Classifying Crimes Flashcards
While engaging in consensual horseplay, two roommates were wrestling when one of the men fell backwards and was impaled through the chest with a wooden stake. This injury resulted in his death. What is the correct classification for this incident?
Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter
Manslaughter by Negligence
Simple Assault
Aggravated Assault
Manslaughter by Negligence
Which of the following items is NOT typically required on a compliant audit trail as requested by the Department of Education?
Name of the victim
Location of the offense
Clery Geography category
Date of offense
Name of the victim
Which of the following does not constitute an Aggravated Assault(s)?
A student was punched and sustained a broken nose
A subject pointed a knife at 2 people and threatened to stab them
A campus police officer was punched by a subject and sustained a bruise
A male reported that his roommate choked him and he could not breathe
A campus police officer was punched by a subject and sustained a bruise
A male and female are engaging in consensual dialogue using social media. However, the male begins to send the female threatening messages and she tells him to stop communicating with her. On the following day, he sent her 4 more messages with threatening content. The female received all of the messages while on campus at the library. What is the correct classification?
Dating Violence
Domestic Violence
Not Clery reportable and should not be included in Annual Security Report statistics
A student reports that her roommate was having what appeared to be consensual sex with her brother, who was visiting from out of town. She walked into her room and discovered the two engaging in intercourse. She reported the incident to her Resident Advisor. What is the correct classification for this incident?
Not Clery Reportable
Statutory Rape
Two unknown males approach 3 female students who are walking across campus. They grab the women and pull them to the ground while they are kicking and punching them. All of the women sustain serious or aggravated injuries during the attack. One of the men demands that the women turn over their book bags to them. The women begin to comply when suddenly, the men hear a noise nearby and flee the scene without the book bags. What is the correct classification and statistical count for this incident?
Count the incident as 1 Robbery
Count the incident as 3 Aggravated Assaults
Count the incident as 3 Robberies
Count the incident as 3 Aggravated Assaults and 1 Robbery
Count the incident as 1 Robbery
Which of the classifications most accurately apply to the following scenario? A male student reported that his ex-boyfriend entered his residence hall room and, without his consent, touched his genitals while making a sexual advance towards him. What is the correct classification and statistical count for this incident?
One count each of Fondling and Dating Violence
One count each of Rape and Dating Violence
One count each of Rape and Stalking
One count of Rape
One count each of Fondling and Dating Violence
Which of the following elements does NOT support unfounding a Clery crime report?
The prosecutor declines prosecution due to lack of evidence
An investigation conducted by sworn or commissioned law enforcement personnel concluded the report was false
The crime did not occur and was never attempted
An investigation conducted by sworn or commissioned law enforcement personnel concluded the report was baseless
The prosecutor declines prosecution due to lack of evidence
Which of the following is NOT an example of crime being “reported” for the purposes of the Clery Act?
A resident advisor receives a report of a sexual assault directly from a resident student
A campus police officer observes a robbery occur on a public street
A coach learns about the Burglary of one of her player’s residence hall room because the player emailed her
A student organization advisor overheard two students talking about a Rape while they were eating in the student union
A student organization advisor overheard two students talking about a Rape while they were eating in the student union
A disgruntled female professor enters a campus building and opens fire in an office space. She shoots and kills 5 individuals and seriously wounds 6 others. What is the correct classification and statistical count for this incident?
5 Murder & Nonnegligent Manslaughters and 6 Aggravated Assaults
5 Murder & Nonnegligent Manslaughters
6 Aggravated Assaults
5 Manslaughters by Negligence
5 Murder & Nonnegligent Manslaughters
John and Bill are at a party on campus and witness the 14-year-old sister of an athlete having sex with a grad student who is 25 years old. The 14-year-old seems to be a willful participant in the sexual activity and there does not appear to be any force involved. The age of consent is 16 in the state in which this institution is located. They report the incident to Campus Police. What is the correct classification for this incident?
Statutory Rape
Statutory Rape
A male and female meet online and start an online dating relationship. The male tells the female that she must delete all of the male contacts in her cell phone. If she does not comply, he told her that he will come to campus and physically harm her. She reports the incident to Campus Safety. What is the correct classification?
Dating Violence
Simple Assault
Dating Violence
All of the following statements are true pertaining to requesting statistics from local law enforcement agencies EXCEPT which of the following:
Requests for statistics should be made only verbally
The institution is permitted to rely on information provided to them by the local/state police department
The institution is not responsible if the information is not provided or is inaccurate
Institutions must collect statistics from ALL local law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction on or within the institution’s Clery Geography
Requests for statistics should be made only verbally
An unknown individual removed a golf cart from the Facilities Management parking lot on campus after normal business hours. The golf cart was found abandoned in another area of the campus the next morning. This incident should be classified as:
Vehicle Theft-Recovery
Motor Vehicle Theft
Theft from Motor Vehicle
No Theft Occurred-Joyriding
Motor Vehicle Theft
A student intentionally ignited a fire in a trash can in his residence hall room, and as a result, four rooms were damaged. The fire was investigated by the institutional official responsible for making such determinations. What is the correct classification and statistical count for this incident?5
4 Counts of Arson
1 Count of Arson
Suspicious Fire-not arson
None of the above
1 Count of Arson
Three female students report to campus police that they were each raped by five male students. The rapes occurred at an off-campus house owned by a fraternity that is officially recognized by the institution. Campus police send a copy of the report to the student conduct office for review. The student conduct office charges all five male students for each of the rapes. What is the correct classification and statistical count for this incident?5
5 Rapes in the noncampus location
15 Rapes in the noncampus location
3 Rapes in the noncampus location
Not Clery reportable and should not be included in Annual Security Report statistics
3 Rapes in the noncampus location
An unknown person carves the word FAG into the door of the Gay and Lesbian Student group office in the student union on campus. Camera footage provides a lead in an investigation and the final result of the investigation indicates that the perpetrator is gay and was trying to bring attention to hate crimes against gay students on campus. How should the incident be classified?5
Count the incident as intimidation, motivated by a bias.
Count the incident as vandalism, motivated by a bias
Do not count this incident as a hate crime.
Count this incident as intimidation and vandalism, motivated by a bias
Do not count this incident as a hate crime.
An unknown male subject entered 3 locked faculty offices in a classroom building located in the center of campus after normal business hours when the facility was closed and stole a laptop from each office. What is the correct classification and statistical count for this incident?
3 Burglaries
1 Burglary
3 Larcenies
1 Larceny
1 Burglary
During a heated argument, a husband shoves his wife in front of the library causing her to fall to the ground. She scrapes her hand and knee during the fall. What is the correct classification and statistical count for this incident?
One count of Aggravated Assault
One count of Aggravated Assault & Dating Violence
One count of Domestic Violence
One count of Aggravated Assault & Domestic Violence
One count of Domestic Violence
Which of the following crime categories is ALWAYS reported along with the other most serious offense (if there is another Clery-reportable offense that occurs within the same incident)?0
Domestic Violence
Aggravated Assault
Sex Offense
Domestic Violence