The 5 senses Flashcards
Eye: What is the stimulus?
Eye: What is the receiver?
Eye: What is the transformer?
Eye: What is the conductor?
Optic Nerve.
Eye: What is the analyzer?
Eye: What is the cornea?
The transparent part that bulges in front of the iris and pupil and is the continuity of the sclera.
Eye: What is the aqueous humour?
A transparent jelly in between the cornea and the iris.
Eye: What is the iris?
The coloured part of the eye.
Eye: What does the iris do?
It adjusts the amount of light going on the retina.
Eye: What is the pupil?
The hole in the eye.
Eye: What is the lens?
A convex shaped thing that contracts and extends depending on the distance of the object to focus on it.
Eye: What does the lens do?
It flips the light and focuses it on the retina.
Eye: What is the vitreous humour?
A transparent jelly in between the lens and the retina.
Eye: What is the retina?
Its where the light/image focuses on.
Eye: What light sensitive highly specialized cells are on the retina?
Rods and cones.
Eye: What do rods and cones do?
They transform light and images into nerve impulses.
Eye: What is the choroid?
Its the continued part of the iris.
Eye: What is the choroid made up of?
Blood vessels that supply nutrients and oxygen to the eye.
Eye: What is the sclera?
The white tough surface of the eye except the cornea.
Eye: What is the optic nerve?
A wire like thing that sends the nerve impulses to the brain.
Eye: Where is the blind spot?
Its where the optic nerve begins.
Eye: Where is the fovea?
The back and center of the retina.
Eye: What is refraction?
It’s when light travels at different speeds through different media.
Eye: How do we see?
The image/light gets flipped onto the retina when it goes through the lens, then gets flipped back upright by our brain.
Eye: Whats the scientific term for nearsightedness?
Eye: Whats the scientific term for farsightedness?
Eye: Myopia: The light focuses too near so the image is formed where?
In front of the retina.
Eye: Myopia: Why is the image in front of the retina? (Name 3 things)
The eyeball is too long, the lens is too thick, or strong ciliary muscles.
Eye: How can you correct the vision of a myopic person?
A concave lens.
Eye: Hyperopia: The light focuses too far so the image is formed where?
Behind the retina.
Eye: Hyperopia: Why is the image behind the retina? (Name 3 things)
The eyeball is too short, the lens is too thin, or weak ciliary muscles.
Eye: How can you correct the vision of a farsighted person?
A convex lens.
Eye: What is presbyopia?
The same as hyperopia except its due to aging.
Eye: What happens with presbyopia?
The lens loses its elasticity and cant bend the light as much therefore it focuses beyond the retina.
Ear: Whats the stimulus?
Sound waves.
Ear: Whats the receiver?
Ear: Whats the transformer?
The cochlea.
Ear: Whats the conductor?
Auditory nerve.
Ear: Whats the analyzer?
Ear: Whats the auricle and what does it do?
The outside part that we see and it captures the sound and directs it to the ear drum.
Ear: What is the auditory canal and what do the glands produce?
The tube in your ear leading to the ear drum and it secretes cereumen, (ear wax).
Ear: The auditory canal is lined with what to trap impurities?
Ear: What is an ear drum and what does it do?
It’s a thin membrane that vibrates the ossicles.
Ear: Ear drums are very sensitive to what?
Pressure change.
Ear: What are ossicles?
The 3 little bones/the smallest bones in t`he body.
Ear: Name the 3 ossicles.
Ear: How do the ossicles work together?
They vibrate together and make a domino effect to amplify the sound.
Ear: What is the cochlea?
It’s a tube that coils around itself and that is specialized with hair cells.
Ear: What does the cochlea DO?
It turns it into nerve impulses/electricity.
Ear: What helps you maintain your balance?
Semi-circular canals,(there are 3).
Ear: Where is the auditory nerve connected to? (Name 2 things).
To the cochlea and the semi-circular canals.
Ear: What does the auditory nerve do?
It sends the nerve impulses to the brain.
Ear: What does the cochlea contain?
Nerve endings essential for hearing.
Ear: What does the eustachian tube do?
It equalizes pressure on either side of the ear drum.
Touch: What is the largest organ of the body?
Touch: How many layers is skin made of?
Touch: The outer layer of the skin is called what?
Touch: What bis the epidermis made of?
Epithelial tissues.
Touch: The epidermis contains 2 types of cells, name them.
Keratin and melanin.
Touch: What is keratin?
A protein that makes the skin waterproof.
Touch: What is melanin?
A brown pigment that colours the skin.
Touch: The inner layer is called what?
Touch: What cools the body and where does it exert the body?
Sweat glands through pores.
Touch: Where does hair grow? (pockets)
Hair follicles.
Touch: What are connected to the hair follicles and what do they do?
Oil glands that keep the skin and hair soft.
Taste: How often do taste buds grow back?
Every 4 days.
Taste: The organ we use to taste is called what?
Taste: What are the receptors on the tongue?
Taste buds.
Taste: To taste something what do we need?
Taste: What are the openings in the taste buds?
Taste pores.
Taste: What two senses are linked in this case?
Smell and taste.
Taste: How does smell aid in tasting things?
Air enters from the nose and goes into the back of the throat so we taste a strong odor that we breathe in.
Smell: The nose is made up of what 2 things?
Smell: What are two openings that air is inhale and exhaled in?
Smell: Why are the nasal passages curved?
So that air flows and changes directions.
Smell: _____ ______ are invisible particles given off by smelly things.
Scent molecules.
Smell: As you breathe in, some of these molecules enter the nose and reach the _____ _____.
Receptors cells.
Smell: Electrical impulses are sent to the brain from what nerve?
Olfactory nerve.
Smell: Where do the scent messages register as smell?
The olfactory bulb.
Smell: We have different receptors for _______ ______.
Different gases.