself to be a “gun free zone” and has a zero tolerance policy for any student or employee that possesses a firearm on campus. Campus police respond to the Business Office and advise the employee of the College’s policy. The employee agrees to give the firearm to campus police for safekeeping until the end of the work day, at which point the employee will retrieve the firearm. In response to the incident, the College places the employee on paid administrative leave while an investigation into the employee’s conduct occurs. The College is located in a jurisdiction that does not make it unlawful for people to open carry firearms on college and university campuses. What is the correct classification and count for this incident?

1 Weapon Law Violation Referral

1 Weapon Law Violation Arrest

1 Weapon Law Violation Referral and 1 Weapon Law Violation Arrest

Not Clery-reportable; Do not include in the institution’s crime statistics


Not Clery-reportable; Do not include in the institution’s crime statistics

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Twenty-six underage students are listed in an incident report generated by the campus public safety office. The report is sent the Student Conduct Office for review. The incident report clearly identifies that 8 of these students were possessing alcohol in violation of state law. According to the report, none of the remaining students were violating any liquor laws. How many students in this example have been referred for disciplinary action (Note: this question is NOT asking how many should be included in the institution’s crime statistics)? 8 students have been referred for disciplinary action 18 students have been referred for disciplinary action 26 students have been referred for disciplinary action 10 students have been referred for disciplinary action
26 students have been referred for disciplinary action
While engaging in consensual horseplay, two roommates were wrestling when one of the men fell backwards and was impaled through the chest with a wooden stake. This injury resulted in his death. What is the correct classification for this incident? Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter Manslaughter by Negligence Simple Assault Aggravated Assault
Manslaughter by Negligence
Which of the following items is NOT typically required on a compliant audit trail as requested by the Department of Education? Name of the victim Location of the offense Clery Geography category Date of offense
Name of the victim
Which of the following does not constitute an Aggravated Assault(s)? A student was punched and sustained a broken nose A subject pointed a knife at 2 people and threatened to stab them A campus police officer was punched by a subject and sustained a bruise A male reported that his roommate choked him and he could not breathe
A campus police officer was punched by a subject and sustained a bruise
A male and female are engaging in consensual dialogue using social media. However, the male begins to send the female threatening messages and she tells him to stop communicating with her. On the following day, he sent her 4 more messages with threatening content. The female received all of the messages while on campus at the library. What is the correct classification? Dating Violence Domestic Violence Stalking Not Clery reportable and should not be included in Annual Security Report statistics
A student reports that her roommate was having what appeared to be consensual sex with her brother, who was visiting from out of town. She walked into her room and discovered the two engaging in intercourse. She reported the incident to her Resident Advisor. What is the correct classification for this incident? Not Clery Reportable Rape Incest Statutory Rape
Two unknown males approach 3 female students who are walking across campus. They grab the women and pull them to the ground while they are kicking and punching them. All of the women sustain serious or aggravated injuries during the attack. One of the men demands that the women turn over their book bags to them. The women begin to comply when suddenly, the men hear a noise nearby and flee the scene without the book bags. What is the correct classification and statistical count for this incident? Count the incident as 1 Robbery Count the incident as 3 Aggravated Assaults Count the incident as 3 Robberies Count the incident as 3 Aggravated Assaults and 1 Robbery
Count the incident as 1 Robbery
Which of the classifications most accurately apply to the following scenario? A male student reported that his ex-boyfriend entered his residence hall room and, without his consent, touched his genitals while making a sexual advance towards him. What is the correct classification and statistical count for this incident? One count each of Fondling and Dating Violence One count each of Rape and Dating Violence One count each of Rape and Stalking One count of Rape
One count each of Fondling and Dating Violence
Which of the following elements does NOT support unfounding a Clery crime report? The prosecutor declines prosecution due to lack of evidence An investigation conducted by sworn or commissioned law enforcement personnel concluded the report was false The crime did not occur and was never attempted An investigation conducted by sworn or commissioned law enforcement personnel concluded the report was baseless
The prosecutor declines prosecution due to lack of evidence
Which of the following is NOT an example of crime being “reported” for the purposes of the Clery Act? A resident advisor receives a report of a sexual assault directly from a resident student A campus police officer observes a robbery occur on a public street A coach learns about the Burglary of one of her player’s residence hall room because the player emailed her A student organization advisor overheard two students talking about a Rape while they were eating in the student union
A student organization advisor overheard two students talking about a Rape while they were eating in the student union
A disgruntled female professor enters a campus building and opens fire in an office space. She shoots and kills 5 individuals and seriously wounds 6 others. What is the correct classification and statistical count for this incident? 5 Murder & Nonnegligent Manslaughters and 6 Aggravated Assaults 5 Murder & Nonnegligent Manslaughters 6 Aggravated Assaults 5 Manslaughters by Negligence
5 Murder & Nonnegligent Manslaughters
John and Bill are at a party on campus and witness the 14-year-old sister of an athlete having sex with a grad student who is 25 years old. The 14-year-old seems to be a willful participant in the sexual activity and there does not appear to be any force involved. The age of consent is 16 in the state in which this institution is located. They report the incident to Campus Police. What is the correct classification for this incident? Rape Fondling Incest Statutory Rape
Statutory Rape
A male and female meet online and start an online dating relationship. The male tells the female that she must delete all of the male contacts in her cell phone. If she does not comply, he told her that he will come to campus and physically harm her. She reports the incident to Campus Safety. What is the correct classification? Dating Violence Simple Assault Stalking Intimidation
Dating Violence
All of the following statements are true pertaining to requesting statistics from local law enforcement agencies EXCEPT which of the following: Requests for statistics should be made only verbally The institution is permitted to rely on information provided to them by the local/state police department The institution is not responsible if the information is not provided or is inaccurate Institutions must collect statistics from ALL local law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction on or within the institution’s Clery Geography
Requests for statistics should be made only verbally
An unknown individual removed a golf cart from the Facilities Management parking lot on campus after normal business hours. The golf cart was found abandoned in another area of the campus the next morning. This incident should be classified as: Vehicle Theft-Recovery Motor Vehicle Theft Theft from Motor Vehicle No Theft Occurred-Joyriding
Motor Vehicle Theft
A student intentionally ignited a fire in a trash can in his residence hall room, and as a result, four rooms were damaged. The fire was investigated by the institutional official responsible for making such determinations. What is the correct classification and statistical count for this incident? 4 Counts of Arson 1 Count of Arson Suspicious Fire-not arson None of the above
1 Count of Arson
Three female students report to campus police that they were each raped by five male students. The rapes occurred at an off-campus house owned by a fraternity that is officially recognized by the institution. Campus police send a copy of the report to the student conduct office for review. The student conduct office charges all five male students for each of the rapes. What is the correct classification and statistical count for this incident? 5 Rapes in the noncampus location 15 Rapes in the noncampus location 3 Rapes in the noncampus location Not Clery reportable and should not be included in Annual Security Report statistics
3 Rapes in the noncampus location
An unknown person carves the word FAG into the door of the Gay and Lesbian Student group office in the student union on campus. Camera footage provides a lead in an investigation and the final result of the investigation indicates that the perpetrator is gay and was trying to bring attention to hate crimes against gay students on campus. How should the incident be classified? Count the incident as intimidation, motivated by a bias. Count the incident as vandalism, motivated by a bias Do not count this incident as a hate crime. Count this incident as intimidation and vandalism, motivated by a bias
Do not count this incident as a hate crime.
An unknown male subject entered 3 locked faculty offices in a classroom building located in the center of campus after normal business hours when the facility was closed and stole a laptop from each office. What is the correct classification and statistical count for this incident? 3 Burglaries 1 Burglary 3 Larcenies 1 Larceny
1 Burglary
During a heated argument, a husband shoves his wife in front of the library causing her to fall to the ground. She scrapes her hand and knee during the fall. What is the correct classification and statistical count for this incident? One count of Aggravated Assault One count of Aggravated Assault & Dating Violence One count of Domestic Violence One count of Aggravated Assault & Domestic Violence
One count of Domestic Violence
Which of the following crime categories is ALWAYS reported along with the other most serious offense (if there is another Clery-reportable offense that occurs within the same incident)? Burglary Domestic Violence Aggravated Assault Sex Offense
Domestic Violence
Which of the following does not constitute Public Property for Clery Act purposes? Public parking lot Public library Public park Public transit station
Public library
Which of the following examples of properties do not typically meet the requirements of Noncampus buildings or property? Institution-owned apartment complexes 2 miles away from the campus that are occupied exclusively by students Privately-owned, off campus apartments where the institution encourages students to reside but for which no written agreement to house students exists A student housing facility located on another campus that is used for overflow housing A hotel 1.3 miles away from the campus border that is used to house students for 2 weeks while a campus housing renovation project concludes.
Privately-owned, off campus apartments where the institution encourages students to reside but for which no written agreement to house students exists
Which of the following locations does not correspond to a Clery-reportable geographic area? A registered fraternity house located 3 miles away from the institution A privately-owned apartment off-campus where members of the swim team reside A municipal parking lot within the campus A public high school classroom within the campus border that the institution has a written agreement to use on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
A privately-owned apartment off-campus where members of the swim team reside
Which of the following is an example of reportable Public Property? A public sidewalk-street-sidewalk separated from the campus by a fence A public parking lot separated from the campus by a public street A public sidewalk bordering the campus A public waterway located 0.2 miles away from campus
A public sidewalk bordering the campus
Which of the following statements least accurately depicts the characteristics of both Noncampus and Separate Campus locations? Both location types are not reasonably contiguous to the campus Both location types are owned or controlled by the institution Both location types may offer classes Both location types have administrative personnel on site
Both location types have administrative personnel on site
The frequently-used-by-students criterion is satisfied in each of the following examples except: Rental of the city coliseum each spring to host the institution’s commencement ceremony Overnight, one-time-only trips sponsored by the institution Use of a hotel to lodge students for a weekend Baseball tournament out-of-state Conducting classes throughout the fall semester at an institution-owned building 2 miles away from the campus
Overnight, one-time-only trips sponsored by the institution
Which of the following is not an example of a Separate Campus? A noncontiguous athletic facility where classes are held An institution’s law school located 2 miles away from the campus An institution-owned research farm located 5 miles away from the campus where turf management classes are held by the program director, whose office is on site A foreign location of an institution that has a financial aid administrator on site and offers courses leading to a degree
A noncontiguous athletic facility where classes are held
The institution rents two floors of an office building in an adjacent town to provide additional administrative offices solely for faculty and staff who work at the main campus (students do not go to this location for any reason). A staff member is the victim of an armed Robbery when walking through the lobby of the building. What are you required to do? Count the incident in the crime statistics as a Noncampus Robbery because the incident happened in the public space of a building being rented by the institution. Do not count the incident as a Noncampus Robbery because the incident did not occur on the two floors being rented by the institution. Do not count the incident because this location does not fit the definition of Noncampus property. Count the incident as an On Campus Robbery because of the proximity to the main campus.
Do not count the incident because this location does not fit the definition of Noncampus property.
Which of the following examples of properties do not typically meet the requirements of Noncampus buildings or property? Student teachers working in local schools Publicly-owned athletic stadium that is leased for University football games. Institutionally owned research vessels Additional classroom space in a building leased by your institution.
Student teachers working in local schools
Which of the following incidents would not be Clery reportable based on the location of the offense? An Aggravated Assault located within a campus residence hall A Sexual Assault in a room leased by the institution for overflow student housing that is located 2 miles away from the campus A Robbery that occurs on a public thoroughfare that bisects the campus A Burglary of an institution-owned single family home occupied by a faculty member that is 1.5 miles away from the campus border
A Burglary of an institution-owned single family home occupied by a faculty member that is 1.5 miles away from the campus border
Institutions should develop a list of Campus Security Authorities that contains, at a minimum, all of the following except: Department Name Vice Presidential Area Title Email
Vice Presidential Area
Is this statement true or false? A CSA’s primary responsibility is as follows: when a crime is brought to the attention of a Campus Security Authority, he/she must report the crime to the reporting structure of the institution
There are four primary categories or groups that constitute Campus Security Authorities. Which of the below is not one of those groups? Police, Public Safety or Security Any individual or individuals who have responsibility for campus security but who do not constitute a campus police department or a campus security department (e.g., an individual who is responsible for monitoring the entrance into institutional property). Any individual or organization specified in an institution’s statement of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses. Any faculty members who teach for the institution An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings.
Any faculty members who teach for the institution
Is this statement true or false? The campus can send a letter to each CSA to notify them of their obligations as a Campus Security Authority and that would constitute sufficient training for these individuals.
The Department of Education Handbook states that a crime is “reported” when ________. Independent information corroborates the report It is brought to the attention of a campus security authority, the institution’s police department or campus safety office, or local law enforcement personnel by a victim, witness, other third party or even the offender The recipient of the report believes it has been made in good faith The recipient of the report obtained the information in an indirect manner
It is brought to the attention of a campus security authority, the institution’s police department or campus safety office, or local law enforcement personnel by a victim, witness, other third party or even the offender
Campus Security Authorities include individuals or offices identified in the Annual Security Report as entities to which crimes should be reported, all personnel who work in the campus police/security department and others who have responsibility for campus security, such as those who monitor access into facilities. What other function would qualify someone as a Campus Security Authority? Engaging in classroom teaching as a faculty member Providing clerical support to faculty/staff Working in a campus dining facility Building relationships with students under the auspices of student and campus activities
Building relationships with students under the auspices of student and campus activities
Is this statement true or false? The only two positions identified in the regulations that have a clear exemption from being considered a CSA are professional counselors and pastoral counselors.
Is this statement true or false? The primary responsibility of a Campus Security Authority is to investigate crimes to determine if they are valid. If they verify that the crime occurred as reported, they are required to report the crime to the reporting structure of the institution.
Which of the following records are not necessary to maintain to document an institution’s efforts regarding Campus Security Authorities? Comprehensive list of all CSAs for each calendar year Records showing each CSA received training (and a copy of the training materials) Correspondence with CSAs, including the annual written request for crime reports from CSAs and any crime reports received in response Job descriptions for all employees on campus Any institutional policies regarding the identification, training, and responsibilities of CSAs (if applicable)
Job descriptions for all employees on campus
In order to effectively demonstrate that the campus has attempted to gather crime statistics from every CSA, the institution should do what? Develop a system to request crime statistics from all CSAs at least once a year Notify supervisors that they should review the functions of personnel they supervise to determine whether those personnel qualify as CSAs Train CSAs to immediately forward crime reports to the reporting structure of the institution Advise CSAs to use their discretion when deciding whether to report a crime to the reporting structure of the institution
Develop a system to request crime statistics from all CSAs at least once a year
All of the following content areas should be addressed in the annual training for officials involved in the investigation or adjudication of VAWA offenses except which of the following? Choose one alternative. * Relevant evidence and how it should be used during a proceeding * Proper techniques for questioning witnesses * Rates of reoffending for sexual predators * Basic procedural rules for conducting a proceeding * Issues related to dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking
Rates of reoffending for sexual predators
An institution’s disclosure regarding the steps it will take to protect the confidentiality of victims and other necessary parties should address all but which of the following? Choose one alternative. * That in some cases, an institution may need to disclose some information to a third party to provide necessary accommodations or protective measures * That with the victim’s permission, information, including their personally identifiable information, can be shared with those providing accommodations or protective measures * That sharing a victim’s name broadly with members of his or her residence hall does not breach confidentiality * That institutions will only provide information that is necessary in order to protect victims
That sharing a victim’s name broadly with members of his or her residence hall does not breach confidentiality
Under the Clery Act, a student or employee who reports to an institution of higher education that they have been the victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking shall be provided with a written explanation of what? Choose one alternative. * Their rights and options * The role of CSAs * The institution’s Clery Act statistics for these crimes * How to file a civil suit against the alleged offender
Their rights and options
All institutions must state that they use “preponderance of the evidence” standard when adjudicating VAWA crimes to be in compliance with the Clery Act. Choose one alternative. * True * False
Institutions must provide the definitions for sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking in their ASRs according to which sources? Choose one alternative. * The Clery Act, state law, and laws from any other applicable jurisdiction * The Clery Act only * The Clery Act and state law only * State law only
The Clery Act, state law, and laws from any other applicable jurisdiction
Which of the below listed disclosures is not a requirement for the procedures the victim of a VAWA crime should follow? Choose one alternative. * Provide written information to the victim regarding the importance of preserving evidence that may assist in proving that the alleged criminal offense occurred or may be helpful in obtaining a protection order. * Guidance for disclosing the crime to friends and family. * How and to whom the alleged offense should be reported. * Options about the involvement of law enforcement, including how to notify proper law enforcement authorities, how the institution will assist the victim in notifying proper law enforcement authorities, and the right of the victim to decline such notification.
Guidance for disclosing the crime to friends and family.
The key components of the stalking definition in VAWA include a course of conduct that meets all of the following except: Choose one alternative. * Places the victim in fear for their safety * Places the victim in fear for the safety of others * Causes the victim to suffer substantial emotional distress * Is directed at more than one person
Is directed at more than one person
When constructing your ASR, you do not need to include information regarding all the types of disciplinary proceedings used by the institution to resolve complaints of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. Choose one alternative. * True * False
Adrienne reports being stalked on campus. Under the Clery Act, the institution is required to provide her with information regarding which of the following resources? Choose one alternative. * Counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, visa & immigration assistance, student financial aid, and other services located within the institution * Counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, visa & immigration assistance, student financial aid, and other services located in the community * Counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, visa & immigration assistance, student financial aid, and other services located within the institution and in the community * Only health, mental health and counseling are required under Clery
Counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, visa & immigration assistance, student financial aid, and other services located within the institution and in the community
The institution’s description of ongoing prevention and awareness campaigns must state that these programs address all of the same content areas that are required for primary prevention and awareness programs. Choose one alternative. * True * False
The Social Ecological Model explains the occurrence of sexual and intimate partner violence and helps identify potential prevention strategies at all but which of the following levels? Choose one alternative. * individual * relationship * community * environmental
Which of the following statements is true regarding primary prevention programs that must be provided by institutions to incoming students and employees? Choose one alternative. * They include programming, initiatives and strategies intended to stop dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking from recurring after an initial incident. * They are not required to be informed by research or assessed for value, effectiveness, or outcome. * They involve the promotion of positive and healthy behaviors that foster healthy, mutually respectful relationships and sexuality, encourage safe bystander intervention and seek to change behavior and social norms in healthy and safe directions. * Examples of these programs include informing incoming students and new employees not to consume too much alcohol before socializing with others.
They involve the promotion of positive and healthy behaviors that foster healthy, mutually respectful relationships and sexuality, encourage safe bystander intervention and seek to change behavior and social norms in healthy and safe directions.
Bystander intervention is defined as safe and positive options that may be carried out by an individual or individuals to prevent harm or intervene when there is a risk of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking. The Department of Education Handbook states that bystander intervention includes all but which of the following? Choose one alternative. * Recognizing potential situations of harm. * Taking action to intervene. * Overcoming barriers to intervening. * Providing whistles to women.
Providing whistles to women.
An institution’s primary prevention and awareness programs for all incoming students and new employees must include all but which of the following: Choose one alternative. * A statement that the institution prohibits the crimes of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking as defined by the Clery Act. * Instructions on how to file a civil law suit against the respondent. * The definition of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking in the applicable jurisdiction. * The definition of consent, in reference to sexual activity, in the applicable jurisdiction.
Instructions on how to file a civil law suit against the respondent.
Institutions have significant leeway under VAWA when designing and providing required education programs, but which of the following strategies would be most likely to put the institution out of compliance with the requirements of the law? Choose one alternative. * Provide a one-time-only, in-person program for incoming students and new employees at a commuter campus. * Combine one or more of the required elements (e.g., primary prevention, awareness, bystander intervention and risk reduction) into a single training. * Determine the method of program delivery (e.g., use in-person interactive workshops, online interactive training, etc.). * Address, in the training, behaviors or concerns outside of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking
Provide a one-time-only, in-person program for incoming students and new employees at a commuter campus.
Awareness programs means community-wide or audience-specific programming, initiatives, and strategies that increase audience knowledge and share information and resources to prevent violence or promote safety. They are not intended to reduce perpetration. True or False? Choose one alternative. * True * False
There are nine characteristics of effective prevention strategies that should guide decision-making and the selection process when developing an effective strategy for both primary and ongoing prevention. According to experts, these include all but which of the following: Choose one alternative. * Comprehensive services * Varied teaching methods, including some type of active, skills-based component * Delivered by untrained administrators * Socio-culturally relevant
Delivered by untrained administrators
The Social Ecological Model is an appropriate model to use when constructing educational programming on stranger stalking. True or False? Choose one alternative. * True * False
Ongoing Prevention and Awareness Campaigns should include multiple strategies in a coordinated way throughout the year to reach all populations of students and employees at the institution. Campaigns could typically include all but which of the following? Choose one alternative. * One-on-one discussions with students. * Communication strategies, such as social media posts, email blasts, bulletin board notices, radio/newspaper ads. * Programming, such as Take Back the Night, safe walks, etc.. * Programming coordinated with and delivered to individual groups on campus (like residence halls, Greeks and other student organizations, sports teams.
One-on-one discussions with students
Primary prevention and awareness programs must be delivered to which of the following audiences? Choose one alternative. * Incoming and current students * Incoming students and new employees * New and current employees * Current students and employees
Incoming students and new employees
If an institution has multiple campuses, at which campuses must the Fire Log be open to public inspection? Choose one alternative. * At all campuses of the institution, regardless of whether they have a police or security presence on site or On Campus Student Housing Facilities * Only the main campus of the institution * Only at those campuses that have On Campus Student Housing Facilities * Only those campuses that have a police or security presence on site
Only at those campuses that have On Campus Student Housing Facilities
Which of the following circumstance is not an acceptable reason for temporarily withholding information from the Daily Crime Log? Choose one alternative. * Releasing the information would jeopardize an ongoing investigation or the safety of an individual * Releasing the information would cause a suspect to flee or evade detection * Releasing the information would result in the destruction of evidence * Releasing the information would disregard the wishes of the victim
Releasing the information would disregard the wishes of the victim
Officers from the campus police department respond to a report of a disturbance in an on campus residential facility. Upon arrival, the officers observe the 19-year-old room occupant holding an open bottle of alcohol and yelling at his non-student boyfriend. The officers separate the parties, both of whom have visible scratches on their arms, face and neck. The room occupant indicates that during the dispute, his boyfriend used a black permanent marker to deface posters hanging on the wall. In light of these reported facts, which crime(s) must be recorded on the institution’s Daily Crime Log? Choose one alternative. * Underage possession of alcohol * Vandalism * Simple Assault * Dating Violence and Underage possession of alcohol * Underage possession of alcohol, Vandalism, Simple Assault, & Dating Violence
Underage possession of alcohol, Vandalism, Simple Assault, & Dating Violence
Which of the following statements best describes which institutions are required to create, maintain and make available a Daily Crime Log? Choose one alternative. * Only public institutions of higher education are required to create, maintain and make available a Daily Crime Log. * Only institutions that have a campus police or security department are required to create, maintain and make available a Daily Crime Log. * Only institutions that pay security personnel directly (rather than security personnel who are paid through a contractor) are required to create, maintain and make available a Daily Crime Log. * Only institutions that have 2 or more security or police officers are required to create, maintain and make available a Daily Crime Log.
Only institutions that have a campus police or security department are required to create, maintain and make available a Daily Crime Log.
True or False: Institutions must record crimes on the Log in the order in which they are reported. Choose one alternative. * True * False
Which of the following statements most accurately describes which fires must be included on the Fire Log? Choose one alternative. * All On Campus Student Housing Facility fires reported to any Campus Security Authority of the institution * All On Campus Student Housing Facility fires reported to any official of the institution * All On Campus fires reported to any Campus Security Authority of the institution * All On Campus fires reported to any official of the institution
All On Campus Student Housing Facility fires reported to any official of the institution
If a fire that was maliciously ignited inside of a Noncampus Residential Facility is reported to the campus police or security department, what is the institution required to do if it is required to maintain a Daily Crime Log and a Fire Log? Choose one alternative. * Add an entry to the Daily Crime Log only * Add an entry to the Fire Log only * Add an entry to the Daily Crime Log and the Fire Log * Do not add an entry to the Daily Crime Log or Fire Log
Add an entry to the Daily Crime Log only
Which of the following statements most accurately describes the crime(s) that must be recorded on the Daily Crime Log? Choose one alternative. * All crimes, including attempts, must be added to the Log. * Only completed crimes must be added to the Log. * All Clery Act crimes, including attempts, must be added to the Log. * Only completed Clery Act crimes must be added to the Log.
All crimes, including attempts, must be added to the Log.
All of the following are evidence of a HEA fire except: Choose one alternative. * A trash can fire * A chimney fire * A lit candle * A singed door decoration in a residence hall
A lit candle
The Daily Crime Log is required to include which of the following categories of information to comply with the requirements of the law? Choose one alternative. * Nature of the Crime, Date Reported, Date Occurred, Time Occurred, General Location and Disposition * Nature of the Crime, Date Reported, Time Reported, Date Occurred, Time Occurred, General Location and Disposition * Nature of the Crime, Date Reported, Report Number, Date Occurred, Time Occurred, General Location and Disposition * Nature of the Crime, Date Reported, Name of Subject (if known), Date Occurred, Time Occurred, General Location and Disposition
Nature of the Crime, Date Reported, Date Occurred, Time Occurred, General Location and Disposition
True or False: Institutions have two business days from the date on which an On Campus Student Housing Facility Fire is reported to the department responsible for maintaining the Log to add an entry to the Fire Log. Choose one alternative. * True * False
All of the following statements are true with respect to institutions that are required to maintain both a Daily Crime Log and a Fire Log except which statement? Choose one alternative. * A combined log can be maintained provided the title of the combined log clearly indicates it is both a Fire Log and a Daily Crime Log * A combined log must contain all crimes reported to the campus police or security department as well as all fires reported to any official of the institution * A combined log must contain all crimes reported to the campus police or security department as well as all On-Campus Student Housing Facility fires reported to any official of the institution * The combined log must only contain a value in the “Disposition” field for entries intended to satisfy the Daily Crime Log requirement
A combined log must contain all crimes reported to the campus police or security department as well as all fires reported to any official of the institution
True or False: Only institutions that maintain On Campus Student Housing Facilities are required to maintain a Fire Log. Choose one alternative. * True * False
True or False: The statutory text of the Clery Act requires adding entries to the Daily Crime Log not only for crimes reported to the campus police or security department but also for crimes reported to non-police/non-security CSAs of the institution. Choose one alternative. * True * False
A student reports to her Resident Assistant that a dumpster is on fire in a parking lot that is immediately adjacent to and accessible from an On Campus Student Housing Facility. What is the institution required to do from a Fire Log perspective? Choose one alternative. * The fire should not be added to the Fire Log until it is investigated by the institutional official designated to make Arson determinations * The fire should be added to the Fire Log within two business days of the report of the fire to the Resident Assistant * The fire should not be added to the Fire Log because it did not occur in an On Campus Student Housing Facility * The fire should be added to the Fire Log since it occurred in a parking lot that is immediately adjacent to and accessible from an On Campus Student Housing Facility
The fire should not be added to the Fire Log because it did not occur in an On Campus Student Housing Facility
A student reports to campus police that an acquaintance raped her in her On Campus residence hall room earlier that evening. Three months later, the suspect is arrested for the rape. What are you required to do in reference to the Daily Crime Log? Choose one alternative. * Record the incident in the Daily Crime Log within two business days of the report and update the disposition within two days of the suspect’s arrest. * Record the incident in the Daily Crime Log within two business days of the suspect’s arrest. * Do not record the incident in the Daily Crime Log because the incident was an acquaintance rape, which is not a Clery reportable crime. * Record the incident in the Daily Crime Log within two business days of the report. No update to the disposition is required.
Record the incident in the Daily Crime Log within two business days of the report. No update to the disposition is required.
If a reported crime is entered on the Daily Crime Log and is subsequently unfounded within 60 days of the original entry, how should the institution reflect this update on the Log? Choose one alternative. * Add a new entry to the Daily Crime Log indicating that the agency has received an Unfounded report * Update the original entry’s disposition to reflect the unfounded status * Update the original entry’s nature (classification) of the crime to reflect the unfounded status * Delete the original entry and record a new entry in the Log based on the date the original crime report was unfounded
Update the original entry’s disposition to reflect the unfounded status
All of the following sources of crime reports must be added to the Daily Crime Log except which source? Choose one alternative. * Crimes reported directly to the campus police/security department * Crimes reported first to a local law enforcement agency, and subsequently to the campus police/security department by the local law enforcement agency * Crimes reported first to a non-police/non-security Campus Security Authority, and subsequently to the campus police/security department by the Campus Security Authority * Crimes reported uniquely to the Federal Bureau of Investigations. * Crimes reported to the campus police/security department by student or employee disciplinary officials, including the Title IX Coordinator/Deputy Coordinators
Crimes reported uniquely to the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
The Fire Log is not required to include which category below? Choose one alternative. * The Nature of the Fire * Disposition of the Fire * Date and Time of the Fire * Date the Fire was Reported * General Location of the Fire
Disposition of the Fire
The Daily Crime Log requires that crimes be recorded when they are reported to occur in which geographic area(s)? Choose one alternative. * On Campus, in or on Noncampus Buildings or Property, and on Public Property * Crimes involving students or employees must be added to the Log, regardless of where those crimes occur. * On Campus, in or on Noncampus Buildings or Property, on Public Property and within the patrol jurisdiction of the campus police or security department. * Only crimes occurring in the patrol jurisdiction of the campus police or security department should be recorded on the Log.
On Campus, in or on Noncampus Buildings or Property, on Public Property and within the patrol jurisdiction of the campus police or security department.
Identify the statement below that is not required to be disclosed as a matter of policy in the Annual Fire Safety Report? Choose one alternative. * The number of false fire alarms that lead to the evacuation of a student housing facility. * The policies regarding fire safety education and training programs provided to students and employees. * For purposes of including a fire in the statistics in the annual fire safety report, a list of the titles of each person or organization to which students and employees should report that a fire occurred. * A description of each on-campus student housing facility’s fire safety system.
The number of false fire alarms that lead to the evacuation of a student housing facility.
Identify which policy statement below is the least accurate statement pertaining to Missing Students. Choose one alternative. * If the student has designated a contact person, notifying that contact person within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing * Advise students that their contact information will be registered confidentially, and that this information will be accessible only to authorized campus officials, and that it may not be disclosed, except to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of a missing person investigation. * Advise students that if they are under 18 years of age and are emancipated, the institution must notify a custodial parent or guardian within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing. * Advise students that, the institution will notify the local law enforcement agency within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing, unless the local law enforcement agency was the entity that made the determination that a student is missing.
Advise students that if they are under 18 years of age and are emancipated, the institution must notify a custodial parent or guardian within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing.
Which of the following is not a policy statement requirement pertaining to Missing Students? Choose one alternative. * Require that any official missing student report must be referred immediately to the institution’s police or campus security department, or, in the absence of an institutional police or campus security department, to the local law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction in the area * If your institution uses a student’s emergency contact in lieu of providing students an option to register a missing person contact, a statement to that effect must be contained in the Annual Security Report * Indicate a list of titles of the persons or organizations to which students, employees, or other individuals should report that a student has been missing for 24 hours * Procedure must contain an option for each student living in an on-campus student housing facility to identify a contact person or persons whom the institution shall notify if the student is determined missing by the institutional police or campus security department, or the local law enforcement agency.
If your institution uses a student’s emergency contact in lieu of providing students an option to register a missing person contact, a statement to that effect must be contained in the Annual Security Report
When developing Missing Student notification procedures, institutions must follow what procedures as required by the Clery Act? Choose one alternative. * Initiate the notification procedures within 24 hours, if a student has been determined to be missing for 24 hours * Develop Missing Student notification procedures for all enrolled students * Develop Missing Student notification procedures for students who are residing off campus while attending study abroad programs * Initiate the notification procedures within 24 hours, only after the student has been missing for a full 24-hour period
Initiate the notification procedures within 24 hours, if a student has been determined to be missing for 24 hours
Identify the statement below that is the least accurate example of a required policy statement that must be contained in the Annual Fire Safety Report. Choose one alternative. * The institution’s procedures for student housing evacuation in case of a fire * The number of fire drills held during the previous calendar year * The institution’s policies or rules regarding portable electrical appliances, smoking and open flames * A statement that describes the plans for previous improvements in fire safety that must be completed to be in compliance with the Clery Act.
A statement that describes the plans for previous improvements in fire safety that must be completed to be in compliance with the Clery Act.
Which of the following components is not required when presenting fire statistics in a compliant manner? Choose one alternative. * Identify each facility by name and street address * Identify the number of fire officials that responded to the scene * Include the number of fires and the causes of each fire * Include the number of deaths related to a fire
Identify the number of fire officials that responded to the scene
Which of the following concepts is NOT a description of the definition of a “fire? Choose one alternative. * Any instance of open flame or other burning in a place not intended to contain the burning * Any willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle or aircraft or personal property of another. * Any instance of open flame or other burning in an uncontrolled manner
Any willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle or aircraft or personal property of another.
Which of the following concepts is not a requirement for collecting confidential missing person contact information from students? Choose one alternative. * The contact person must be associated with the institution * Institutions must offer the option annually for residential students to provide a confidential missing person contact * If any students move into on-campus student housing mid-year, they must be given the option to identify a contact person * The Clery Act requires that the missing person contact information remains accessible only to authorized campus officials
The contact person must be associated with the institution
Which of the following policy statements is not required to be addressed in the Annual Security Report pertaining to publicizing the procedures to test emergency response and evacuation procedures on an annual basis? Choose one alternative. * Tests may be announced or unannounced * Publicizing the institution’s complete emergency response and evacuations procedures * Publicizing institutional emergency response and evacuation procedures in conjunction with at least one test per calendar year * Documenting, for each test, a description of the exercise, the date, time, and whether it was announced or unannounced
Publicizing the institution’s complete emergency response and evacuations procedures
Which of the following components of a test, in relation to an institution’s Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures, is NOT required as part of a compliant test? Choose one alternative. * Regularly Scheduled Drills * Regularly Scheduled Exercises * Mandatory participation of Local Law Enforcement * Appropriate Follow-Through Activities (that assess and evaluate the emergency plans and capabilities)
Mandatory participation of Local Law Enforcement