Criminal Offenses Flashcards
A male student reported a Stalking course of conduct to Campus Police during the spring semester. During the investigation, Campus Police established that the first incident in the Stalking course of conduct to occur on Clery Act geography took place on public property. When the student returned to campus for the fall semester, the Stalking continued when the perpetrator repeatedly waited for the victim in the hallway outside the victim’s dorm room in an on-campus student housing facility. How is this included in statistics?
Since the spring and fall Stalking incidents involved the same victim and the same perpetrator, the fall incidents should be considered a continuation of the Stalking course of conduct that started in the spring. Include this as one Stalking incident on public property.
A male student reports that his ex-girlfriend has been sending him harassing text messages. The ex-girlfriend attends another university 200 miles away. While at home over summer break, the ex-girlfriend showed up at the student’s house every day asking if he has a new girlfriend at school. Now that he has returned to school, she sends him daily text messages threatening to “check-in” on him on-campus. The ex-girlfriend sends these text messages late at night and the victim receives them when he is inside his on-campus dorm room. How is this included in statistics?
Include one incident of Stalking in both the on-campus category and in the on-campus student housing facility category if the male student fears for his safety as a result of this behavior.
A female student reported that she is afraid for her safety because her ex-boyfriend has been sending harassing emails to her private email account over the past several weeks. She opened the first five emails in her off-campus apartment. However, earlier that day she opened another email on her mobile phone while walking on campus. She came directly to the Campus Police to report the behavior. The location of the ex-boyfriend when he was sending the harassing messages is unknown. How is this included in statistics?
Include this as one on-campus Stalking because the first incident in the course of conduct to occur on Clery Act geography was the victim reading the email on-campus.
Several students belonging to the university association of Hispanic students have reported being watched or followed by the same unknown man on various parts of campus. All of the students reported fearing for their safety as a result of his behavior but none of the students saw the man more than once. How is this included in statistics?
Do not include this as Stalking in your Clery Act statistics because, given that the man has never approached the same student more than once, the course of conduct was not directed at a single individual.
A female student reports that she is being followed by a man she met at her job at a café off-campus. He began showing up at the café and would not leave her alone. Since then she has also noticed him following her around campus and she fears for her safety. How is this included in statistics?
Include this as one incident of Stalking on-campus since the first occurrence on Clery Act geography occurred when the victim noticed the perpetrator following her on-campus.
A father argues with his son at a football game in the on-campus stadium. He eventually hits his son, breaking his jaw. How is this included in statistics?
Include this as one on-campus incident of Domestic Violence and one Aggravated Assault.
An employee reports to the campus police that her ex-husband has physically assaulted her four times. All four assaults occurred at the employee’s private residence; however, he has also recently showed up in the noncampus parking lot outside her office and threatened to hurt her. How is this included in statistics?
Include one noncampus Domestic Violence incident for the Intimidation that occurred in the noncampus parking lot. Do not include the Aggravated Assaults in your Clery Act statistics because they did not occur on Clery Act geography. Do not include the Intimidation as a Hate Crime in your Clery Act statistics because there was no evidence that it was motivated by bias. Also include one incident of noncampus Stalking
A neighbor reports yelling in the apartment next door in a university housing complex. The officer who arrives at the apartment finds a husband and wife having an argument. Neither party reports any physical injuries and neither party reports being intimidated. How is this included in statistics?
Do not include this incident in your Clery Act statistics.
A student’s wife is waiting for her husband outside of his on-campus classroom building. She attacks her husband with a knife when he exits the building. How is this included in statistics?
Include this as one on-campus incident of Domestic Violence and one on-campus Aggravated Assault.
A dating couple is arguing on a public sidewalk in front of a campus building. The male slaps the female and her face is red. How is this included in statistics?
Include this as one public property incident of Dating Violence.
After a party on campus, John walked back to his apartment in a noncampus housing complex with Matt, whom he has hooked up with a few times over the past month. When they reached John’s apartment, it became clear that Matt was angry that John had been talking with other men at the party, causing Matt to punch two holes in the wall and threaten to beat John if he sees him flirting with any other men on campus. John now fears for his safety around Matt. How is this included in statistics?
Include one incident of noncampus Dating Violence for the threat of physical abuse.
A female student reports that her boyfriend forced her into nonconsensual sex in her on-campus dorm room. How is this included in statistics?
Include one Rape in both the on-campus category and the on-campus student housing facility category, and one incident of Dating Violence in both the on-campus category and the on-campus student housing facility category.
A female student cuts her ex-boyfriend with a knife during an altercation in an on-campus dining hall. How to count this incident?
Include this as one incident of on-campus Dating Violence and one on-campus Aggravated Assault.
For a fraternity prank, two students forcibly bring a developmentally disabled student back to their house on campus. They shave the student’s head, spelling out the word “retard” in his remaining hair. They record the incident on their cell phones and post it on the fraternity website, all the while mocking his disability and his slurred-speech protests. Is this included in your statistics?
Include this as one on-campus Simple Assault characterized by Disability bias.
A transgender women was leaving the campus bookstore when three men walking toward her said, “Hey, what’s your problem? Huh?” She kept walking, trying to ignore them. However, as they got close, one yelled “We don’t want no she-males around here!” and a second one knocked her to the ground. Is this included in your statistics?
Include this as one on-campus Simple Assault characterized by Gender Identity bias.
A white student ran by another student in front of the Student Union, shoved him to the ground, and forcibly pulled his Dastaar (Sikh Turban) and said, “Take that thing off your head—we don’t want your kind in this neighborhood!” In the process of the attack, the Sikh student suffered a concussion. When campus police responded to the scene, a witness to the attack identified the perpetrator as a part-time clerk at a local convenience store near a predominately Sikh community. Is this included in your statistics?
Include this as one on-campus Aggravated Assault characterized by religious bias.
Two students are walking on campus, speaking Spanish. Five other white students surround them, shove them and throw them to the ground, shouting “You’re in America. This is our country. We speak English here! Go back to your own country if you don’t like it!” Is this included in your statistics?
Include this as two on-campus Simple Assaults characterized by National Origin.
The office of the Arab-American Student Center on the third floor of the campus student union contains both Arabic and English writing on the outside of the door. One night the office is vandalized, with anti-Arab threats and disparaging anti-Arab messages. Is this included in your statistics?
Include this as one on-campus Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property incident characterized by Ethnicity bias.