The Aging Adult Flashcards
Organisms wear out from increased metabolic functioning
Genetic Theory
Immunosenescense is age related decreased in immune system
function, may be related to nutrition
Immunity Theory
Chemical reactions causing DNA damage and cell death, cross links lead to abnormal cell function
Cross-Linkage Theory
High energy electrons causing irreversible damage
Free Radical Theory
prejudice or discrimination on the basis of a person’s age.
the branch of medicine or social science dealing with the health and care of old people.
the scientific study of old age, the process of aging, and the particular problems of old people.
nursing care for elderly patients with a focus not only on illness, but on overall health and wellness
Gerontological Nursing
By 2050, old-old to increase from 5.3 million to…
21 million
BY 2050, older population will ________ ages 0-14.
60-74 y/o
75-84 y/o
85+ y/o
Threshold of the “mass geriatric society”
People are living longer, more old people than ever before
Life expectancy as of 2004…
77.8 y/o
by 2030, the population of older Americans is estimated to be about…
71.5 million (20% of population)
Annual Exam
- Physical exam every 3 years to the age of 40 and every year after - Fecal occult blood test (stool ob) - Oral cancer screening - Eye exam with the test for glaucoma - Clinical exam
A self-skin exam should be done ________.
A self-breast exam should be done ________ .
After the age of 40, mammograms should be done….
every year
Pelvic exam and PAP smear should be done every ________ years.
3 years
Over ________, 3 normal PAP’s, can check with provider for frequency.
Total Hysterectomy does not need ________.
cervical cancer screening.
Testicular self exam should be done…
Digital rectal exam (DRE) and prostate-specific antigen
(PSA) _________ for men 50 and older
Colonoscopy every ____ - ____ years depending on size of polyps.
Post menopausal women, family history of hip fracture (fx),fracture after the age of 50, tall height at the age of 25 should have….
Bone Density Scan
Tetanus, diptheria (Td) booster every ____ years.
Pneumovax (PPV) given ________ when medically indicated, if 65 years
or older, of the first dose was given at age 60.
Zostavax at age ______ or older.
Zostavax is given for…
shingles ( whether or not they have had chicken pox, still given.)
Gradual, individualized changes with physical and
psychosocial wellbeing
Physiological Middle Adult (45-60)
Successful self-image and self-concept
Physiological Middle Adult (45-60)
Women undergo menopause
Physiological Middle Adult (45-60)
Men undergo andropause
Physiological Middle Adult (45-60)
Cognition + intellect are minimally impacted may be slower)
Physiological Middle Adult (45-60)
Career change and return to school to obtain new
knowledge and skills
Psychosocial Middle Adult
Spousal relationship may include greater stability and
security or disenchantment due to changes in physical
appearance, energy, sexual needs, and abilities
Psychosocial Middle Adult
decrease in testosterone production.
Widowhood is a major crisis and role change may impact self-concept
Psychosocial Middle Adult
Generation Sandwich
Stuck between caring for kids and caring for parents.
Empty Nest Syndrome
When kids leave home, may be good or bad.
Impacted by aging or death of parent
Psychosocial Middle Adult
Moral development remains at the conventional level or
moves to post conventional (self-reflection, am I meeting my goals, am I doing the best for individuals in my life)
Psychosocial Middle Adult
Spiritual development is less rigid, increased faith, trust in spiritual strength
Psychosocial Middle Adult
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Starting to reflect back on past, are we meeting goals we wanted to meet?, If we have not met goals, we have stagnation (focused on self, stuck in this developmental stage)
Physical and emotional problems associated with lifestyle, developmental, or situational crises, family history, and environment
If I get divorced, if I get laid off, if I get a disease.
_________ recovery time from acute or chronic ilnesses
Leading causes of death in middle aged adult
Cancer, car crash, poisoning, falls, disease (diabetes, hypertension, obesity)
Nutritional needs for middle aged adult
high fiber, decrease in caloric intake if less energy is used.
Health recommendations for middle adult (My Plate)
- reduce calories
- Low fat
- Low cholesterol
- High fruits and vegetables
- High fiber
- Sodium and sugar in moderation
How much activity is recommended for middle age adult?
30-60 minutes
As the nurse of a middle aged adult, we should teach the dangers of…
substance abuse, smoking, and alcohol consumption
Overall decline in function and efficiency
Physiologic Older Adult
Integrated activity systems most affected
Physiologic Older Adult
Self perception of health in an older adult…
- With or Without Disease
- 80% have at least one illness
- 60% have two or more illnesses
A physiologic older adult will remain…
self-reliant, will learn to “make-do”
In the physiologic older adult, sense of _______ and __________ over self and environment is especially important.
control + independence
General status of Physiologic Older Adult…
become fragile, harder to maintain homeostasis, harder to adapt to changes.
Integument of Physiologic Older Adult…
Skin become thinner, decreases elasticity (turgor), dry, scaly, wrinkles. Balding, hair pigmentation changes. Nails become brittle and thicker, discoloration.
Musculoskeletal of Physiologic Older Adult…
Decrease muscle mass/tone/strength. May have Kyphosis (spinal changes). Increased difficulty for thermoregualtion.
Neurologic of Physiologic Older Adult…
Problems with reflexes, slower CNS functioning (esp with multisensory information, do small simple sessions). Cognitive changes, balance, memory.
Special senses of Physiologic Older Adult…
Changes in taste and smell; decreases appetite; increased salt intake (raises to water retention, sodium imbalance, hypertension). May need hearing aids, glasses.
Cardiopulmonary of Physiologic Older Adult…
Blood vessels become less elastic; less return, activity intolerance.
Gastrointestinal of Physiologic Older Adult…
Decreases peristalsis; constipation–reduction in fluid/food intake. Decreased appetite + decreased gastric acid; malnutrition. May become anemic due to low iron absorption
Genitourinary of Physiologic Older Adult
Increased urination, especially at night. Decreased urine concentration.
Does not change appreciably in Older adult
Cognitive ability
May take longer to respond and react to stimuli or situations
Cognitive ability
Relatively stable throughout the adult life
Psychosocial self-concept
Disengagement Theory
aging is an inevitable, mutual withdrawal or disengagement, resulting in decreased interaction between the aging person and others in the social system he belongs to
Ego integrity versus despair and disgust
Major tasks are maintenance of social contracts and
Older adults have completed their moral development and
most are at the conventional level
Spirituality in Older Adult
- Adult may be at earlier level
- Individual reflection
Demonstrate conjunctive faith and trust in a greater
Older Adult
Self-transcendence is a characteristic of later life
Older Adult
Chronic illness may limit activities in almost _______ of older adults.
Meeting expenses of healthcare is often difficult for the older adult due to…
Medication costs, Hospitalizations, Special Equipment + Supplies
Downward spiral and decline in an older frail adult
triggered by a medical or nursing intervention that causes a sequence of adverse events
Cascade Iatrogenesis
Assessment of The Aging Adult
Sleep Disorder
Problems with eating or feeding
Evidence of Falls
Skin Breakdown
______ adults have the largest use of medications
Many medications
the branch of pharmacology concerned with the movement of drugs within the body.
the branch of pharmacology concerned with the effects of drugs and the mechanism of their action
Nursing Care Goals for older adult
- Promote independence
- Support the individual’s strengths
- Prevent complications of illness
- Secure a safe and comfortable environment
- Promote return to health