The aims, roles and impacts of the EU Flashcards
Define pooling sovereignty
The member states delegate some of their decision making powers to shared institutions they have created - so decisions can be made democratically at European level
Before leaving the EU the UK was commonly described as Europe’s _________ __________
‘awkward partner’
Why was the UK described as Europe’s ‘awkward partner’
On a range of issues they were unenthusiastic about further integration
The purpose of France & Germany pooling their production of coal & steel under the ____ in 1950 was….
Was the preservation of peace
What is the aim of pooled sovereignty
To ensure democratic solutions on specific matters of joint interest at a EU level
What is evidence for the EU’s aim being enlargement
The 1992 Maastricht treaty which suggests peace, prosperity and liberal democracy
What does the 1992 Maastricht treaty mean
Means that there is a common citizenship between the EU
What are three examples of the treaties that deepened the relationship between member states
The Maastricht treaty
1985 Schengen Agreement
What did the 1985 Schengen Agreement create
The Schengen area - internal border checks have largely been abolished
Creating a customs union where the countries do not exact tariffs on others
What are the 4 freedoms
Free movement of goods
Free movement of services
Free movement of capital
Free movement of people
When did the UK join the EU
In 1973 after 7 yrs of attempting and failing to join
Why might the EU not readily have accepted Britain as a member because ….
- The UK was invited to join in 1957 & dismissed the invitation
- Lack of commitment to the EEC’s political objectives
- The UK’s special relationship with the USA
Why is the EU committed to integration & expansion
In order to preserve the peace & further prosperity
How has membership with the EU impacted the UK
Has had a profound impact on our system of govt, our economy & other aspects of national life
What treaty is evidence for integration
1985 Schengen Agreement
what treaty is evidence for expansion
1992 Maastricht treaty
what are the 6 aims of the EU
Economic integration (four freedoms)
Monetary union (euro)
Social unity
Protection of human rights
Political union
Common foreign & defence policy
What is evidence for economic integration
- 1986 - single European act - created single European market (no tariffs on goods) - based on the 4 freedoms
- led to abolition of custom controls & recognition of common product standards
- HOWEVER single market has not been created for services e.g. energy & phones
- 1985 Schengen Agreement allowed free movement of EU citizens
- temporary restrictions on free movement following the migrant crisis of 2015
Give examples of the EU achieving their aim of monetary union
1999 - Euro introduced as a currency and issues as notes and coins from 2002
2014 - 19 states adopted the Euro as their currency - Britain & Denmark opted out
2007 to 8 - Eurozone crisis in souther Europe : Greece , Spain, Portugal and Ireland all required bailouts from EU funds in return for adopting tougher budgetary rules (2012 fiscal compact treaty)
What is the purpose of social unity (EU aim)
1980’s onwards the EU has ensured workers do not suffer disadvantages & discrimination - advances in workers’ rights has varied from one state to another e.g. maternity , min wage etc
- aim 2 = create a ‘level playing field’ for businesses - to stop them from moving factories to a different country to find cheap labour with few workers rights
What is an example of the EU’s aim being the protection of human rights
The charter of fundamental rights of the EU - addresses HR’s connected with EU law - became legally binding on all member states after Lisbon treaty was ratified in 2009
Expand on the aim of political union between the member states
No single EU institution corresponding to exec or legislative of a typical nation state INSTEAD a perpetual state of balance between intergovt + supernational institutions
What happens in intergovernmental EU institution’s
Member states work towards common goals & protect their interests through cooperation
What happens in supernational institution’s
Decision making is transferred by a higher body which operates independently of nation states
Give evidence of the EU’s aim being common foreign & defence policy
- The Maastricht treaty committed the EU to a common foreign & defence policy furthered by the Lisbon treaty by providing the EU with a legal identity - to negotiate on equal terms with nation states
- LT also established a president of the EU council and a high commissioner for foreign affairs and security policy - both represent the EU internationally
What two positions did the Lisbon treaty establish
- established a president of the EU council and a high commissioner for foreign affairs and security policy - both represent the EU internationally
What are some threats to the EU
- The eurozone crisis
- The migrant crisis
- The current geopolitical climate : an increasingly assertive China, Russian aggression towards China, war & terror & anarchy in the Middle East and Africa
- the rise of nationalism across Europe first Brexit now Frexit??
What institution is the executive within the EU
The European Commission
What institution is the legislative within the EU
European Parliament
What institution is the judiciary within the EU
European court of justice
What are the two main roles of the EU in policy making
Negotiating treaties
Passing directives and regulations
Expand on the role negotiating treaties of the EU in policy making
- key institution in negotiating a new treaty is the EU council - heads of govt who make up council have authority to commit their countries to deals made with each other
- The EU parliament votes on the treaty
- It is then ratified by each member state
What are directives
Directives set out a goal that all EU member states must work towards by passing laws in their own parliaments
What are regulations
Are binding on all member states and immediately enforceable
When was the EU social charter introduced
When was the EU social charter revised
When did the revised EU social charter come into force
What did the social charter set out
- Human rights & freedoms
- Establishes a supervisory mechanism guaranteeing their respects by the state parties
Why was the social charter established
To support EU convention on human rights & to broaden the scope of protected fundamental rights to include:
- social & economic rights
- guarantees positive rights & freedoms
When did Britain sign up to the social charter
1997 under Blair
When was the common fisheries policy first introduced
In the 1970’s
When was the most recent successive update to the CFP
Jan 2014
What was the common fisheries policy
A set of rules for managing EU fishing fleets & for conserving fish stocks
What is the CFP designed to do
Manage a common resource by regulating the amount of deep sea fish that could be caught with a system of quota’s
What rights does the CFP give to EU fishing fleets
Gives all EU fishing fleets equal access EU waters & fishing grounds - allows fishermen to compete in the industry fairly
Why has the CFP been criticised
It was argued that the policy allowed large fishing fleets from other countries to drive small UK trawler operators out of business
What case did the CFP lead to
The factortame case of 1990
When was the factortame case
What did the factortame case establish
The primacy of EU law over an act of parliament
What happened in the factortame case of 1990
- a Spanish fishing company sued the UK govt for restricting it’s access to UK waters (given by the CFP)
- the law lords (highest UK court at time) followed the EU court of justice in ruling that the 1988 merchant shipping act violated EU law - therefore couldn’t be allowed to stand
What are the advantages of membership of the EU for the UK
- provided UK with duty free access to the world’s second largest economy - tariff’s reduce trade, exports benefit from selling cheaply abroad - in 2016 43% of UK trade was with the EU and worth £241 billion
- economy has benefited from EU immigration - come to UK join workforce so contribute to state - in 2013 to 14 non British EU citizens living in UK paid £14.7 bill in tax & NI but claimed just £2.6 bil in tax credits & child benefits
- over 3 mil British jobs rely on trade with EU - the confederation of British industry estimated that net benefit to UK economy of EU membership was worth between 4% & 5% of the GDP
- due to 4 freedoms - British entrepreneurs can set up business anywhere they want, students can study freely i& elderly can retire anywhere & still receive British pension - in 2017 1.3mil Brit citizens living in other EU countries
- since 1987 the EU’S Erasmus programme has encouraged educational exchanges across the EU - up to 200,000 Brit students taken advantage of this
In 2016 __% of British trade was with the EU and worth £___ billion
£241 billion